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GROUP MEMBERS Manaois, Nicole Faith B.
Cenon, Chariz Izabelle
A. Homo, Airha Mhae B.

Manuel, Joy Stephanie F. Tayaban, Karl Lennon B.

Querido, Gerlian Kyle F.

Valencia, Shaina Reign

Tucay, Julie Marie J. R.
Table of Contents.


a. Family Structure and Characteristics b.

Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristics c.

Family Dynamics d. Home and

Environment e. Health Status of Each

Family Members f. Values and Practices on


Health Promotion and Maintenance and Illness Prevention

I. Criteria in Identifying the Problem
II. List of Problems Ranked According to Priority
III. Subjective Cues/ Data and Nursing Problem
IV. Family Nursing Care Plan
V. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
VI. Appendices
A. Family Structure and Characteristics
Member of Relationship Civil status Age Sex
the to the head of
household the family

Mr. JP Husband Married 59 years old Male

Mrs. RP Wife Married 60 years old Female

Ms. PP Daughter Single 14 years old Female

B. Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristics
Members of the Occupation Place of work Monthly Income Who makes
Household decision about

Mr. JP Unemployed

Mrs. RP Vendor Varies - Less than 10,000 Mrs. RP is in

Bayombong charge of
Supermarket or decisions about
Capitol family
Ms. PP Student Bonfal National
High School

Cultural Characteristics

The family is Ilocano in ethnicity. Is Catholic in religion and they go to church from
time to time.
C. Family Dynamics
Members of the Place of Residence Family Structure Dominant in Dynamics
Household Decision Making

Mr. JP Purok 7 Bonfal West,

Bayombong, Nueva

Mrs. RP Purok 7 Bonfal West, Nuclear Family Mrs. RP There are no

Bayombong, Nueva observable conflicts
Vizcaya between the family
Ms. PP Purok 7 Bonfal West,
Bayombong, Nueva
D. Home and
Home and environment Description

Housing • Located at the end of the barangay.

• Surrounded by rice fields.
• Made of wood and recycled roofs.
• It has a living room, a comfort room, 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, and a pig pen for 3
Adequacy of living space • One storey house, 5x5.

Sleeping Arrangements • The house has 2 separate bedrooms, the husband and wife sleep in the same
room while their daughter has her own room.

Presence of breeding site of vectors of • Plants

diseases • 2 dogs
• 3 pigs

Presence of accident hazards • Sharp rocks that are scattered on the ground
• Fall hazards due to their fragile housing and due to trees surrounding their
Food storage and cooking facilities • They store their foods in a caserole and in a storage cabinet.
• They use a gas stove for cooking.

Water supply • They get their drinking water in a water station.

• Their water for everyday use is from an artesian well.

Toilet facility • Low-level toilet bowl where they use a pail and a dipper to flush their wastes.

Garbage disposal • They segregate their garbage and it is collected weekly by the municipality’s garbage collector.

Drainage system • Septic tank.

Kind of Neighborhood • Quiet.

• The houses are distant from each other.
• They used to have enemies but fortunately, they are gone now.
Social and Health facilities • Barangay Health Center that is around 15 minutes walk away from their home.

Communication and health • They only have 1 phone that is their daughter’s.
transportation available • They have no health transportation available.
E. Health Status of Each Family Member
Members Of The Health Status Description

1. Medical history indicating current or past • Mr. JP has hypertension and he had an accident where a
significant illnesses or beliefs and practices neighbor threw rocks at him where his head was hit twice
conducive to health illnesses. that triggered his stroke back in 2016 resulting in the left side
of his body being paralyzed up to now.

2. Nutritional assessment / anthropometric data, • Mr. JP - BMI = 20.183 (normal).

dietary history, eating / feeding habits/practice • Mrs. RP - BMI = 20.833 (normal).
• They eat 3x a day, often feeding from their own raised crops.
3. Risk factor assessment indicating presence of • Hypertension
major and contributing modifiable risk factors for
specific lifestyle diseases
4. Physical assessment indicating presence of • On our first visit, one of our members took Mr. JP’s blood
illness state/s. pressure and the results were 130/90.
• On our last visit, it was 130/80
5. Results of laboratory/diagnostic and other • Not available since according to the family, it got washed
screening procedures supportive of assessment away by a strong storm.
F. Values and Practices on Health Promotion and
Maintenance and Illness Prevention
Members of the Family Description

1. Immunization status • All family members are vaccinated against


2. Healthy lifestyle practice • The family eats 3 times a day.

3. Adequacy of • They sleep at around 10PM and wake up at

• Rest and sleep 4-5AM.
• Exercise • They take walking and chopping wood as an
• Use of protective measure exercise.
• They use bed nets for sleeping but rarely use
slippers outside the house.
4. Use of promotive-preventive health service • They go to the BHC for health services.
Health Problems Cues and Data

Accident Hazards • Pointed objects such as rocks, metal rods, and dry pointed plants.
• Fall hazards due to the house’s fragile state especially when there are natural
• Presence of breeding or resting sites of vectors of diseases.
Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation • Poor lighting.

• Walking barefooted outside the house.

Unhealthy lifestyle and personal habits/practices

Faulty/unhealthy nutritional/eating habits or • Faulty eating habits due to excessive or inadequate nutrient intake
feeding techniques practices

Disability • Transient/temporary paralysis after CVA.

Health Problems/ Cues and Data Family Nursing Diagnosis

Accident Hazards • Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance

and personal development due to inadequate family resources,
specifically financial constraints/limited financial resources

Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation • Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance
and personal development due to inadequate family resources,
specifically financial constraints/limited financial resources

Unhealthy lifestyle and personal habits/practices • Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to lack
of knowledge about the effects of walking barefooted on health.

Faulty/unhealthful nutritional/eating habits or feeding • Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health
techniques practices action due to inaccessibility of appropriate resources for care specifically,
cost constraints or economic/financial accessibility.

Disability • Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick, disabled,

dependent or vulnerable/at risk member of the family due to inadequate
family resources for care, specifically financial constraints.
Accident Hazards
Criteria Solution

• Nature of the condition or problem presented

Scale: health threat = 2 (2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Modifiability of the condition or problem.
Scale: easily modifiable = 2 (2/2)2 = 2
Weight: 2
• Preventive Potential.
Scale: moderate = 2 (2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Salience.
Scale: a condition or problem not needing immediate action = 1 (1/2)1 = 0.5
Weight: 1

Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation
Criteria Solution

• Nature of the condition or problem presented

Scale: health threat = 2 (2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Modifiability of the condition or problem.
Scale: easily modifiable = 2 (2/2)2 = 2
Weight: 2
• Preventive Potential.
Scale: moderate = 2 Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation(2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Salience.
Scale: a condition or problem not needing immediate action = 1 (1/2)1 = 0.5
Weight: 1

TOTAL 3.82
Unhealthy lifestyle and personal habits/practices
Criteria Solution

• Nature of the condition or problem presented

Scale: health threat = 2 (2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Modifiability of the condition or problem.
Scale: easily modifiable = 2 (2/2)2 = 2
Weight: 2
• Preventive Potential.
Scale: moderate = 3 Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation(3/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Salience.
Scale: a condition or problem not needing immediate action = 2 (2/2)1 = 1
Weight: 1

TOTAL 4.66
Faulty/unhealthful nutritional/eating habits or feeding techniques
Criteria Solution

• Nature of the condition or problem presented

Scale: health threat = 2 - (2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Modifiability of the condition or problem.
Scale: easily modifiable = 2 - (2/2)2 = 2
Weight: 2
• Preventive Potential.
Scale: moderate = 2 Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation- (2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Salience.
Scale: a condition or problem not needing immediate action = 1 (1/2)1 = 0.5
Weight: 1

TOTAL 2.82
Criteria Solution

• Nature of the condition or problem presented

Scale: health threat = 3 - (3/3)1 = 1
Weight: 1
• Modifiability of the condition or problem.
Scale: easily modifiable = 2 - (1/2)2 = 1
Weight: 2
• Preventive Potential.
Scale: moderate = 2 Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation- (2/3)1 = 0.66
Weight: 1
• Salience.
Scale: a condition or problem not needing immediate action = 1 (1/2)1 = 0.5
Weight: 1

TOTAL 3.16
IV. Family Nursing Care Plan
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of care Objective of care Nursing Method of Nurse- Resources
Problem Intervention Family contact Required

Disability Inability to provide After nursing After 10 minutes of ●Assess nutritional Home visit. ●Time and effort of
adequate nursing interventions, Tatay discussion the status. both the nurses
Cues/Data care to the sick, Jose will learn to patient will be ●Provide full range and the family.
Transient/ disabled, manage and able to of motion leg ●Bottle
temporary dependent or improve his demonstrate the exercises at least
paralysis after vulnerable/at risk condition by doing different leg twice a day to
CVA. member of the the different leg exercises. maintain joint
family due to exercises. mobility, regain
Objective data: inadequate family motor control,
●General body resources for care, prevent
weakness. specifically contractures in the
●Tremor noted on financial paralyzed
left leg. constraints. extremity, prevent
deterioration of the
system, and
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of care Objective of care Nursing Method of Nurse- Resources
Problem Intervention Family contact Required

Faulty/unhealthy Inability to make After nursing After nursing ●Assess nutritional Home visit ●Time and effort of
nutritional/eating decisions with intervention, the intervention, the status of the family. both the nurses
habits or feeding respect to taking family will take family will be able ●Provide lists of and the family
techniques appropriate health appropriate health to: healthy diets. ●Visual aids
practices action due to action to a.Lessen junk Discuss the food
inaccessibility of comprehend the foods consumption pyramid and
appropriate nature of the instead, focusing provide healthy
resources for care problem and be on more nutritious food choi
specifically, cost able to make their foods.
constraints or decision in b.Eat more protein
economic/financial changing their rich foods such as
accessibility. eating habits. lean meats, poultry,
dairy products, etc.
c.Know the effects
of eating too much
vegetables and
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of care Objective of care Nursing Method of Nurse- Resources
Problem Intervention Family contact Required

Unhealthy lifestyle I.Inability to After nursing After nursing ●Discuss with the Home visit ●Time and effort of
and personal recognize the interventions, the intervention, the family the definition both the nurses
habits/practices presence of the family will take the family will be able of hygiene. and the family
condition or necessary to: ●Discuss different ●Visual aids
problem due to intervention to a.Define in their ways to promote
lack of knowledge improve and own words the personal hygiene.
about the effects of maintain good meaning of hygiene Discuss the
walking barefooted personal habits by advantages of
on health. wearing slippers at b.State the adapting and the
home regularly. advantages of disadvantages of
Inability to make adapting and not adapting to the
decisions with disadvantages of ways of good
respect to taking not adapting to the personal hygiene.
appropriate health ways of personal
action due to low hygiene.
salience of the
The family consists of a married couple, 59 year-old Mr. JP and 60 year-old Mrs. RP, and their daughter. The couple has been married for 14 years. Their
daughter, Ms. PP is 14 years old and is a Grade 9 high school student at Bonfal National High School. The family resides in Purok 7 Bonfal West,
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. Mrs. RP, is in charge of making decisions about family expenditure. They earn at least less than ten thousand a month with
the money Mrs. RP earns from selling their products in the market if available. While Mr. JP is unemployed. The family is Catholic and goes to church. The
family is a Nuclear Family. A Nuclear Family consists of the parents and their children only. There are no observable conflicts between the family members.

The house is owned by family M and it is built of wood and recycled roofs with no electricity. The source of light they have at night is from a small solar panel.
The house has two separate bedrooms, one for the couple and one for their daughter. The family also has 2 dogs and 3 pigs. They store their foods in a
casserole and in a storage cabinet, they alsoPoor
use home/environmental
a gas stove for cooking. Theycondition/sanitation
get their water supply from a local water station and get their everyday
water at an artesian well owned by them. The house is also equipped with one comfort room with a low-level toilet which they take turns in using. They use
a pale and a dipper for flushing. They segregate their garbage using separate sacs and these are collected by the local garbage collector. The Barangay
Health Center is one of the health facilities available that is around 15 minutes walk away from their home. They only use one phone and it is owned by
their daughter. The family has no health transportation available.

Family member, Mr. JP, had an accident back in 2016 where a neighbor severed his head that triggered his stroke resulting in the left side of his body being
paralyzed up to now. The couple has a normal BMI, they eat 3 times a day. The lab results are not available because as stated by the family, it got washed
away by a strong storm. The whole family is vaccinated against COVID-19. They sleep at around 10PM and wake up at 4-5AM. They use bed nets for
sleeping to protect themselves from mosquitoes but rarely use their slippers at home. According to the family, they go to the BHC for health services.

They are apprehensive and are able to recognize the circumstances that need to be changed. They are willing to participate and to gain knowledge about what
could be improved in their health as a family. With the whole family cooperating, their needs regarding health could be met correspondingly.
• The family should lessen their fat and cholesterol intake.
• The family should lessen their sodium intake, especially the hypertensive family member.
• The family should eat adequate fresh fruits and vegetables.
• The family should eat protein foods such as fish, chicken meat, beans, and legumes.
• The family should lessen their red meat and processed food intake.
• The family should use products that are made of low-fat milk.
• The family should lessen their intake of vegetable oil and nuts.
• The family should limit their intake of sweets such as chips, cookies, and baked goods.
• The family should exercise from time to time, especially the post-stroke family member.
Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation
• The family should wear their slippers in and out of the house.
• The family should also be educated on how to properly manage the sharp objects in their home that could
harm the members.
Purpose : To provide information regarding proper diet and exercise for a hypertensive patient, to provide
APPENDIX A information regarding proper usage of protective measures, and to provide information about how to properly
take care of the environment surrounding the family.
Teaching Plan
Goals :
Discuss proper diet for the patient.
Provide a proper exercise for the patient.
Discuss the importance of wearing slippers or protective gears.
Discuss how to properly manage sharp objects and discuss how it could harm the family.
Specific Objectives Content Time Materials Method of Delivery Evaluation
Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation
Discuss proper diet for the Appropriate foods for post- 12 mins Manila paper. Lecture-Discussion. Quiz Recitation
patient. stroke patients. Its benefits
and disadvantages.

Provide a proper exercise for the Exercise 15 mins Empty bottle. Demonstration. Return demonstration
Discuss the importance of Importance 5 mins Manila paper. Lecture-Discussion. Quiz Recitation
wearing slippers or protective

Discuss how to properly manage Management 5 mins Manila paper. Lecture-Discussion. Quiz Recitation
sharp objects and discuss how it
could harm the family.
Communication Letter

Nueva Vizcaya
Purok 7, Bonfal West

Naimbag nga bigat yo Inang/Tatang Pablo!

Sika mi iti estudyante iti Saint Mary's University. Sika mi nga Group 29 iti naka-toka kanyayo ket adda kami
ditoy, ti mangited ken mangisuro ti ikakasayaat ti kasalunattan yo.
Poor home/environmental conAPPENDIX Bdition/sanitation
Isu nga ita ngarod (Mr./Mrs.), ayaten mi nga dumawat ti permiso yo.

Dawaten mi ti anus ken ayat yu ta tatta mi nga dawaten mi ti permiso yo intun samarsaruno nga duminggo
(11-23-22) ket addan tu iti aramiden tayo nga dakkel nga tulong panagappo iti salun-at ti bagbagi yo.

Agyaman kami!
Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation

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