Al Hayatt University College

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Al Hayatt University College

Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Instrumentation 1

EEG Detection signal

Presented by:
1. Mehad Mahjoub Ahmed
2. Abdelaziz Ahmed Mohamed
3. Amro Ibrahim Ahmed
4. Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim
5. Musab Abdalrhman Bushra
6. Motayb Abdalla Adam
let's go to Introduction:
• The electroencephalogram (EEG):
Is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain from the scalp.
The first recording were made by Hans Berger in 1929.
Although similar studies had been carried out in animals as early as
Electroencephalogram is a safe test which carriage no risk it's function
to evaluate the electrical activity of the brain in the range of brain
disorders as epileptic, encephalitis, vascular diseases, and brain
Small metal discs called electrodes are placed on the scalp in special
Your wealth is Your health and Your health is mainly in Your nerve
Electroencphalography (EEG)- a method for record -
ing of brain electric signal from the scalp.The po-int
is evaluation of frequency (f) and amplitude(A) of
waves e.g. in Epilepsy. Waves or Rhythms:
Alpha are recorded at rest with closed eylids with f =
8-13 Hz and A = 50 μV.
Beta –when eyelids are open,f =15-20Hz, A = 5-10 μV
Theta –pathology in adults,f = 4-7 Hz, A = 50 μV
Delta- at REM Sleep f = 1- 4 Hz, A = 100 μV
Let's talk about the purpose
and objective:
The objective and purpose of EEG detection :
Also useful in following disorders:
• 1.brain tumor ‫ورم= ا==لدماغ‬
• 2.Brain damage due to head injury‫ف==لدماغ ب==سبب‬
‫ت==ل ا‬
‫إ=صابة ا==لرأ=س‬
• 3.Brain inflammation ‫ا==لته=ابا==لدماغ‬
• 4.brain attack
• 5.Sleep disorders
• 6.Also brain death in a person
• 7.Dementia
what about plot diagram:
EEG signal is very faint in amplitude and with much noise,
it often corrupted by noises such as power line noise, EMG,
EOG etc... The amplifiers for measuring EEG have to satisfy
the following specific requirements. First, they have to provide
amplification selective to the physiological signal and reject
superimposed noise, interference signals; Secondly, they
guarantee protection from demages through voltage and
current surges for both person and electronic equipment [9].
To handle these, the circuit for EEG signal acquisition is
designed as the Fig.1.
let's move to circuit diagram
with discreption:
Circuit design
EEG signals is signal of low frequency, weak and strong noise
background, which is an unstable and
nature signal issued by the complex life [5]. It is between 10 V
~ 100 V, while the input signal to noise
ratio is up to 1:10000; brain electricalsignalfrequency of EEG
signalsislow, itsrange is generally from
0.5Hz ~ 35Hz[2], which makes the amplifier low cut-off
frequency selection is very difficult. When
subjected to sharp pulse disturbance or lead switch, amplifier
is prone to clog, EEG signal is vulnerable
in the environment during the process of extraction ,this will
cause the signal distortion. The special
electrode EEG signals extraction signal by the differential
amplifier processing and transmission and
the amplifier for receiver can display and analysis of EEG
signals by oscilloscope or USB interface in
the computer.
The circuit structure of the module block diagram
The design circuit diagram
the design of high-pass filter the design of 50 Hz band-
circuit diagram pass filter circuit diagram
the design of low-pass the design of post-stage
filter circuit diagram amplification circuit diagram
Input signal Primary signal amplification

Output signal
let's to see the plot diagram:
EEG semulation protous:
An EEG signal is a measurement of currents that flow during synaptic excitations of the
dendrites of many pyramidal neurons in the cerebral cortex. When brain cells (neurons) are
activated, the synaptic currents are produced within the dendrites. This current generates a
magnetic field measurable by electromyogram (EMG) machines and a secondary electrical
field over the scalp measurable by EEG systems.
The human head consists of different layers including the scalp, skull, brain and many other
thin layers in between. The skull attenuates the signals approximately one hundred times more
than the soft tissue. On the other hand, most of the noise is generated either within the brain
(internal noise) or over the scalp (system noise or external noise). Therefore, only large
populations of active neurons can generate enough potential to be recordable using the scalp
electrodes. These signals are later amplified greatly for display purposes. Approximately 1011
neurons are developed at birth when the central nervous system (CNS) becomes complete and
functional. This makes an average of 104 neurons per cubic mm. Neurons are interconnected
into neural nets through synapses. Adults have approximately 5*1014 synapses. The number
of synapses per neuron increases with age, whereas the number of neurons decreases with age.
From an anatomical point of view the brain may be divided into three parts: the cerebrum,
cerebellum, and brain stem. The cerebrum consists of both left and right lobes of the brain
with highly convoluted surface layers called the cerebral cortex.
How the circuit work (simple circuit
Last but not least safty consideration:
The EEG has been used for many years and is considered a safe
procedure. The test causes no discomfort. The electrodes record
activity. They do not produce any sensation. In addition, there is no
risk of getting an electric shock.
In rare instances, an EEG can cause seizures in a person with a
seizure disorder. This is due to the flashing lights or the deep
breathing that may be involved during the test. If you do get a
seizure, your healthcare provider will treat it immediately.
Other risks may be present, depending on your specific medical
condition. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your healthcare
provider before the procedure.
Certain factors or conditions may interfere with the
reading of an EEG test. These include:
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) caused by fasting
Body or eye movement during the tests (but this will
rarely, if ever, significantly interfere with the
interpretation of the test)
Lights, especially bright or flashing ones
Certain medicines, such as sedatives
Drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee, cola, and
tea (while these drinks can occasionally alter the
EEG results, this almost never interferes
significantly with the interpretation of the test)
Oily hair or the presence of hair spray
thank you for your attention
• [1] Youming Sun, Binglian Huang, Xiaoshu Luo. A new model
of EEG signal design of amplification
• and detection circuit [J]. Medical Equipment. 2007 (1). p.15-17
(in Chinese) .
• [2] Sanqiang Wang, Wei He, Jian Shi. Model of EEG signals
pre-amplifying circuit design [J].Journal
• of Chongqing University (Nature science edition) 2006 (6)
p.51-53 (in Chinese).

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