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Independence Day (Malay: Hari
Merdeka), also known as National Day
(Hari Kebangsaan), is the independence
day of the Federation of Malaya from the
British Empire.[1of Independence of 31
August 1957, and is defined ][2] It
commemorates the Malayan Declaration
in article 160 of the Constitution of
MALAYSIA DAY fall on 16th of
September 1963, when the former
British colony of Singapore and the
East Malaysian states of Sabah and
Sarawak joined the Federation of
Malaya to create the Malaysian
Federation. Singapore left the
federation two years later.
Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra
Al-Haj ibni Almarhum
Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim
Shah was a Malaysian
statesman and lawyer who
served as the 1st Prime
Minister of Malaysia He
was the first chief minister
of the Federation of Malaya
from 1955 to 1970.
When is the independence day of MALAYSIA?
When is the MALAYSIA day?
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