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The Modern Concept of


Santo, Geography-47
Jahangirnagar University
Batch : 47
Session : 2017-18

The modern concept of geography is described in two thoughts:

1.Methodological Aspects - Logic
2. Philosophical Construct - Objective and Idea
And the term ‘Paradigm’ comes from these two concepts or thoughts including
scientific theories and values and beliefs. And having the capacity to change the
people's outlook, beliefs and ideology.
In a word paradigm is socially accepted constructive concept, thought, assumption
which gradually change the lifestyle, ideology or perception of the people.
Development of Geographical Thought
Thinking Model

• Models are frameworks that let us predict things like spatial relationships,
• An idea or opinion
interaction with or across space, and other issues of geography.
• Help determine how and why things happen as they do.


• A distinct set of concepts or thoughts.
• Constitute a way of viewing reality
• Theory is an explanation used to understand how something works.
• Theories describe how the phenomenon happens.

Law or Principle

• Laws are fundamental principles and patterns that govern the behavior and relationships
of the geographical phenomenon.
Geography Is Nothing Without
Geographical Paradigm




Santo, Geography-47, Jahangirnagar University:

Contemporary Geographic Thoughts
What Is Paradigm ?

● The way you see, interpret and assume something.

● It is the entire constellation of beliefs, values and techniques.
● A set of assumptions, concepts, values and practices that constitute a
way of viewing reality for the community that shares theme, especially
in an intellectual discipline.
● Paradigms contain all the distinct, established patterns, theories,
common methods and standards that allow us to recognize an
experimental result as belonging to a field or not.
Evolution Of Geographical Paradigm
Timeline Phases Paradigm

Ancient Phase- 1 Pre-paradigm Phase Scholarly observations of the Eastern and

Western civilizations

Ancient Phase- 2 Professionalization Concentration of geographical research in the

Phase west

Up to 500 A.D. Paradigm Phase I Periods of Greeks and Roman

500-110 A.D. Crisis Phase I Dark Age in Europe

800-1450 A.D. Paradigm Phase II Rise of Arab School of thought

1450-1650 A.D. Crisis Phase II Age of Discovery

1650-1859 A.D. Paradigm Phase III Dominance of German school of Thought

Timeline Phases Paradigm
Late 19th Century Crisis phase III Emergence of Dualistic Tendencies in

Late 19th century- Paradigm phase IV Rise of Determinism


Early 20th Century Crisis Phase IV Criticism to Determinism and Paradigmatic

shift to Human to physical

The 1930s- W.W.II Paradigm phase V Dominance of French School of thought and
rise of Possibilism

1940-1970 A.D. Crisis Phase V Quantitative Revolution

1970-the 2000s Paradigm Phase VI Rise of Behaviouralism and Humanistic


21st century Crisis Phase VI Methodological Revolutions (computer-

Significance Of Paradigm

1. Learning Progressions as Paradigm-Affirming: In the educational megaconstruct,

learning progression research falls under the constructivist paradigm.

2. Place, region, and synthesis: The concepts of place and region can help students
think about the synergistic ideas being advocated by scientists, such as the whole
being greater than the sum of the parts, synthesis, complexity, and consilience.

3. Geography’s human-environment identity: From the mid-twentieth century to

present, geographers and geography educators have tended to emphasize aspects of
the spatial-chorological identity—space, place, and region—more than the human
environment identity.
Major Paradigms In Geography:
Environmental determinism is the process of the paradigm that helps people to determine
the development trajectory and how it deposes the society.From one period to another this
trajectory changes and they make a temporal pattern of the paradigm projection.

Possibilism is the process where it theorise the disciplines of the environment sets certain
constraints or limitation which is also determined by the social conditions.Possibilism is the
step of paradigm where the new turn possibilities are uprising and the human interaction of
the possibilities become considerable throughout many factors: like creativity, convenience,
tendencies, public acceptance or demand.

The law of paradigms will not work always naturally .Exceptionalism is the process where
human separated with the nature throughout technology, trend or social reasons; it can be
spirituality,technology or even consciousness. The traditional flow of paradigms will not work
always. Meaning if a possibilism factor does not affected in practical event, it will be
processed as exceptionalism.
Major Paradigms In Geography:

The landscape morphology paradigm helps us to understand how to shape the

physical and morphological elements to reform according to trend and pattern of
spatial liveable area, wildlands, conservatories etc.

Spatial organization can be defined as how something is organized internally as

well as externally in relation to its surroundings. It can be viewed both on a large or
small scale and may also include in its discussion, the factors and conditions that
lead to a specific organization pattern.
Shifts In Geographical Paradigm:
The Paradigm shifts in Geography can be divided into six paradigms phases and six crisis
phases according to Kuhn’s model.
Diversity of Geographical Paradigm:

Geography includes physical geography, which studies the natural

features of the earth's surface, such as landforms, climate, and
ecosystems. It also includes human geography, which examines the
relationships between people and the environment, including topics
such as population, migration, urbanization, and economic
Geography also encompasses a range of multidisciplinary sub-
disciplines, including cultural geography, political geography,
environmental geography, and economic geography, among others.
Each of these sub-disciplines brings its own unique perspective and
methodology to the study of geography, adding to its diversity.
Diversity of Geographical Paradigm:
The pace of change in geography can vary depending on the sub-discipline,
the region, and the specific research area and may be influenced by broader
societal and cultural shifts.
Why Paradigm Shift Is So Important In Geography
Paradigms are important in geography because they provide a framework or lens through
which geographers can understand, analyze, and interpret the Earth's physical and cultural

Paradigm shifts are important in geography because they enable researchers to re-evaluate
their assumptions and explore new ways of understanding the world. Here are a few reasons
why paradigm shifts are crucial in geography:

Here are some of the reasons why paradigm shifts are important in geography:

Contributing to the development of theory and

Organizing knowledge

Enhancing understanding of environmental and

Encouraging critical thinking
social issues

Enhancing cross-disciplinary collaboration Focusing research


These changes in ideology and thought signify the successive paradigms that
have formulated and demarcated the study field of the discipline. Temporal factors
have played a significant role in defining the way in which one should study the
discipline. With the development of spatial paradigm the transition of geography
from a multi-paradigmatic discipline in the late 19th century to that of dual-
paradigmatic discipline and finally into a single paradigmatic discipline took place.
Geography as a discipline evolved with several understandings simultaneously
working together and proving to be a broad discipline providing a spatial
description of earth and its various aspects.

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