Thesis Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

 Introduction
 Background of the study
 Theoretical/conceptual framework
 Research paradigm
 Scope and delimitation
 Significance of the study
 Definition of terms
The introduction
is the first chapter of a thesis that introduces
the research problem, provides background
information, and outlines the research
questions. It should also explain the significance
of the study and provide an overview of the
research methodology. The introduction should
be engaging and informative to capture the
reader's attention.
Background of the Study:
The background of the study provides context
for the research problem by discussing the
history, current state, and relevant literature
related to the topic. It should explain why the
research problem is important and what has
already been done to address it. The
background of the study should be
comprehensive and provide a clear
understanding of the research problem.
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework:

The theoretical and conceptual framework is a

critical component of a thesis that outlines the
theoretical and conceptual foundations of the
research. It should explain the theories and
concepts that will be used to analyze the
research problem and provide a framework for
understanding the research findings. The
theoretical and conceptual framework should be
well-developed and clearly articulated.
Research Paradigm:

Research Paradigm:
The research paradigm is the overall approach
to the research problem, including the research
design, methodology, and data analysis
techniques. It should explain the research
philosophy, approach, and strategy that will be
used to address the research problem. The
research paradigm should be well-defined and
appropriate for the research problem.
Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Problem:
The statement of the problem is a concise and
clear description of the research problem that
the thesis will address. It should explain the
research question, the significance of the
problem, and the research objectives. The
statement of the problem should be well-written
and clearly articulated.
Scope and Delimitation
Scope and Delimitation:
The scope and delimitation section of a thesis
outlines the boundaries of the research
problem. It should explain what will be included
and excluded from the study, as well as any
limitations or constraints that may impact the
research findings. The scope and delimitation
should be well-defined and clearly articulated.
Significance of the Study
Significance of the Study:
The significance of the study section of a thesis
explains why the research problem is important
and how it will contribute to the field. It should
explain the potential benefits of the research
findings and how they can be applied in practice.
The significance of the study should be well-
articulated and clearly explained.
Definition of terms
Cadaver – a cadaver is the body of a dead
Carcass – is the body of the dead animal
Hiatus – pu
Amend – certain change or improvement of the

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