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Laundry Spark
Information system

 The Laundry management System (LMS) is developed to

manage the laundry service and provide an automated backup
and recovery for security management of information in the

 Before this, the management of this company is constructing by

using manual business process. All the information about the
customer and staff are kept separately by using file system. It
will cause the process of searching information take more time
and quite difficult.
System proposed Name

 Laundry Marts
Business System address
Business history

 The Laundry mart is a laundry shop that use the mechanical

way in rolling their business. Mechanical system is the use of
electronic equipment’s such as calculator and other electronic
device that ease work.
Business operations

 The Laundry mart uses a manual Laundry systems which can be

highly labor-intensive to operate. They require continuous monitoring
to ensure that each transaction is accounted for and that services are
maintained at the appropriate module.
Section that needs the information system

 To reduce the shortcomings of the existing system there is a need to develop a

new system that could upgrade the status of the current system which is
manual and slow to the system that will be automatic and fast.
Section that needs the information system

 The new system should be concern with offering the requirements of the
customer and the workers, the system should be reliable, easier, fast, and
more informative.
Description of the current system being

 The current system operates manual laundry management

system, from services, and managing customer’s record etc.
recorded in a book. This is faced with errors, incompleteness,
and insufficient data for analysis.
Pros of the current system
Cons of the current system

 Physical Counts

 A manual Laundry system does not provide any number, as all

numbers from the Laundry are gained through physical Laundry
counts. One of the difficulties of 2 running a manual Laundry
system is that physical Laundry counts must be performed
frequently to control the services in the Laundry.
Cons of the current system

 Time Consumption

 Manual systems are time consuming, as the business owner

must keep track of Laundry sales on a daily basis, while
updating the system manually at the end of the day.
Cons of the current system

 Poor Communication

 A manual Laundry system requires employees and managers to write

down each time a services been processed in the Laundry. If one
employee forgets to mention that the last cloths has been brought to the
Laundry, a manager expects there is not cloths brought to the Laundry.
Overview of the problem(s) with the current

 Using a manual system to gather the time date and other records of
people who send or call in for their laundry to get done can be very time
consuming and may also cause a lot of mishaps as this could cause a mix
up of customers clothes and having one person keeping track of the data
will be inefficient
Proposed solution for the problem(s)

With this laundry Spark system that we are creating this system is designed to
be efficient in carrying out the objectives that we have with our customers
having trouble with their laundry.

Our management system has a built in concurring and well established

database that once an order is sent in, it we will be notified on our devices and
that order will automatically be sent into the database so that we will be able to
see the customer's laundry order,

plus the time and date and other records that it will keep track of and we also
have a mobile app and a website in place if you want to use it wherever you are
on the go.
System Name

 Our new proposed System name is Laundry Spark

Proposed description and justification

 To reduce the shortcomings of the existing system there is a need to

develop a new system that could upgrade the status of the current
system which is manual and slow to the system that will be automatic
and fast.

 The new system should be concern with offering the requirements of the
customer and the workers, the system should be reliable, easier, fast,
and more informative.
The features of these solutions that we have proposed

 Reduction in processing cost.

 Error reduction.

 Automatic calculation.

 Improve reporting.

 Faster response time.

 Reduction in use of the paper.

 Reduction in Man Power.

The features of these solutions that we have
proposed are

 The system is a Web application, Android and IOS application. The system will
provide the following Main features:

 Calculate the bill.

 Store how many products are sold.

 Store products and their prices and with other information.

 Print out reports as receipt.

Overview of an alternative solution

 We present the design and implementation of a laundry management

system (LMS) used in a laundry establishment.

 Laundry firms are usually faced with difficulties in keeping detailed records
of customers clothing;

 this little problem as seen to most laundry firms is highly discouraging as

customers are filled with disappointments, arising from issues such as
customer clothes mix-ups and untimely retrieval of clothes
Overview of an alternative solution

 The aim of this application is to determine the number of clothes collected, in

relation to their owners, as this also helps the users fix a date for the
collection of their clothes.

 Also customer's information is secured, as a specific id is allocated per

registration to avoid contrasting information.

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