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This presentation is based on an idea and it is going to take us to an imaginary world we all may dream of living in. This is completely unrealistic and for some time we will have to think out of the box. This is about of living on the white satelliteTHE MOON. We all know how difficult it is to live on the over populated earth, so our group has come out with an idea named MOON ACCOMODATION which states human being living on moon.

oIncreasing prices of land is not affordable by all so moon accommodation will prove good for people. o We import our necessities which are scare in the similar way we can import food and clothing and hence make moon a place for our survival. By this it can even enter the global market.

oWeight is measured less on the moon hence more crowd can stay there. oWe can enjoy a closer view of stars. oWe can make it a pollution free place by avoiding smoke, polluting vehicles and machines. oNo gravity hence accidents can be avoided. oPleasant climate entire year.

oThere is excess use of vehicles on our earth in the same way there will be increasing number of vehicles on moon this may fade the white color of the moon. o No gravity hence all the objects even living will remain in the flying state leading to inconvenience. oE.g. Small objects like a pencil nib can be harmful if it enters into our eye.

oToday the blue planet earth is over burdened by humans similarly after some years moon to will land up in the same terrible. oThe moon is visible to us only in the night hence travelling to moon is only possible in the night. oThere will be no day on the moon. oThe moon to will get destructed after some years due to various human inventions. oThe phases of the moon led to inconveniences.

oExcess pressure on the planet earth hence its satellite can help it to recover from this trouble. oWill reduce the population hence all will go smoothly for those who are yet living on the earth. oThey will get adequate amount of their necessities available for people. oThere wont be unemployment and poverty which is the basic drawback of any nation.


oRising prices occur due to rise in the number of people but if the people migrate to moon then there will be less amount of people on the earth hence the prices will remain stable and wont fluctuate much. oThere wont be a need to conduct deforestation for building more and more lands. oAnimals and birds can also enjoy their inhabitant place and they to wont need to migrate and go else where.


We have to save our planet earth, So an innovative idea has to take birth. Pollution , population ,etc are the drawbacks, So lets remove them and get our planet back. Moon accommodation is next to impossible, But lalaties can make everything possible. This is just an imagination, But you never know it can be a truth in the future generation.


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