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Use of projects

Mukaddas Ogay,
Tashkent- 2015
Project work is becoming an increasingly
popular feature within the ELT classroom.
Common projects are albums, class
magazines, group wall papers (displays).
A project involves learners in deciding
together what they want to do to
complete a project while the teacher plays
a more supporting role.
 A project increases the learners’
knowledge on the topic.

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC

Think of :
 Some advantages
 Some possible drawbacks
 Example projects
 References
 Equipment/ toolkit

Planning the project:

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
 Integrating all the skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking

 Promoting autonomous learning: learners are more responsible for their learning

 Getting learning outcomes: learners have an end product

 Increasing motivation : all the learners are involved in the project

 Inputting authentic tasks and language

 Developing good relations through working as a group.

 Creating a more learner centred lesson: content and methodology can be decided between
the learners (the small groups) and the teacher

 Involving parents in the child's learning: learners often get help from parents for project

 Displaying the project to help parents to observe their children’s success

Advantages of project work:

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
 Using L1 because of lack
of vocabulary (it often
happens anyway in YL
 Some learners doing
nothing. If the project is
planned carefully and roles
decided at the proposal
stage this is less likely to
 Groups working at different
 Insufficient number of
accessories or tools
Some possible drawbacks to
project work
Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
Itis good to prepare some examples
beforehand to give learners an idea of
what projects are and what they should
be aiming to produce.

Starting a new project:

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
After explaining the idea of the project ask
learners to propose a scheme of work
(Grades 5-9):
 What they want to include in the project
 What form it will take
 Who will be responsible for what
 Any material or resources they might need

Remember that for young learners of primary

classes it’s better you organise the work

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
 Allocate more time for the project
 Show the learners the space they will
have for the project, it could be wall space
or a corner of the classroom, so they have
some idea how much material they should
produce and can plan the layout.
 As with any piece of work a project
needs to be acknowledged and evaluated.

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
The Project Toolkit

Blu tack & Pins
 Folders/Portfolios
Coloured Pencils &
 Coloured Card & Paper
Scissors, Glue & Glitter

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC

For a teacher:
 Kids must be warned
beforehand to bring photos of
their families for the next
 Preparing the lesson plan
keep in mind the time
sufficient for the presentation
of the kids’ albums.
 Paper, glue, crayons should
be prepared in advance.

Demonstration of the multimedia resource: Unit 1, Lesson 4

Unit 1. ‘My family’ project work

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC

Task for the participants:
1.Work out the procedure
2.According to the class level think of the timing
3.Prepare the necessary toolkits for the projects
4.Create the presentation in a group
Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
Types of project activities for primary school learners are:
 Creation of an individual album,
 Creation of a mini-newspaper on the birds/insects/fruit,
etc of our country
 Work in groups with separate task for each one. For one
group- Visiting the Zoo and description of wild animals.
For another group- Visiting farms and description of pets.
Kids can be given the opportunity to decide if the ready
photos will be used or they will draw the pictures
 Hand- made figure

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC

Haines S (1989) Projects for the EFL
classroom London: Nelson
Lynn Gallacher, British Council, Spain

Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC
Thank you for your attention!
Mukaddas Ogay, UzSPIC

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