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The contributions

of different
countries during
their G20

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About G20 countries involved in it
● The G20 (group twenty) is an international forum composed of 19 of the world’s largest economies
plus the European union, that was established to facilitate international economic cooperation and
● The G20 countries account for over 80% of the world’s GDP and two -thirds of the global
● Every year the presidency transferred from one country to another which are a member of G20 and
this year, on 1st December 2022, our majestic INDIA assumed the presidency of G20 from
indonesia to show its worth and significance
● G20’s ultimate goal expanded from economic value and trade to contributing in various global
issues that have an immense impact on the global economy that became more intricately
intertwined since globalization started progressing including climate change, energy and resource
wastage, health, migration, refugees etc.
According to former Finance Secretary of
Argentina Guillermo Nielsen, Argentina was
invited to join the G-20 "not by virtue but by
default: the excessive debt that had accumulated
and the risk that this entailed for emerging
Australia Australia has been a member of the Group of
Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors (G-20) since its inception in 1999.
In 2006, Australia hosted this prestigious
forum, culminating in a meeting of the world's
most influential economic leaders in
Melbourne in November. Australia works
constructively with other G20 economies in
pursuit of strong, sustainable, balanced and
inclusive global economic growth. Within the
forum, Australia actively promotes an open
global economy and a rules-based multilateral
trading system.
Brazil was known as a core member since the
start. No one doubted the need for Brazil to be

Brazil was initially a reluctant participant. It

feared the new G20 might undermine the
traditional United Nations–based multilateralism
of the “G192.” But a reforming and rising Brazil
soon made its mark. It will be holding the g20
presidency in 2024.
Canada Canada played a leading role in the creation of
the G20 in 1999 and was instrumental in setting
up the first meeting of G20 leaders in 2008, at
the height of the international financial crisis.
Canada's participation provides an opportunity to
build consensus with members on matters related
to economic stability and growth in Canada and
globally. This includes supporting sustainable
growth through support for the international
financial architecture and open, rules-based trade
and investment.
China has put forward the International Cooperation
Initiative on Global Food Security in the G20, and
China looks forward to deepening cooperation with all parties
in this regard.

In conclusion, President Xi noted that the Communist

Party of China has recently convened its 20th National
Congress, laying out the goals, tasks and guiding
policies for the cause of the Party and the country in the
next five years and beyond. China will stay committed
to the path of peaceful development, stay committed to
deepening reform and opening-up, and stay committed
to promoting national rejuvenation on all fronts through
a Chinese path to modernization.
union The European Union is a full member of
the G20, alongside three of its Member
States who are also permanent members:
France, Germany, and Italy. Spain is a
permanent guest invitee to the G20
meetings. Ursula von der Leyen,
President of the European Commission,
and Charles Michel, President of the
European Council, represent the
European Union at the G20.
France The diplomatic adviser to the President of the
French Republic has traditionally taken on the
role of G7 and G20 Sherpa and participates as
such in Sherpas’ meetings to prepare for the
G20 Leaders’ Summit (final declaration and
political deliverables). At the Ministry, the
Director-General for Global Affairs, Culture,
Education and International Development acts
as Sous-Sherpa. The DGM Task Force under the
authority of the Director-General is responsible
for preparing Sherpas’ meetings and summits.
Germany took over the presidency of the G20 on 1

Germany December 2016. Environmental issues will play an

important role in addition to economic, foreign policy
and security issues. Representatives of the G20 countries
came together for several meetings and conferences over
the course of 2017 to discuss international climate
policies, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
resource efficiency, marine litter and illegal trade in
wildlife/poaching. These topics are also addressed in the
Leaders’ Declaration, which was adopted by the heads of
state and government at their meeting in Hamburg on 7
and 8 July 2017. In doing so, they firmly embedded
environmental protection in the G20 process as one of
the key global issues.
India assumed the presidency of the G20
grouping from Indonesia, on December 1, 2022,
India and will hold the post for a year. This offers a
unique opportunity for India to contribute to the
global agenda on pressing issues of international

Recently G20 summits started focusing not only

on macro economy and trade; but also on a wide
range of global issues which have an immense
impact on the global economy since
globalization started progressing and various
issues became more intricately intertwined.
Those issues included overall development,
climate change and energy, health, counter-
terrorism, as well as migration and refugees.
Indonesia has been honoured to be a member of the G20 which was set up in
1999. Indonesia is the only representative country for Southeast Asia, and was
chosen as the representative based on some considerations including the size
of its population and economy.
Italy This is why the 2021 G20, under the
Italian Presidency, will focus on three
broad, interconnected pillars of action:
People, Planet, Prosperity.

Within these pillars, we are taking the

lead in ensuring a swift international
response to the pandemic - able to
provide equitable, worldwide access to
diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines -
while building up resilience to future
health-related shocks.
Japan On the 28th and 29th of June 2019, the
world leaders gathered for the G20
Summit in Osaka. Concurrent with the
Summit meeting, a series of Ministerial
Meetings is also being held at eight
different locations throughout Japan by the
end of 2019.
During its presidency of the G20 Summit,
the Japanese government is determined to
carry out strong leadership in advancing
discussions toward resolving the myriad
issues now facing the international
In its G20 Presidency role during 2012,

Mexico Mexico has prioritized: economic stability

and structural reform for growth and
employment; strengthening of financial
systems and procurement of financial
inclusion for economic growth; improving
international financial architecture in an
interconnected global economy; mitigating
negative effects on price level and volatility
of commodities, in particular those affecting
food security; and promoting sustainable
development with a focus on infrastructure,
energy efficiency, green growth and
financing the fight against climate change.
Russia’s contribution to Group of Twenty
(G20) summit governance is significant on
Russia several grounds. Russia has been an
undisputed full, equal member from the start
of the G20 as a forum for finance ministers
and central bank governors in 1999, even as
it was still excluded from full membership
in the older, smaller forum of Group of
Seven (G7) finance ministers and had only
just been given full membership in the
Group of Eight (G8) summit the year before
(Kirton 2013). Russia is the first BRICS
member to host a G20 summit, which it will
do for the eighth summit at St. Petersburg
on September 5-6, 2013.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia assumed the
Saudi Arabia G20 Presidency in December 2019, leading
up to the Leaders’ Summit to be held in
Riyadh on 21–22 November 2020. The
Kingdom would guide the work of the G20
under the theme of “Realizing
Opportunities of the 21st Century for All”
and would officially focus on three aims:
● Empowering People
● Safeguarding the Planet
● Shaping New Frontiers
Saudi Arabia released a 20 riyal
commemorative banknote to mark the G20
South Africa South Africa is currently the only African
member of the group. And Senegal’s President
Macky Sall, who attended the summit ex-officio
as current AU chairperson, repeated his
previous calls for the AU to be admitted. In
September, he told the UN General Assembly
that the AU should be ‘granted a seat within the
G20, so that Africa can, at last, be represented
where decisions are taken that affect 1.4 billion
At the Pittsburgh Summit, the Republic of Korea

South Korea (ROK) was decided as the first non-G8 Asian

state to host the G20 summit in November 2010.

The Korean Government established the

‘Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit’ to
enhance its ability to effectively organize the pan-
governmental efforts directed toward the success
of the summit. The Government also established
a system for government agencies like the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry
of Strategy and Finance, Financial Services
Commission and other related agencies to provide
support for the work of the Committee.
Turkish G20 Presidency aimed to focus
on developing more inclusive global
growth, enhancing investments, and
effectively implementing previous
commitments. Therefore, Türkiye defined
its G20 Presidency priorities with three
I's, namely Inclusiveness, Investment, and
UK Under the UK Presidency of the G20,
Leaders pledged to do "whatever [was]
necessary" to restore confidence, growth, and
jobs, repair the financial system to restore
lending, strengthen financial regulation to
rebuild trust, fund and reform international
financial institutions to overcome the crisis
and prevent future ones, promote global trade
and investment and reject protectionism, and
finally, to build an inclusive, green, and
sustainable recovery.
United states holds the 2008 G20 summit
in which the five key objectives the
USA leaders agreed upon were:

● Reached a common understanding of the

root causes of the global crisis;
● reviewed actions countries had taken and
would take in the future to address the
immediate crisis and strengthen growth;
● agreed on common principles for reforming
their financial markets;
● launched an action plan to implement those
principles and asked ministers to develop
further specific recommendations that would
be reviewed by leaders at a subsequent
summit; and
● reaffirmed their commitment to free market
Presented to you by:
Saksham Jain
Om Bhardwaj
Arsh Kumar

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