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CPEC: Part of OBOR

 One Belt One Road (OBOR) is an economic land belt that includes
countries through Central Asia, West Asia, Middle East and Europe.

 Maritime Silk Road links China’s port facilities with African coast, up
through the Suez Canal in to the Mediterranean.

 OBOR/Maritime Silk Road will provide access for China’s domestic

overcapacity and capital for regional infrastructure development.

 OBOR/Maritime Silk Route will improve trade relations with ASEAN,

Central Asian and European countries.

 OBOR project size is US$900bn. Financing vehicles are 1). The Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with capital of US$100bn, which has
been established and 2) The Silk Road Fund for which China has pledged
US$40bn and was established in Dec 2014. Further, loans from Chinese
banks and concessional Chinese Govt. loans for projects.
China Pakistan Economic 1 of
Corridor 63
Karakorum Highway Map

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