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Informatica 7.


Day 1 DWH Concepts

Overview of ETL
Informatica 7.1 Architecture
Repository Server
Informatica Server
Repository Manager
Day 2 Overview of source Analyzer
Overview of Warehouse designer
Overview of Mapping Designer & Various Transformations available.
Overview of Mapplets designer & Transformation Developer

©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 2


Day 3 Workflow Manager

Creating Tasks,Worklets and Workflows
Running the sessions and workflows.
Workflow Monitor
Day 4 Mapping Wizards
Performance Tuning

Day 5 Development Standards & AQUA

Case Studies

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ETL(Extraction, Transformation and Loading) is a process by which data
is integrated and transformed from the operational systems into the
datawarehouse environment
Filters and
Operational systems Cleaning View
Rules Check
• Rule 1 Correct
• Rule 2
• Rule 3

• Rule 1
• Rule 2
• Rule 3


Correct Loader Warehouse

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80 tables


50 tables


Text files
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Emp Last First
id Name Name
10001 Jones Indiana

Staging Area
10002 Holmes Sherloc

Name =
Contact(First Name,
Last Name)
Indiana Jones
Sherlock Homes

©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 6


Source Data
Direct Load

Staging Area grated

m ed&
r a n sfor load
,T data
& Integration of
Raw data

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Informatica-7 Architecture

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Informatica Components
Server Components
1. Informatica Server
2. Repository Server

Client Components
1. Repository Server Administration Console
2. Repository Manager
3. Designer
4. Workflow Manager
5. Workflow Monitor

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Informatica Server Components

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PowerCenter Server

• Manages the scheduling and execution of workflows

• The PowerCenter Server reads mapping and session information from
the repository. It extracts data from the mapping sources and stores the
data in memory while it applies the transformation rules that you
configure in the mapping. The PowerCenter Server loads the
transformed data into the mapping targets.
• The PowerCenter Server can achieve high performance using
symmetric multi-processing systems. The PowerCenter Server can start
and run multiple workflows concurrently. It can also concurrently
process partitions within a single session.

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Informatica Server Configuration
Configuration of: Server Setup & Load
Manager details

Informatica Server is mapped

to the Repository here

Product, Database and Partitioning

licenses are updated here

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Repository Server

• The Repository Server Manages the metadata in the repository database.

• The Repository Server manages repository connection requests from client
applications. For each repository database registered with the Repository
Server, it configures and manages a Repository Agent process. The
Repository Server also monitors the status of running Repository Agents,
and sends repository object notification messages to client applications.

• The Repository Agent is a separate, multi-threaded process that retrieves,

inserts, and updates metadata in the repository database tables. The
Repository Agent ensures the consistency of metadata in the repository by
employing object locking.

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Repository Server Configuration

Repository Service


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Informatica Client Components

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Repository Server Administration Console

You can use the Administration Console to perform the following

• Add, edit, and remove repository configurations.
• Export and import repository configurations.
• Create a repository.
• Promote a local repository to a global repository.
• Copy a repository.
• Delete a repository from the database.
• Back up and restore a repository.

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Repository Server Administration Console Contd..
Registering Repository Server

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Repository Server Administration Console Contd..
Connecting to Repository Server

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Repository Server Administration Console Contd..

List of Repositories

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Repository Server Administration Console Contd..

Creating a Repository - Right click on Repository and Choose Add Repository

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Repository Manager

• Used for administering the repository

• Allows to do the following tasks
• Perform Folder functions
• Create, edit and delete folders
• Copy a folder within a repository or to other repository
• Compare folders
• Implement Repository security
• Create, edit and delete repository users and user groups
• Assign and revoke repository privileges and folder permissions
• View locks and un-lock objects

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Repository Manager Contd..
• Import and export repository connection information in the registry
• Analyze source/target, mapping dependencies
• View the properties of repository objects

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Creating Folders
• Click on Folders>Create
• Enter folder name, description, owner, group and permissions

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Creating Groups
• Connect to a repository
• To create Groups choose Security>Manage Users and Privileges
• Select Groups tab and then click Add

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Creating Users
• To create Users choose Security>Manage Users and Privileges
• Enter a username
• Enter the password twice to confirm it

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Creating Users Contd..
• Click Group Memberships

• To Add the user to a group, select the group in the Not Member list, and
click Add
• To Remove the user from a group, select the group in the Member List, and
click Remove
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Assigning Privileges
Choose Security> Manage Users and Privileges> Privileges

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Display Repository Users

Click Edit>Show User Connection to view the repository users

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View/Remove Locks

• Locks prevent the users from duplicating or overriding work

• Choose Edit > Show Locks to view all the locked objects
• The dialog box shows
• Username locking the object
• Folder containing the object
• Version containing the object
• Object type(folder, session, reusable transformation etc.)
• Object name
• Lock type(Read,Write,Execute,Save,Fetch)
• Lock time, hostname,Application(Server Manager, Designer, Server

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Day 2

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Overview of PowerMart Designer
Designer provides five tools with which to create mappings
• Source Analyzer
- to import or create source definitions for flat file, ERP, and relational sources
• Warehouse Designer
- to import or create target definitions
• Transformation developer
- to create reusable transformations
• Mapplet designer
- to create mapplets
• Mapping designer
- to create mappings

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Designer Work Space

Source Transformation Mapping

Analyzer developer Designer

Repository Designer



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Source Analyzer
• Reads and analyzes schema information of operational databases and flat
• Stores metadata information in the repository
• How to import a source?
• choose Sources > Import from database/flat file
• To import a table enter ODBC data source, username, password

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Source Analyzer
• Click on Connect button and the list of tables appears
• Select the tables which you will be using as source tables
• Click OK to add the selected tables into the Source analyzer work space
How to create a new Source?
• Choose Sources > Create

• Give a name to the new source, select the database type

• Click Create and then Done buttons to make the blank source appear in

©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 34

Source Analyzer
• To enter column names, data types and field lengths double click on the newly
created source structure
• Click on the Columns tab

• Click on the ‘Add a new column’ button to add new columns in the source and
specify the details
• Click OK to accept changes

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Warehouse Designer

Provides the following features

• Create a new target
• Import the target structure
• Create cubes and dimensions for multi-dimensional metadata analysis

How to create a new target?

• Choose Targets > Create
• Enter the name for the target table and the database type
• Double click on the empty target structure and enter the column names, data
type and field length same as done for creating sources
• Select the newly created table and choose from menu bar Target
>Generate/Execute SQL

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Warehouse Designer

• Connect to the warehouse by giving ODBC data source,user id and

• Select the appropriate Generation options and click on Generate SQL
file button
• To view/ edit the SQL click on Edit SQL file
• To generate the tables in the database click on Execute SQL file
• Look at the Output window to check for errors in generation of the
target table in database

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Warehouse Designer
How to import target table definition?
• Choose Target > Import from database
• Connect to the database by selecting the ODBC data source and the enter the
user name and password

• Select tables from the list of tables available in the database which will be used
as targets
• Click OK to get the tables in the workspace
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Transformation Developer

•When a transformation needs to be created as reusable across

mappings then it is created in Transformation Developer
•When a set of transformation needs to be reused in a mapping it is
created in mapplet designer

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Transformation Developer

Transformation …….

A Transformation is any part of mapping that generates or

modifies Data

Use the Transformation Developer to create reusable Transformations

Use Transformation Functions to convert Data

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Transformation Developer

Transformations are of two types



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Transformation Developer

Active Transformations

An active Transformation can change the number of records

passed through it.

List of Active Transformations

1. Aggregator
2. Joiner
3. Normalizer
4. Rank
5. Source Qualifier

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Transformation Developer

Passive Transformations

An Passive Transformation cannot change the number of records


List of Passive Transformations.

1. Lookup
2. Expression
3.External Procedure
4. Sequence Generator
5. Stored Procedure

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Transformation Objects

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Create transformation
Transformation Objects
To create a transformation
Click on Transformation > Create

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Source Qualifier

Represents data temporarily stored on the PowerMart server

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Perform custom calculations of a simple or complex nature, using

data from one or more input ports

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Performs a test on all records before allowing them to be sent

to the next object

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Router is similar to filter, router also has the option to route rows
based on condition

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• The sorter transformation is an active transformation that allows you to sort relational and
flat file data based on a sort key.
• This can be used to improve Aggregator performance by provided it with sorted data.

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Sequence Generator
Generates unique ID values in the same fashion as a sequence in
a relational database

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Looks up data from a table, view or synonym

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Look-up Contd..

• Informatica server queries lookup table based on

lookup ports and lookup condition
• Lookup can be connected or unconnected
• Lookup can be cached or uncached
• Lookup policy on multiple match can be specified

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Update Strategy

• Defines how the PowerMart server should handle updates to existing

records in targets: Insert, Update, Delete, Reject options at the mapping level
• Session can be configured to treat the rows as insert/update/delete

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• Joins data from disparate sources - such as mainframes, flat files and
relational databases
• Join sources are categorized as Master and Detail
• The possible join types are: Normal Join, Master Outer Join, Detail Outer
Join, Full Outer Join

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•Normalizer is used to split the source rows into n number of rows
•Normalizer can be used to break out repeated data in a record to
multiple records as in the case of Cobol sources

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Performs an aggregate calculation(Count, Average etc.)

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Stored Procedure

Calls a database stored procedure and captures return values

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• Rank transformation allows to select top/bottom rank of data

• It can be used for numeric and string values

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How to create a mapping?

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Mapping Designer
• To design the basic flow of data between source and targets
• Types: input, output, variable

Variable Ports
– For Aggregator, Expression and Rank transformations
– Use variables to
• simplify complex expression
• store temporary data
• store values from prior rows

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Mapping Creation
How to create a Mapping?
• Open the Mapping designer workspace
• Choose Mappings > Create
• Give a proper name to the mapping

• Open the Sources from the navigator which you would have created/imported
using source analyzer
• Drag and drop the source table from navigator into the workspace

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Mapping Creation Contd..

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Mapping Creation Contd..
• Choose Transformation > Create to create a transformation object
• Select the type of transformation object you want to create and give a proper
name to it

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Mapping Creation Contd..
• Drag and drop the required fields(ports) from Source Qualifier to the
transformation object

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Mapping Creation Contd..
• Add new ports in the transformation object and define them as variable ports
to do complex transformation

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Mapping Creation Contd..
• Open the Targets from the navigator which you would have created/imported
using Warehouse Designer
• Select the target table, drag and drop it into the designer workspace

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Mapping Creation Contd..
• Drag and drop the output ports from the last transformation object to the
corresponding ports in the target

• Choose Repository > Save to store the mapping

• Check the output window for any errors
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Compare Objects
The following repository objects can be compared
 Sources
 Targets
 Transformations
 Mappings and Mapplets
 Instances
 Folders
 Can not compare Repositories
 Can not compare objects of different types
 Read permission required for folders to compare them.
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Source Compare

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Copying Objects

The following objects could be copied

•Mapping and Mapplet
•Transformation Objects
•Sources and Targets

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Mapplet Designer
• Reusable object that reflect set of transformation logic to use in multiple
• Like a single transformation object
• Expands at run time

Each Mapplet must include the following

• Exactly one input transformation or Source Qualifier transformation
• At least one output transformation

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Creating a Mapplet
• Open the Mapplet designer workspace
• Choose Mapplets > Create
• Give a name to the Mapplet

• Create an input transformation to define mapplet input ports if the

mapplet contains no sources

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Creating a Mapplet Contd..

• Double click on the object to define the input ports

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Creating a Mapplet Contd..
• Create the transformation objects to be used in the mapplet
• One input transformation can be connected to only one transformation, so to
pass same values to two separate data flows,connect the input
transformation to another transformation and then split the data flow
• Use Output transformation to create output ports, creating one Output
transformation for each mapplet output group

• Connect all the input ports, ports in transformation objects and the output
ports to complete the data flow

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Creating a Mapplet Contd..
• Choose Repository > Save to store the mapplet
• Check the output window for validation status
• If mapplet is not valid,correct the problem and re-save the Mapplet

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Workflow Manager

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Work Flow Manager
In the Workflow
Manager, you define a
set of instructions called
a Workflow to execute
mappings you build in
the Designer. Workflow

Generally, a workflow
contains a Session and
any other task you may
want to perform when
you execute a session.
Tasks can include a
Session, Email, or
Scheduling information.
You connect each task
with Links in the

You can also create a

worklet in the Workflow Session Task Link
Manager. A Worklet is
an object that groups a
set of tasks.

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Working with tasks

Type of Tasks

• Command
• Decision
• Event
• Email
• Timer
• Assignment
• Session

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Session Task
A Session task is
created for each
Mapping you want
the Informatica
Server to run. The
Informatica Server
uses the
configured in the
Session to move
data from sources
to targets.

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Command Task

The Command task allows you to

specify one or more shell
commands to run during the
workflow. For example, you can
specify shell commands in the
Command task to delete reject
files, copy a file, or archive target

Standalone Command task:

You can use a Command task
anywhere in the workflow or
worklet to run shell commands.

Pre- and post-session shell

command: You can call a
Command task as the pre- or
post-session shell command for a
Session task.
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Event Task
You can define events in the workflow to specify the sequence of task execution. The event
is triggered based on the completion of the sequence of tasks. Use the following tasks to
help you use events in the workflow:
Event-Raise task. Event-Raise task represents a user-defined event. Use the Event-
Raise task with the Event-Wait task to define events.
Event-Wait task. The Event-Wait task waits for an event to occur. Once the event
triggers, the Informatica Server continues executing the rest of the workflow.
 Pre-defined event. A pre-defined event is a file-watch event. For pre-defined
events, use an Event-Wait task to instruct the Informatica (Indicator File)
 User-defined event. A user-defined event is a sequence of tasks in the
S4 waits till S3 completes
- with the help of Events

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Email Task
Email task is used to send
email notifications during a
You can create reusable Email
tasks in the Task Developer for
any type of email. Or, you can
create non-reusable Email
tasks in the Workflow and
Worklet Designer.
You can use Email tasks in any
of the following locations:
Session properties
Workflow properties
Workflow or Worklet

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Decision Task
The Decision task allows you
to enter a condition that
determines the execution of
the workflow, similar to a link
The Informatica Server
evaluates the condition in
the Decision Task and sets
the pre-defined condition
variable to True (1) or False
You can use the Decision
task instead of multiple link
conditions in a workflow

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Timer Task
The Timer task allows you to
specify the period of time to
wait before the Informatica
Server executes the next task in
the workflow.
You can choose to start the
next task in the workflow at an
exact time and date.
You can also choose to wait a
period of time after the start
time of another task, workflow,
or worklet before starting the
next task.
The Timer task has two types of
5.Absolute time
6.Relative time
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Assignment Task

The Assignment
task allows you
to assign a
value to a user-

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Use links to connect each tasks.

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A worklet is an
object that
represents a set of
tasks. It can contain
any task available in
the Workflow
Manager. You can
also nest a worklet
in another worklet.

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WorkFlow Monitor
The Workflow
Monitor is a tool that
allows you to monitor
workflows and tasks.

You can view details

about a workflow or
task in either Gantt
Chart view or Task

You can run, stop,

abort, and resume
workflows from the
Workflow Monitor.

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Workflow Monitor Contd..
You can configure options specific to Gantt Chart and Task view.

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WorkFlow Monitor Contd..
Gantt Chart View Task View

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Replacing a relational database connection


Development Standards

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Naming Conventions

• Mapping - m_MappingName
• Mapplet - mplt_MappletName
• Session - s_MappingName
• Workflow - wf_SessionName

Transformation Naming Conventions

• Aggregator AGG_xxx • Stored Procedure SP_xxx
• Expression EXP_xxx
• Source Qualifier SQ_xxx
• Filter FIL_xxx
• Update Strategy UPD_xxx
• Joiner JNR_xxx
• Lookup LKP_xxx
• Normalizer NRM_xxx
• Rank RNK_xxx
• Sequence Generator SEQ_xxx

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Coding Standards

• Use Shortcuts for Sources & Targets

• Use Transformation Ports (Input, Output, Variable) as required
• Verify the connections of ports between Transformations
• Verify the Type and Precision of ports between Transformations
• Use parameters and variables as required

Note: There will be as many user-defined rules in real time projects.

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A Cognizant Proprietary Product

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AQUA - Automated Quality Analyzer
AQUA enhances the Quality of Informatica deliverables in terms of Rules
reduction in bugs and enforces development standards

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Case Studies

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Moving Forward step-by-step

Step 1
Create a Regular Folder with name as Training_<Associate_ID>

Step 2
Create a User ID and grant Privilages to the user ID to your Folder

Step 3
Create a DSN Connection String
[The tutor will provide all the required information]

Step 4
Import the definition of the table EMPLOYEE (ASSID, DOJ, GRADE,
SPEC) in the Shared Folder using the above DSN

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Moving Forward step-by-step

Step 5
Create a target definition in Warehouse Designer for SALARY (ASSID,
BPAY, SPA, PF, DOP) in the Shared Folder

Step 6
Generate the “Create SQL script” in the Target using the above DSN
and create the table in the database using the above DSN

Step 7
Create shortcuts for the Source and Target from the shared folder in the
Regular Folder

Step 8
Explore the added metadata thru repository manager

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Moving Forward step-by-step

Step 9
Create a Mapping to compute the monthly Salary. Use
SRC_EMPLOYEE as the Source and TGT_SALARY as the Target.
Calculate Total Salary (BPAY + SPA - PF) using an Expression
transformation. Populate the target field DOP with current date.

Step 10
Create a Session for the above mapping. Set the Connection
Strings for the Source and Target. Set other Session level
[The tutor will provide all the required Connection information]

Step 11
Explore the Session & Workflow properties in Workflow Monitor. Get
the Workflow log and Session log and explore them

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Moving Forward self-drive

Exercise 1
Create a new mapping to compute the monthly Salary. Use SRC_EMPLOYEE
as the Source and TGT_SALARY as the Target. Calculate Total Salary (BPAY
+ SPA - PF) using an Expression transformation. Populate the target field DOP
with current date.

Exercise 2
Add a Filter transformation to the above-created mapping with the following
filter condition “Salary > 10000”
Populate target, Emp_Tgt2 (Flat-file) with following fields - Emp_Id,
Emp_Name, Tot_Salary.

Exercise 3
Import table definitions of Emp_Src (Database) into Source.
Using a Router transformation,
Route the first 6-month salary details into Emp_Tgt1 (Flat-file)
and the next 6-month salary details into Emp_Tgt1 (Flat-file)

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Moving Forward self-drive

Exercise 4
Import table definitions of Emp_Src (Database) into Source. Use Sorter
transformation Sort by Emp_Id, Dept_Id. Load the records into Emp_Tgt

Exercise 5
Import table definitions of Emp_Src (Database) into Source. Use Sequence
Generator transformation to create Serial Number. Load the records into a flat

Exercise 6
(i) Import table definitions of Emp_Src (Database) into Source & Dept_Src
(database) into Look-up transformation. Using Dept_Id as Look-up key, load
records into Dept_Tgt (Database).
(ii) Import table definitions of Coll_Details (Database) into Source & Dept_Src
(database) into Look-up transformation. Using Dept_Id as look-up key, load
records into a flat-file.

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Moving Forward self-drive
Exercise 7
Import table definitions of Emp_Src (Database) into Source. Using Update
Strategy transformation, perform a look-up on Dept_Tgt (created in Q 6i). If
the record is present Update else Insert the new record in Dept_Tgt.

Exercise 8
Use Joiner transformation to implement Q 6i.

Exercise 9
Import table definitions of Emp_Sal (Database) into Source. Using Normalizer
transformation obtain records in the following format. Load the target table
Emp_Sal_Tgt (Database).
Emp_Id Emp_Name Jan_Sal Feb_Sal Mar_Sal
1 John 5000 10000 8000
Emp_Id Emp_Name Month Salary
1 John January 5000
1 John February 10000
1 John March 8000

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Moving Forward self-drive

Exercise 10
Import table definitions of Emp_Sal (Database) into Source. Using Aggregator
transformation, group records by Dept_Id. Calculate Avg_Sal, To_Sal &
Cnt_Rcrds for each Dept_Id. Populate into a flat-file.

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Test your understanding!

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Sample Questions

• Which Component gets metadata from Repository?

• Which Component can be used for creating Repository?
• What is the Order of Execution of ports?
• How many port values can be retrieved by an unconnected
lookup and connected lookup respectively ?
• What is the port type of NEXTVAL, CURRVAL ports of a
Sequence Generator?
• What are the different Tracing levels?
• What are the types of lookup caches?
• What are the four Update Strategy constants?

©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 106

Filter Transformation

• Use the Filter transformation early in the mapping.

• Use the Source Qualifier transformation to filter.

Joiner Transformation
• Perform joins in a database when possible.
• Join sorted data when possible.
• For an unsorted Joiner transformation, designate as the master
source the source with fewer rows.
• For a sorted Joiner transformation, designate as the master
source the source with fewer duplicate key values.

©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 108

Lookup Transformation
• Cache small lookup tables

• Use a persistent lookup cache for static lookup tables.

• Override the ORDER BY statement for cached lookups

Stored Procedure Transformation

• Reduce the row count.

• Create an expression

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Local and Global Shortcut Tips

• Keep shared objects in centralized folders

• Only create shortcuts to finalized objects.
• After editing a referenced object, make sure affected mappings are still
• Refresh views of shortcuts when working in a multiuser environment.

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