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Majd Haddad, Hamzeh Krayim, Hamzeh Deeb, Abdelatif Awamleh

Origin of Rubella

The virus Rubella also known as (German measles) was discovered by a

German physician. The top countries with the most rubella cases are in Asia
like Yemen and Africa like Uganda and it usually spreads between children
ages 5-9, fun fact The name rubella is derived from Latin, meaning, little red.
Rubella is measles or scarlet fever, Rubella was found in Germany.
• There are many ways that Rubella can
spread but the two main ways is by
How does coughing , sneezing, And If a women is
rubella spread infected with rubella while being pregnant
the developing child is in serious harm,
and they might be infected with Rubella.
• This disease is often mild, with
half of people not realizing that
they are infected. A rash
How rubella may start around two weeks
started? after exposure and last for three
days. It usually starts on the face
and spreads to the rest of the
How can rubella
be prevented
• Rubella can be prevented using
the MMR vaccine. This vaccine
protects from getting measles,
mumps and Rubella. CDC
recommends to get the first dose
at 12-15 months, and the second
dose from 6-8 years old.
Side effects of getting injected
• The side effects of getting the vaccine getting injected are, Sore arm
from injection swelling from neck. The vaccine acts from 14-30 days.

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