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Constitution's of Pakistan

Back ground
• Ch. Muhammad Ali became the prime
minister of Pakistan. After taking the
charge ,He started the work of constitution
making. The draft of the constitution was
presented in the constitution Assembly on
January 23,1956,which was passed on
February 29,1956.It consist of 234 Article and
6 headings. The Islamic provisions of the
constitution are as follow.
Country’s Name:
• Pakistan was declared an Islamic Republic.

• Sovereignty:
• Sovereignty over the whole world belongs to
• President:
• According to the constitution, the president of
the country will be a Muslim.
Islamic Laws:
• No Law will be enforced which is repugnant to
the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and
Existing laws will be brought into conformity
with Islam with Islamic teaching.
• Organization of Islamic Organization:
• According to the constitution, organization of
Islamic Research will be established which will
do research for the legislation and
enforcement of Islamic Principle.
Elimination of Riba:
• Riba will be eliminated from the country as
soon as possible.

• Unity of Muslim World:

• Pakistan will established good relations with
other Islamic countries for the unity of Muslim
Constitution of Pakistan 1962
• Background:
• General Ayub Khan abrogated the constitution
of 1956 and proclaimed Martial Law on
October 7,1958 in the country due to the
political disaster. He constituted a constitution
commission. The commission prepared a draft
in which all powers were given to president.
The new constitution was enforced on 8 june
1962.Its consist of 250 Articals and 8 Heading.
• Sovereignty over the whole world belongs to
• Country’s Name:
• The name of the country was proposed as
Republic of Pakistan, Which was later on
amended as Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
• President:
• According to the constitution, the president of
the country will be a Muslim.
Islamic Ideology Council:
• The Islamic ideology council will be
established to recommend to both central and
provincial Government to take measures to
encourage the Muslims to live in accordance
with the principal of Islam.
• Quranic and Islamic Teaching:
• The Quranic and Islamic teachings will be
made compulsory for Muslim.
Islamic Organizations:
• The Government will establish the organizations for proper
maintenance of zakat ,Auquaf and Masijids.

• Constitution of Pakistan 1973:

• Background:
• General Muhammad Yahya Khan abrogated the constitution of 1962
proclaimed Martial law in the country. He held general elections of
Sheikh Mujeeb –ur-Rehman and Zulifqar Ali Bhutto emerged as majority
leaders in East and West Pakistan respectively. Unfortunately, none of
them agreed on transfer of power, which provided opportunity to India
to interfere, resulting in the separation of East Pakistan that became
Bangladesh on December 16,1971.Consitution of 1973 was
implemented 14 August 1973.It consist of 280 articles and 7 Schedules.
Country Name:
• The country ‘s name will be Islamic Republic of
• Religion:
• The official religion of the country will be Islam.
• President and Prime Minister:
• The president and prime minister of Pakistan will
be Muslim, who believe in oneness of Allah and
the finality of the prophet hood of Muhammad
Definition of a Muslim:
• For the first time,the definition of a Muslim was
included in the constitution of Pakistan of 1973.A
person who does believe in oneness of ALLAH, the
absolute finality of Prpohethood of Muhammad
(SAW),the day of judgement and Holy Quran is a
• Islamic Laws:
No law will be enforced which repugnant to teachings
of Quran and Sunnah and existing laws will be brought
into conformity with Islam with Islamic teaching.
Compulsory Islamic Teaching:
• The teaching of Quran and Islamic Studies will be
made compulsory in schools and colleges.
Teaching of Arabic and Printing of Quran:
• The teaching of Arabic will be compulsory from 6th
to 8th schools and printing of Quran will be made
error free.
• Islamic Values:
• Islamic values for example democracy equality,
liberty, and equality will be the main objectives of
Elimination of Riba:
• Rabia will be eliminated from the country as
soon as possible.

Islamic Ideology Council:

The Islamic Ideology Council will be established
to recommend to both central and provincial
Governments to take measures to encourage the
Muslims to live in accordance with the principles
of Islam.

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