Unit 4 - Hobbies, Sports and Games B2 Destination

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Unit 4

Hobbies, Sport
and Games
Topic vocabulary in
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Pitch/Track/Court/Course/Ring/Rink
- Pitch /pɪtʃ/: an area of ground specially prepared and marked for playing a sports game.
sân cỏ chơi các môn thể thao
Eg: After the game fans invaded the pitch.
- Track /træk/: the pair of long metal bars fixed on the ground at an equal distance from each other,
along which trains travel.
đường đua, đường chạy
Eg: Passengers are requested not to walk across the tracks.
- Court /kɔːt/: a place where games such as tennis and basketball are played.
sân thể thao ví dụ tennis, bóng rổ
Eg: He won after only 52 minutes on court.
- Course /kɔːs/: a large area of land that is designed for playing golf on
sân thi đấu (golf)
Eg: He set a new course record.
- Ring /rɪŋ/: a special area where people perform or compete
đấu trường, đài
Eg: The horses trotted round the ring.
- Rink /rɪŋk/: a large, flat surface of ice or other hard material, for slating
sân trượt băng
Eg: He skated a figure of 8 in the rink.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Win/Beat/Score

- Win /wɪn/: to archive first position and/or get a prize in a competition, election, fight,etc.
chiến thắng
Eg: If this government win the next election, I’m leaving this country.

- Beat /biːt/: to defeat or do better than

đánh bại
Eg: Simon always beats me at tennis.

- Score /skɔːr/: to win or get a point, goal,.. in a competition, sport, game, or test.
ghi bàn, ghi điểm
Eg: She enjoys trying to score off other people.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Play/Game

- Play /pleɪ/: (v) you spend time doing an enjoyable and/or entertaining activity
(n) a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre or on television or radio
đóng vai, chơi
vở kịch
Eg:There/s a time to work and a time to play.
She wrote a play for the students to perform.

- Game /ɡeɪm/: an entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by children

trò chơi
Eg: The children played a game of cops and robbers.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Spectator/ Viewer

- Spectator /spekˈteɪ.tər/: a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking apart
khán giả ở sân vận động
Eg:They won 4-0 in front of over 40,000 cheering spectators.

- Viewer /ˈvjuː.ər/: a person who watches something, especially television

người xem tivi
Eg: Millions of viewers will be glued to their sets for this match.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Umpire/ Referee

- Umpire /ˈʌm.paɪər/: a person who is present at a sport competition in order to make a certain that
the rules of that particular game are obeyed to judge if particular actions
are acceptable
trọng tài (tennis)
Eg: The umpire overruled the linesman and ordered the point to be replayed.

- Referee /ˌref.əˈriː/: a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the
rules are followed
trọng tài (bóng đá hoặc tương tự bóng đá)
Eg: We only lost the game because the referee was biased.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Final/Finale/End/Ending
- Final /ˈfaɪ.nəl/: (adj) being or happening at the end of a series of events, actions, statements
(n) the last of a series of games or competitions, in which the winner is decided
cuối cùng
trận chung kết
Eg: Jamie is in his final year at Sirling university.
He reached the final of the 100m hurdles.
- Finale /fɪˈnɑː.li/: the last part of a show or a piece of music
phần kết thúc
Eg: The festival ended with a grand finale in Hyde Park.
- End /end/: (v) to finish; to reach a point and go no further; to make sth finish
(n) the final part of a period of time, an event, an activity or a story
kết thúc, sự kết thúc
Eg: The problems did not end there.
There’ll be a chand to ask the questions at the end.
- Ending /ˈen.dɪŋ/: the last part of a story, film, etc.
kết cục
Eg: Friends don’t spoil the endings films for their friends..
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Bat/Stick/Rod/Racket
- Bat /bæt/: a piece of wood with a handle, made in various shapes and sizes, and used for hitting
the ball in games such as baseball.
gậy bóng chày,…
Eg: a baseball bat

- Stick /stɪk/: a thin piece of wood or other material

cái gậy, cái que
Eg: A hockey stick

- Rod /rɒd/: a long, thin pole made of wood or other material

cần câu
Eg: He was given a fishing rod for his birthday.

- Racket /ˈræk.ɪt/: an object used for hitting the ball in various sports, consisting of a net fixed
tightly to a round frame with a long handle
cây vợt
Eg: You are welcome to borrow my tennis racket.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Amateur/Professional

- Amateur /ˈæm.ə.tər/: taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job

người chơi nghiệp dư
Eg: He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional.

- Professional /prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl/: relating to work that needs special training or education

chuyên nghiệp
Eg: She always looks very professional in her smart suits.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Sport/Athletics

- Sport /spɔːt/: a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or
done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job
Eg: Football, basketball, and hockey are all team sports.

- Athletics /æθˈlet.ɪks/: the general name for a particular group of sports in which people
compete including running, jumping and throwing
điền kinh
Eg: An athletics club was held in 2015.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Interval/Half time

- Interval /ˈɪn.tə.vəl/: a period between 2 events or times

nghỉ giải lao (sự kiện, vở kịch,…)
Eg: We see each other at regular intervals- usually about once a month.

- Half time /ˌhɑːfˈtaɪm/: a short rest period between the two parts of a sports game
nghỉ giữa 2 hiệp đấu
Eg: Italy had a comfortable three-goal lead over France by half-time
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Draw/Equal

- Draw /drɔː/: a game in which both teams or players finish with the same number of points
hoà nhau, trận hoà
Eg: The match ended in a two-all draw

- Equal /ˈiː.kwəl/: (n) a person or thing of the same quality or with the same status, rights,..as another
(adj) the same size, quantity, value,…as sth else
người ngang tài, ngang hang, ngang sức
ngang, bằng nhau
Eg: She treats the people who work for her as her equals
There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class.
01 Topic vocabulary in contrast
● Competitor/Opponent

- Competitor /kəmˈpet.ɪ.tər/: person who takes part in a competition

người thi đấu
Eg: There are six remaining competitors for the grand prize of $50,000.

- Opponent /əˈpəʊ.nənt/: a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument,...
đối thủ
Eg: The team’s opponents are unbeaten so far this season.
Phrasal Verbs
02 Phrasal verbs
- Bring forward: change the date/time of an event so it happens earlier
dời lên sớm hơn (lịch trình)
Eg: The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.
- Carry on: continue
tiếp tục
Eg: Carry on until you get to the junction, then turn left.
- Get around to: start (after planning to do sth for a long time)
bắt đầu làm gì (sau 1 thời gian dài chuẩn bị)
Eg: I meant to do the ironing but I didn’t get around to it.
- Get up to: do; do sth you should not do
làm điều gì đó mà bạn không nên làm
Eg: She’s been getting up to all sorts of mischief lately.
- Go in for: enter (a competition,…), like
tham gia, thích
Eg: She doesn’t go in for team sports.
- Go off: stop liking
không thích nữa
Eg: She went off to get a drink.
- Join in: participate, take part
tham gia vào
Eg: I wish he would join in with the other children.
02 Phrasal verbs
- Knock out: defeat and remove from a competition; make unconscious
đánh bại
Eg: Our team was knocked out early.
- Look out: be careful
cẩn thận, coi chừng
Eg: Look out! There’s a car coming.
- Pull out: stop being involved in an activity
rút khỏi, rút lui
Eg: A car suddenly pulled out in front of me.
- Pull off: delay, postpone
trì hoãn
Eg: It’s too late to put them off now.
- Put up with: tolerate
chịu đựng
Eg: I’m not going to put up with their smoking any longer.
- Take to: start (as a habit)
bắt đầu (thói quen)
Eg: I’ve taken to walking up very early.
- Take up: start (a hobby, sport,…); fill an amount of space/time
bắt đầu (sở thích, thể thao,…)
Eg: They’ve taken up golf.
Phrases and
03 Phrases and Collocations
Best Make the best of sth Tận dụng việc gì

Do your best Cố gắng hết sức

The best at sth/doing Tốt nhất/giỏi nhất trong thứ gì/việc gì

Chance Have/take/get a chance to do Có cơ hội (để làm gì)

Have a chance of doing sth Có cơ hội trong việc gì

Some/little/ etc of chance of (your) Một vài/hầu như không có cơ hội trong
doing việc gì
The chances of (your) doing Có cơ hội để làm gì

Take the chance (on sth) Chớp lấy cơ hội

Chance of a life time Cơ hội cả đời

Go Your go Nỗ lực cả đời

Have a go Thử làm việc gì, cố gắng

03 Phrases and Collocations
Height In height Ở độ cao

Afraid of heights Sợ độ cao

Height of sth Độ cao của cái gì

Mad Mad about/on sth/doing Điên dại, thích quá mức vì điều gì/ai đó

Go/become mad Trở nên điên dại

Pleasure Take pleasure in sth/doing Thích thú với

Gain/get pleasure from sth/doing Đạt được niềm vui từ thứ gì, viẹc gì

Popular Popular with/among Được yêu thích

03 Phrases and Collocations
Side (On) the opposite side Ở phía, mặt đối diện

(On) the far side Ở phía xa

Side with sb Về phe ai, ủng hộ ai

On the winning/losing side Bên phía chiến thắng/thua cuộc

Talent Have a talent (for sth/doing) Có tài năng (về gì đó)

Talent contest Cuộc thi tài năng

Turn Turn (a)round/away Quay đầu, quay đi

Turn sth over Lật, giở (trang sách, giấy)

In turn Lần lượt

Take turns Theo thứ tự, lần lượt

Take it in turn(s) Luân phiên (để làm gì)

Your turn (to do) Lượt của bạn

03 Phrases and Collocations

Time On time Đúng giờ

(just) in time Kịp lúc, kịp thời

The whole time Toàn bộ thời gian

High/about time Đã đến lúc làm gì

Take your time (doing) Mất, tốn thời gian làm gì

Take time to do Cứ từ từ làm gì

Sth takes up (your) time Tốn, chiến thời gian

Spend time doing Dành thời gian làm gì

Spend time on Dành thời gian vào cái gì

At/for a certain time Vào thời điểm xác định

03 Phrases and Collocations

Time Time passes Thời gian trôi qua

Find time to do Có đủ thời gian làm gì

Make/Find time for Dành thời gian cho điều gì

For the time being Vào thời điểm hiện tại, vào lúc đó

Have a good/nice time (doing) Có thời gian vui vẻ, tận hưởng

Tell the time Xem giờ

Free/spare/leisure time Thời gian rảnh rỗi

Word patterns
04 Word patterns

Compete Compete against/with sb

Compete for/in sth

Concentrate Concentrate on sth/doing

Difficult Difficult to do

Find sth difficult

Find it difficult to do

Fond Fond of sth/sb/doing

Free Free to do

Free from/of sth

Free for sth

04 Word patterns

Interesting Interesting in sth/doing

Involve Involve sth/doing

Involved in sth/doing

Listen Listen to sth/sb

Love Love sth/sb/doing

Love to do

Mean Mean to do

It/this means that

It/this means sth/doing

04 Word patterns

Prefer Prefer to do (rather than [to] do)

Prefer sth (rather than sth)

Prefer sth/doing (to sth/doing)

Stop Stop sth/doing

Stop to do

Stop sb from doing

Sure/Certain Make/be sure/certain that

Sure/Certain to do

Be sure/certain of sth
Word formation
05 Word formation

Allow (v) Disallow v Không cho phép, từ chối

(cho phép)
Allowable adj Có thể công nhận, có thể thừa nhận

Allowance n Sự cho phép, tiền tiêu vặt

Associate (v) Disassociate v Không liên quan, không liên kết

(liên kết)
Association n Tổ chức, hiệp hội

(un)Associated adj (không) liên quan, liên kết

Compete (v) Competition n Cuộc thi, sự cạnh tranh

(cạnh tranh)
Competitor n Người thi đấu

Competitive adj Tính cạnh tranh, đua tranh

Competitively adv Đủ khả năng cạnh tranh

05 Word formation
Enjoy (v) Enjoyment n Sự thích thú
(thích thú)
Enjoyable adj Thú vị

Equip (v) Equipment n Trang thiết bị

(trang bị)
Equipped adj Được trang bị

Fortune (n) Misfortune n Không may, vận đen

(sự may mắn, số
phận, gia tài)
(un)Fortunate(ly) adj, adv (một cách) (không) may mắn

Interest (n) (un)interesting(ly) adj, adv (một cách) (không) thú vị

(sở thích)
Know (v) Knowledge n Kiến thức
(un)Knowledgeable adj, adv (nột cách) (không) hiểu biết
05 Word formation

Lose (v) Lost v Bị thất lạc, bị mất

(Mất, lạc, giảm)
Loss n Sự mất mát

Maintain (v) Maintenance n Sự duy trì

(duy trì)
Medal (n) Medallist n Người nhận huy chương
(huy chương)
Medallion n Một loại dây có mặt dây to
(trang sức)
Oppose (v) Opposition n Sự phản đối
(phản đối)
Opponent n Đối thủ

Opposite adj Đối diện

Opposing adj Đối lập

05 Word formation

Practice (n) Practise v Thực hiện, thực luyện

(sự thực hiện, luyện tập)
(im)Practical(ly) adj, adv (một cách) (không) thực tế

Train (v) Retrain v Huấn luyện lại

(huấn luyện)
Trainer n Huấn luyện viên, giày thể

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