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Signs for prohibitions

Round and red

Very important signs! They hide many exceptions and the focus in the tests is exactly on
The traffic controller can NOT cancel any sign for prohibition!
Drivers of vehicles with a special regime of movement are allowed to break all the signs for
General information
• 1. It is very important to make difference between a road vehicle and a motor vehicle! If the prohibition is
entered to the road vehicles, we mean all without exceptions- with and without engines. If the prohibition is
about motor vehicles, we mean only vehicles with engines. But the word “ vehicle” means “ an automobile”. Be
very careful with this wording!
• 2. How long to observe the prohibition entered by the exact sign?
- until the next junction
• 3. But what if the next junction is too far and there is no need to observe the prohibition any more?
- any sign for prohibition could be cancelled by sign B34 “ End of all the prohibitions entered by signs!” ( see
sign B34, p. 121)
4. When there is a combination between a sign for prohibition and a warning sign, then you should observe the
prohibition until the end of the problem signalized by the warning sign!( see questions 170-173, p. 157 and 158)
Signs for prohibitions-
one by one in details

B1: Entry of road vehicles is prohibited! No one is allowed to enter B2: Entry of road vehicles is prohibited in both directions! There are two
except a vehicle with a special regime of movement. The street is one- exceptions: vehicles with a special regime of movement and vehicles
way but in the opposite direction. from the regular public transport- trams, buses and trolley-buses!
Signs for prohibitions- one-by-one in details!
p.119- p.121

B3: Entry of motor vehicles is prohibited except motorcycles without a

sidecar and mopeds! So, vehicles without engines and all the two-wheel
vehicles are not prohibited! When you see a passenger car on a sign, think
about all the motor vehicles with an exception of the two-wheel ones. Possible questions:
This road sign prohibits the Which of these vehicles are
entry: prohibited to enter after this
a)of motor vehicles, except sign?
motorcycles without a side car a) vehicles
and mopeds b) trucks
b) of all motor vehicles c) Mopeds
c) of vehicles only d) tractors
d) of all road vehicles
The correct answer is a), because Which of these vehicles are
this is the exact meaning of the prohibited to enter after this
sign by law. sign?
When you see the word “ vehicles” a) motorcycles with side cars
it means “ automobiles”! b) motorcycles without side cars
Red ones are the correct ones! c) mopeds
d) bicycles
What is the difference? When there is no number below the load vehicle, it is about all,
regardless of their mass. If there is, the prohibition is to these load vehicles, which are
greater than the number on the sign!

B4:Entry of load vehicles is prohibited! ( do not mention B4: Entry of load vehicles with maximum admissible mass
anything about maximum admissible mass) greater than 7t is prohibited!
These signs are about compositions of vehicles: a motor vehicle with a trailer. Pay attention of the type of the trailer
designated on the sign. Remember the three types of trailers: a trailer with minimum two axles ( the biggest one),
one-axle trailer ( the smallest one) and a semi-trailer ( middle size). Follow the logic: when the biggest is
designated, the sign is applied only to it but not to the smaller ones! When the smallest is designated, the sign is
applied to all in the group without exceptions!

B6: Entry of motor vehicles with trailers is prohibited!

B5: Entry of motor vehicles with trailers is prohibited
with an exception of one-axle trailers and semi-trailers. ( What trailers? Any! Because the smallest is designated!)
When you see a tractor, think about self-propelled machines, too.
When you see a two-wheel motorcycle, think about two-wheel motor vehicles only: motorcycles
without a sidecar and mopeds!
Remember that the motorcycle with a sidecar is hidden in sign B3, because its width is like the width
of a passenger car- it takes the same space in the road lane.

B7: Entry of tractors and self-propelled machines B8: Entry of motorcycles without a sidecar and
is prohibited! mopeds is prohibited!
Cyclist on age less than 12 are allowed to use sidewalks for movement!
Vehicles driven by animals are allowed to use public roads only if they are designated with
two reflectors on the rear side and only if they have a registration number given by the
municipality where the owner of the horse is registered.

B10: Entry of vehicles driven by animals is

B9: Entry of cyclists is prohibited! prohibited!
When a person pushes or pulls a load trolley with width up to 1m, the person is considered as a pedestrian. When
the load trolley is wider than 1m, the person is considered as a driver. This determines the place of the person on
the road and the regulation he/she must observe. Sign B11 prohibits the entry of all the people pushing or pulling
load trolleys, regardless of the width.
Sign B12 is possible at the beginning of a highway or a speed road, a tunnel or a bridge.

B11: Entry of load trolleys pushed or pulled

by people is prohibited! B12: Entry of pedestrians is prohibited!
Symbols on the signs are very important. You should know how many vehicles are hidden in the exact symbol.
The orange rectangle or square always means a vehicle with dangerous goods. The truck means all the load
vehicles regardless of their mass ( unless there is a number below it). The motorcycle means all the two-wheel
vehicles: motorcycles without a sidecar and mopeds.

B13: Entry of vehicles with dangerous B14: Entry of the designated vehicles is prohibited! ( You see two, but the
prohibition is about three: motorcycles without a sidecar, mopeds and
goods is prohibited! load vehicles)
When the arrows on the sign are on the left and on the right, the size is width.
When the arrows are up and down, the size is height.
Do not forget that the most correct answer contains information about some possible load. If the
vehicle transports some load which extends, it is in its sizes!

B15: Entry of vehicles with width including B16: Entry of vehicles with height including
some load more than designated one, is some load more than designated one, is
prohibited! prohibited!
When there are some meters below the vehicle, the size is length( including the load). It doesn’t matter that a
load vehicle is designated. Sign B17 is about all the vehicles which length including the load is more than
designated one.
Sign B18: No exact vehicle designated! So, it is about all the road vehicles with laden mass greater than
designated one!
B17: Entry of road vehicles or composition of
vehicles with length including the load more B18: Entry of road vehicles with laden mass
than designated one, is prohibited! greater than designated one, is prohibited!
Sign B19: This is the symbol used to designate an axle of a vehicle. The sign is about the heaviness over some
of the axles, it is not about the mass of the whole vehicle!
Sign B20: It is about distance between the vehicles! It must be at least 70m. But because the sign is about a
prohibition, the meaning should start with the exact word: “ It is prohibited to move at distance less than
designated one!”
B19: Entry of vehicles with load over some of
the axles more than designated one, is B20: Movement at distance less than designated
prohibited! one is prohibited!
Sign B21: It is prohibited to turn right!
Sign B22: It is prohibited to turn left!
Sign 23: It is prohibited to make U-turn!
When the left turn is prohibited, it doesn’t mean that the U- turn is also prohibited! And the opposite: when the U- turn is
prohibited it doesn’t mean that the left turn is also prohibited! These two directions are completely different, you don’t take same
street when you turn left and when you make U- turn! Do not equalize them in the tests! The only same thing is the left road
B22: It is prohibited to turn
left! B23: U- turn is prohibited!
B24: The prohibition is to all the drivers of all the vehicles. But pay attention: they are prohibited to overtake motor vehicles- it means
vehicles with engines. So, after the sign we are free to overtake a cart driven by an animal for example. There is also one very important
exception: it is prohibited to overtake motor vehicles with an exception of the two-wheel ones( motorcycles without a side car and
B25: The prohibition is applied to drivers of load vehicles greater than 3.5t. Same exceptions as about sign B24!

B24: It is prohibited to overtake motor vehicles with an

B25: Drivers of load vehicles greater than 3.5t are prohibited to overtake
exception of motorcycles without a sidecar and motor vehicles with an exception of motorcycles without a sidecar and
mopeds! mopeds!
More about signs B24 and B25
• 1.If there is an additional board below the sign with a snowflake ( T14, p. 127) designated, it means
that the prohibition should be observed during snow and winter conditions!
• 2. Both the signs enter another hidden prohibition: When there is a prohibition to overtake, you are
immediately prohibited to stop in the driveway for a stay and for parking! The point is that you make
the coming drivers behind you to enter in the left road lane. The stopped vehicle has to be completely
outside of the driveway! This rule has an exception: if the space between the stopped vehicle and the
solid marking in the middle of the driveway is at least 3m, it is allowed to stop in the driveway
regardless of the prohibition to overtake! See questions 15 and 16 on page 308: both the vehicles are
stopped incorrectly because they take the driveway. Now compare with questions 19 and 20 on page
309: The truck is stopped correctly because it is completely outside of the driveway. See q.21, p. 309:
even if you want to stop for a second to pick up the passenger, this is treated as stopping for a stay
and it is again a violation!
Black signs cancel previous prohibitions
entered by road signs!
B31: End of the prohibition entered by sign B24! B32: End of the prohibition entered by sign
This sign also cancels sign B25. B25!
Remember: a sign cancels a sign! The black signs can not cancel prohibitions by law!
If after sign B33 in the tests is said:” There is no speed limit any more!”, the sentence is
tricky and completely incorrect!

B26: It is prohibited to move with speed higher B33: End of the prohibition for movement with
than designated one! speed higher than designated one!
Stopping means two actions: Stopping for a stay and stopping for parking!
Stopping for a stay means only three things: boarding some passenger, dropping off a passenger, loading or
unloading activities. Parking is any action different than stopping for a stay!
When there are two crossed lines on the sign ( B27), both are prohibited. If there is one line ( sign B28), only
parking is prohibited! There is no sign which prohibits only stopping for a stay!

B27: It is prohibited to stop for a stay and

for parking! B28: Parking is prohibited!
Additional boards below signs B27 and B28
Use the book, see page 127
T3- horizontal T4- two T5- horizontal T10 T15 T16
arrow to the left or directional arrow to the right or This is the The sign is The sign is
vertical one directed directed down- it
up- it gives the arrow gives the end of the time period applied to the applied to the
beginning of the
prohibition. When
( vertical or prohibition. If there
are some meters on
you should official official non-
there are some horizontal)- it the arrow, it means observe the working days working days
meters, it means that
the prohibition starts
means “ that the end is in X
sign. of the of the
now and it is applied continuing of country. country.
for 5m ( in the exact
B29: No word in English! It is written
“ customs”.
B30: Wherever you are, it is prohibited to use sound signal unless there is a need to avoid a road accident!

B29: Passing without stopping is

prohibited! B30: Using a sound signal is prohibited!
The most expected sign!

B34: End of the prohibitions entered by

road signs!
Students make many mistakes about this
sign ticking as a correct answer “ End of
all the prohibitions”!
Because the prohibitions are two types: by
law and entered by road signs! A sign
cancels a sign!
Other additional boards
When a passenger car is designated on an additional board, we mean only passenger cars
( not all the motor vehicles).

The sign is applied only for drivers of load When the vehicle on the additional board is crossed, it means that the sign
is applied for all vehicles except the crossed one. It is easier to cross the
vehicles! only exception than to place several additional boards!
The sign will be applied for all the drivers of all the vehicles on all the streets in the zone!

Beginning of the zone where the sign is

applied! End of the zone where the sign is applied!
Combination between a sign for
prohibition and a warning sign
plus an additional board with
arrows around the meters!

1. Such a combination means that the

prohibition is entered because of the
problem from the warning sign. The
prohibition is valid until the end of the
2. The information given by the
additional board is that the prohibition
is applied for the next 800m.

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