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Week 1 – LEIN500

Time management
A degree or certificate
Typing Speed
People skills
Machine operation
Negotiating a contract
Interpersonal skills
Computer programming skills
Using Microsoft Packages
Personality traits
Language or degree of formality
Social skills
Personal habits
Proficiency in a foreign language
The definition of professionalism is….
• The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or
mark a profession or a professional person.
Other definitions….
• The competence or skill expected of a professional.
• What skills are necessary for an HR Manager?
• Human Resources Manager: good communication,
good with people and team player.
• It describes the qualities, skills, competence and
behaviors expected of individuals belonging to any
Activity #1: Video
• What does the employee do that does not show
professionalism? Mention three ideas.
• According to the speaker in the video, what is
professionalism and what other soft skills are related
to professionalism?
Link to video
Supporting my Arguments
• I think it is professional because…
• I think it is not professional because…

• It is correct/appropriate
• It is adequate in the workplace
• It shows good communication skills/responsibility/leadership/work well under
pressure/problem resolution skills/creativity/teamwork.
• It does not show proper conduct in the workplace
• It is not ethical
• It does not show integrity/responsibility/teamwork/hard work.
• It is not professional because you can make a mistake.
Activity #2: Is this professional or not?
• When I need office supplies such as paper, pens or staples, I take
them from the office. Stealing
• I get to work on time. If I am going to be late, I call and let my boss
• When I am late for work, I ask a co-workers to cover for me.
• I rarely miss work. If I am going to miss work, I let my boss know
ahead of time (or call if I am sick).
• I work as hard as I can.
• I pay close attention to my work.
• I never ask questions to my boss or supervisor because they would
think I do not pay attention to what they say.
• I do my work as I am told. If I am unable to do something or have
questions, I ask my supervisor or co-workers.
• I am friendly on the job.
• I always take some extra minutes from my coffee or lunch break.
• I try to solve problems that come up.
• I follow safety and company rules.
• I use materials and equipment properly.
• I never confirm my attendance to staff meetings.
• I behave professionally.
• I drink coffee or tea or eat a snack while I am working with the
Activity #3: How can people practice
professionalism at work.
• Go to the reading on the materials.
• Make a list of suggestions on how to practice professionalism in the

Giving Advice
• You should / shouldn´t
• It is (not) a good idea to….
• I recommend her/him to….
• I would suggest…..
Main Task: Raffle of Discussion
• Different people will give their answers on the situations presented in
the reading.
Post Task- Fill out the blanks
Complete the following statements based on what you think is appropriate.
problems - hard – rules - on time – friendly- attention- behave - boss – miss –
supervisor – properly

1. I get to work _______________. If I am going to be late, I call and let my

_________________ know.
2. I rarely _______________ work. If I am going to miss work, I let my boss know
ahead of time (or call if I am sick).
3. I work as ____________ as I can.
4. I pay close _________________ to my work.
5. I do my work as I am told. If I am unable to do something or have questions, I ask
my __________________ or co-workers.
6. I am ______________ on the job.

7. I try to solve _________________ that come up.

8. I follow safety and company __________________.

9. I use materials and equipment ____________________.

10. I _____________________ professionally.

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