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viewing Group

Activity Report

Presented by Group 1
🐍 List the prepared slides that we viewed under the microscope.

🐍 Identify those prepared slides.

🐍 Introduce a few facts regarding the prepared slides.

🐍 List down the realization during the activity.

What we viewed under the microscope:
7 Stem of dicotyledon C.S. /Arco
Dicot Leaf. Dicotyledons or
Dicots are flowering plants
with seeds having two
cotyledons or embryonic
leaves. There are 175000
known species of dicots. The
leaves of a dicot plant have
veins distributed in a net-like
or reticulated pattern.
Bacteriology Rhizobium
feet at root
Rhizobia are special bacteria that
can live in the soil or in nodules
formed on the roots of legumes.

Botany Anabaena W.M.
Anabaena is a genus of
nitrogen-fixing blue-green
algae that grows as plankton
in shallow water and on
moist soil. Its cells resemble
beads or barrels and are
interspersed with larger
spores (heterocysts).
Botany blue-green
Algae W.M.
Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria,
are a group of photosynthetic bacteria found in
lakes and slow-moving streams. Increased
phosphorus and nitrogen (nutrients) from
fertilizers, warm weather and low turbulence
cause them to "bloom" in large numbers.

Botany Dicot Leaf C.S.
Veins branch out from a
single point on a palmate
pattern leaf to generate a
shape that resembles the
palm of a hand. Dicot
leaves typically feature
more stomata on the lower
side of the leaf or just
stomata on the lower side
of the leaf.
Botany Spirogyra Vegetative
The vegetative structure of
Spirogyra is an unbranched
filamentous thallus. The thallus is
multicellular with each cylindrical
cell joined end to end. They are 10-
100 µm in width and may grow
several centimeters in length. They
are present as a slimy mass due to
the presence of mucilage sheath
around the filament.

Botany Ulothrix
Ulothrix is a genus of non-branching
filamentous green algae, generally found in
fresh and marine water.
Botany Volvox W.M.
Volvox is a polyphyletic genus of
chlorophyte green algae in the
family Volvocaceae. It forms
spherical colonies of up to 50,000
cells. They live in a variety of
freshwater habitats and were first
reported by Anton van
Leeuwenhoek in 1700.

Grasshopper Meiosis Metaphase
During metaphase, the Crimson Eht
nucleus dissolves and the
cell's chromosomes condense
and move together, aligning
in the center of the dividing
cell. At this stage, the
chromosomes are
distinguishable when viewed
through a microscope.
Human Spermatozoa
Smear Crimson Eht
Human spermatozoa are highly
complex specialized cells designed
to survive a long and perilous
journey from the site of
insemination to the upper reaches of
the female reproductive tract where
fertilization occurs.

Liver Fluke
Fasciola hepatica, also known as the common liver
fluke or sheep liver fluke, is a parasitic trematode
(fluke or flatworm, a type of helminth) of the class
Trematoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes. It infects the
livers of various mammals, including humans, and is
transmitted by sheep and cattle to humans the world
Liver Fluke Cercaria W.M.
Cercaria is the larva form of liver fluke
which is formed from miracidium after
a few developmental stages. Due to
asexual reproduction, the
multiplication of cercaria occurs from
one miracidium. Asexual reproduction
is a type of reproduction by which
offspring arise from a single organism.

Parasitology Balantidium Coli W.M.
Balantidium coli is a
cosmopolitan opportunistic
parasitic pathogen that can be
found worldwide. This ciliate
infection was reported from
various countries, especially
those where many people raise
pigs. These organisms are
cosmopolitan and can be found
anywhere pigs are found.
Zoology Amoeba Proteus W.M.
Amoeba proteus is very well known
for its extending pseudopodia. It
occupies freshwater environments
and feeds on other protozoans, algae,
rotifers, and even other smaller
amoebae. Due to phytochromes. A
proteus may appear in a variety of
colors (often yellow, green, and
purple) under a microscope.

Epidermis Onion
Onion epidermal peel is made up of
rectangular-shaped cells. A nucleus, a
central vacuole, a thin layer of cytoplasm,
and a cell wall make up each cell.
Blood cells
Red blood cells contain
hemoglobin, a protein that
transports oxygenated blood to all
parts of the body. Red Blood Cells
do not have a nucleus but are still
regarded as cells. It's because Red
Blood Cells (RBCs) have a nucleus
before they're even generated in the
bone marrow.

Plant cell
Plant cells have a cell wall, as
well as a cell membrane. In
plants, the cell wall surrounds
the cell membrane. This gives
the plant cell its unique
rectangular shape.
Frog (involuntary
stomach muscle)
The inside wall of a frog's stomach is
described by the presence of convoluted
ridges that form furrow-shaped gastric pits.
Reflection Essay
Using the microscope is beneficial for more scientific discovery, and
it is also useful in creating different kinds of breakthroughs. As we
conducted the microscope-viewing activity, we were able to realize things
regarding our topic which is cell parts and structures. With the use of the
microscope, we were able to see the parts of plants, bacteria, animals, and
even human blood that are not visible with our naked eyes. Other than that,
we noticed that every specimen or the prepared slides that we viewed had a
different microscopic appearance such as them having different sizes in
their parts, and having different structures of cells.
Reflection Essay
On the other hand, we were also able to have realizations during the
procedure of doing the activity. We understood the fact that mastery is
needed to be able to conduct the procedure as mastery involves having
enough experience and knowledge on how to use it. Additionally, having
good lighting reflecting in the illuminator is essential to be able to see the
specimen properly for not having good lighting would make it difficult to
see the magnified specimen. Furthermore, the prepared slides are fragile
which is why they must be handled with utmost care at all times. With this
activity, we learned a lot and gained new knowledge that would be of

assistance in proceeding forward with our future lessons.


What we viewed under the microscope:
7 Stem of dicotyledon C.S. /Arco Botany blue-green Algae W.M. Botany Ulothrix W.M.

Bacteriology Rhizobium feet at root Botany Dicot Leaf C.S. Botany Volvox W.M.

Botany Anabaena W.M. Botany Spirogyra Vegetative W.M. Grasshopper Meiosis Metaphase
Crimson Eht
What we viewed under the microscope:
Human Spermatozoa Smear Crimson Parasitology Balantidium Coli W.M. Blood cells

Liver Fluke Platyhelminthes Zoology Amoeba Proteus W.M. Plant cell

Liver Fluke Cercaria W.M. Epidermis Onion W.M. Frog (involuntary stomach muscle)
Realization during the procedures:

- The prepared - We need

- Saw the parts of slides are - Mastery is needed good lighting
the plants, fragile which is because if you know reflecting in
- They have bacteria, animals, exactly what to do, it will
why we must the illuminator
a different and even the be easier to do the
be careful with procedures of viewing to be able to
microscopic human blood that

them. the prepared slides or any see the

appearance. we don't usually
see with our specimen you have. specimen
naked eyes. properly.
Acson, Hanna Kim N.
Iballo, Jamaica Eunice O.
Sumagui, Hannah Patricia R.
Bautista, Lei Aljeur

Fajutagana, Mark Jade A.
Sabas, Khevin Tyron E.
Thank you!

Have a great day ahead.

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