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Future Perfect

Application (Why?)
We use the future perfect to show:
• two actions that will happen in
the future,
• the first action will be complete
before the second begins.
Language Objective:
We will write complete sentences
in the future perfect verb tense in
three forms:
 negative
Parts of Speech:

will have + past participle

Formulas & Examples
Declarative +
Subject + will have + past participle + finisher.


In 2016, we will have consumed half of the producible oil

on the planet.
Negative -
Subject + will + not + have + past participle +

Thousands of sea turtle eggs will not have
hatched by the time the mother returns to the
Interrogative ?
Will + subject + have + past participle +

Will the seasonal flowers have bloomed
before spring ends?
Future Perfect Time Markers
 By the time ________________
I will have eaten my whole snack by the time class begins.
 By ___________
By 6 this morning I will have finished my workout.
 Before ______________
I will have run 6 miles before the time goes off.
 When _____________
When we leave for vacation I will have only slept four hours.
 Already ________
They will have left already when we arrive.
The students will have finished
finals by the end of the day.
The students will not have
finished finals by the end of the
Will the students have finished
finals by the end of the day?
NOTE: It is possible to use either "will" or "be
going to" to create the Future Perfect with little
or no difference in meaning.
FORM Future Perfect with "Be Going To"
[am/is/are + going to have + past participle]
You are going to have perfected your English
by the time you come back from the U.S.
Are you going to have perfected your English
by the time you come back from the U.S.?
You are not going to have perfected your
English by the time you come back from the

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