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Approaches to Research

Approaches to Research

1. .Qualitative Research
- is a type of research that aims to gather and analyse
non-numerical data in order to gain an understanding
of individual’s social reality , including
understanding their attitude , beliefs and motivation
Approaches to Research

2. .Quantitative Research
- deals with numbers, logic and an objective
-it focuses on numeric and unchanging data
and detailed , convergent reasoning rather
than divergent reasoning
Comparison of
Qualitative and

.Qualitative Research .Quantitative Research

-deductive – from theory to fact
-inductive –from fact to theory
- Establish cause effect
-explore factors that could
explain why a given event
- Relate occurrence of a
variable with other variables
-establish patterns/develop
- -establish generalizations for
theory for understanding how
prediction and control
and why an event occur
Ethical Considerations in

 - These are set of principles that guide research design

and practices . These considerations work to

-protect the rights of research participants

-enhance research validity
-maintain scientific or academic integrity
Research is very essential in our society .
Progress and development is met through it.
An educator shoul be involved in the sustainable progress
through research. This could be done by not defying the
research ethics in order for our research work to be
credible and helpful.

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