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EDUC 200
Prepared by:
• Trace how sociological foundation influenced
• Define society and explain social stratification.
• Name and explain the three important institutional
group that serve as agencies for learning.
Social Stratification
• Social stratification plays a significant role in the
field of Sociological Foundations of Education. It
influences various aspects of education, from
access to educational opportunities to the
experiences and outcomes of students.
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Access to Education: Social stratification often determines
who has access to quality education. Individuals from
higher social strata typically have more resources, such as
money, time, and cultural capital, that enable them to
access better educational opportunities. This can create
educational inequalities right from the start, as students
from lower strata may face barriers
the entry.
no-drop-out rates by consistently communicating
to parents online and offline.
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Educational Inequalities: Social stratification leads to
disparities in educational outcomes. Students from
lower socioeconomic backgrounds may have less
access to resources like tutors, educational materials,
and extracurricular activities, which can affect their
academic performance.Produce more localized learning material like story
book and CIP, SLK (Self-Learning Kit) & SLM (Self-
Learning Module) for the benefit of every learner.
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Curriculum and Pedagogy: The curriculum and
teaching methods in educational institutions can reflect
and perpetuate social stratification. For example, the
curriculum may prioritize the knowledge and
experiences of dominant social groups, reinforcing
existing power dynamics. Pedagogical approaches may
also favor certain learning stylesImprove
and abilities
the readingover
ability of Pupils under
frustration level to instructional level of
others. comprehension with the help of their parents.
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Teacher Expectations: Teachers' expectations of
students can be influenced by social stratification.
Research has shown that educators may have lower
expectations for students from disadvantaged
backgrounds, which can lead to a self-fulfilling
prophecy where these students perform worse
academically. Embracing pupil’s difference
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Tracking and Streaming: Many educational systems
employ tracking or streaming, where students are
placed into different academic tracks based on their
perceived abilities or previous performance. This can
lead to the perpetuation of inequalities, as students in
lower tracks may receive fewer educational
opportunities and resources. Equal opportunities for all, if there are competitions
make a fair judgement
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• School Funding: In some countries, school funding is
tied to local property taxes, resulting in significant
disparities in funding between schools in affluent and
low-income neighborhoods. This funding disparity can
exacerbate educational inequalities.

Use the MOOE and Canteen Fund wisely. External

Stakeholders also give donations
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Socialization: Education is a key agent of
socialization. It not only transmits knowledge but also
social norms, values, and cultural practices. Social
stratification can shape the content of this socialization
process, reinforcing the values and perspectives of
dominant groups.
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Reproduction of Inequality: The concept of
"reproduction of inequality" in education refers to how
the existing social hierarchy is reproduced through
educational institutions. Students from higher social
strata are more likely to succeed in the education
system, graduate, and access higher education, while
those from lower strata may face greaterareobstacles.
Scholarships being grant. Some school do not
tuition fees especially in public schools
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Policy Implications: Sociologists of education often
study how educational policies can either mitigate or
exacerbate social stratification. They examine policies
related to school funding, standardized testing,
affirmative action, and other measures aimed at
promoting equity in education.
There are school handbooks develop, child
protection policy handbook , Annual Implementation
Plan and all .. These are being partnered with LGU
and other stakeholders (internal and External)
How does social stratification intersects with
the sociological foundations of education?
• Understanding the intersection of social stratification
and the sociological foundations of education is critical
for addressing educational inequalities. Sociologists
and educators work to identify and challenge the ways
in which the education system can either perpetuate or
disrupt social stratification, striving for a more
equitable and inclusive educational experience for all
Definition of Social Stratification

• Social stratification in education refers to the

hierarchical division and organization of individuals or
groups within an educational system based on various
social factors, such as socioeconomic status, race,
ethnicity, gender, and other social characteristics. It
involves the unequal distribution of educational
opportunities, resources, and outcomes among different
segments of the population.
Key Elements

• Hierarchical Arrangement: It involves the

categorization of students, teachers, and educational
institutions into different levels or tiers, with some
being considered more prestigious and having greater
access to resources than others.
Key Elements

• Inequality in Access: Social stratification in education

often leads to disparities in who has access to quality
education. Students from privileged backgrounds tend
to have better access to educational opportunities, while
those from disadvantaged backgrounds may face
barriers to entry.
Key Elements

• Inequality in Educational Outcomes: Individuals

from different social strata may experience disparities
in their educational achievements, including academic
performance, graduation rates, and access to advanced
educational pathways.
Key Elements

• Reproduction of Social Inequality: Educational

systems can perpetuate and reinforce existing social
inequalities. This means that children from higher
social strata are more likely to succeed academically
and occupy high-status positions, while those from
lower strata may remain in lower-status positions, thus
reproducing social stratification.
Key Elements

• Cultural and Economic Factors: Social stratification

in education is influenced by cultural capital
(knowledge, skills, and cultural practices) and
economic resources. Those with more cultural capital
and financial resources often have advantages in
navigating the educational system.
Key Elements

• Tracking and Streaming: Educational institutions

may use tracking or streaming systems, which group
students into different academic paths based on
perceived abilities. These systems can contribute to
educational inequalities, as students in lower tracks
may receive fewer educational opportunities and
Key Elements

• Societal Implications: Social stratification in

education has broader societal implications, as it can
reinforce existing social hierarchies, limit social
mobility, and perpetuate inequalities in income,
employment opportunities, and quality of life.
Key Elements

• Policy Considerations: Policymakers often address

social stratification in education by implementing
policies aimed at reducing disparities, promoting
educational equity, and ensuring that all students have
equal access to quality educational opportunities.
What is the importance of Social Stratification
in Education?
• In essence, social stratification in education reflects the
unequal distribution of educational resources and
opportunities based on social characteristics,
contributing to disparities in educational outcomes and
reinforcing broader social inequalities. Understanding
and addressing social stratification is a central concern
in efforts to create more equitable and inclusive
educational systems.

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