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1. Read the excerpts of Corazon Aquino's speech.

2. Assign the group a section of the speech to read and analyze.
3. After reading and analyzing the excerpt, answer these questions:
• What are the main ideas or messages conveyed in your assigned section of the
• Does your section of the speech describe any significant events or incidents
related to the suffering endured by Corazon Aquino's husband or the Filipino
people under the dictatorship?
• How do these events contribute to the overall narrative presented in the
4. After analyzing, present your findings to the class.
1. Reflect on the emotions evoked by the images.
What emotions do you think the people in the
images might be experiencing, and how does
this relate to the emotions conveyed in
Corazon Aquino's speech?
2. Do the images help you better understand the
suffering and challenges faced by the Filipino
people during the dictatorship, as described in
the speech?
3. How do the visuals enhance the overall
message of the speech and its call for change
or support from the international community?

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