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KUP: General knowledge of the principal structural members of a
ship and the proper names for the various parts

Course outcomes:
Illustrate the types of ships and its parts.

Describe the ship stresses and hull structure

Ship Stresses

❖ Stress – the load put on a piece of material or structure.

❖ Strain – the permanent deformity or weakness caused by excessive
There are 3 main types of stress

❖ Tensile / Tensioning – tendency to pull

materials apart

❖ Compressive / Compression – tendency

to crush the material

❖ Shear - is the effect of two forces acting in

opposite directions and along parallel lines
Ship Stresses

Bending: When a beam is loaded it will bend dependent on its stiffness and its end
connections. A single load from above causes compression stress on the upper side
and tension stress on the lower side of the beam.
Shear area: is the force in the beam acting perpendicular to its longitudinal (x) axis.
For design purposes, the beam's ability to resist shear force is more important than
its ability to resist an axial force. Axial force is the force in the beam acting parallel
to the longitudinal axis.
Forces that causes ship stress / Strain

⮚ Static Force are due to

▪ Internal forces resulting from
structural weight, cargo and machinery
▪ External static force including the
hydrostatic pressure of the water on
the hull

⮚ Dynamic Force are caused by

▪ The ship’s motion at sea
▪ The action of wind and waves
▪ The effects of operating machinery
Dynamic Force
- Ship Movement – Six degrees of freedom

• Pitch - The up/down rotation of a vessel about its transverse/Y (side-to-side or port-
starboard) axis.

• Roll - The tilting rotation of a vessel about its longitudinal/X (front-back or bow-stern) axis.

• Yaw - The turning rotation of a vessel about its vertical/Z axis.

Dynamic Force
- Ship Movement – Six degrees of freedom


• Heave - The linear vertical (up/down) motion; excessive downward heave can swamp a ship.

• Sway - The linear transverse (side-to-side or port-starboard) motion.

• Surge - The linear longitudinal (front/back or bow/stern) motion imparted by maritime conditions.
Forces produces stresses in ship’s structure which may be
divided into two categories:

⮚ Global Stress – affects the whole ship

⮚ Local Stress – Affects a particular part of a ship

Hogging and sagging
Hogging and sagging can be tolerated, but only within limits. When they exceed
acceptable limits, hogging or sagging will cause the hull to crack in the area of
greatest stress.
In a improper loading of a vessel, a hogged or sagged condi­tion can be
caused by a trochoidal wave action, an action of a wave whose distance between
crests is equal to the length of the ship and whose height is 1/20 of its length.

When a vessel encounters a wave of that size, it will be hogged when the
midsection of the vessel passes over a crest and sagged when the bow and stern
sections are supported by crests. In determining whether a vessel is hogged or
sagged it is helpful to clear mental uncertainties if look at draft as a "theoretical"
draft and load (midships) draft as an "actual" draft.
Hogging due to waves

Hogging is the stress a ship's hull or keel experiences that causes the
center or the keel to bend upward.
Hogging due to discontinuity in loading
Sagging due to waves

Sagging is the stress on a ship's hull or keel is placed under

when a wave is the same length as the ship and the ship is in
the trough of two waves.
Sagging due to discontinuity in loading
When a ship rolls in a seaway, it results in forces in the structure
tending to distort it transversely and may cause deformation at the corners.
The deck tends to move laterally relative to the bottom structure, and the
shell on one side to move vertically relative to the other side. This type of
deformation is refered to as “racking”.

Uneven water pressure caused by wave action leads to distortion of the

structure as shown and is resisted by the Shear Stresses in the structure
including most significantly the Transverse bulkheads and framing. Racking
stresses are highest at the corners of the box section and thus the corner
brackets are specially inspected.

A ship traversing a wave train at an angle will be subject to a

twisting moment (torque) and the structure in ‘torsion’. The greatest
effect occurs with decks having large openings. In some ships, a
heavy torsion box girder including the upper deck is provided at the
topsides to accommodate the torsional stresses.
Pounding and slamming
Heavy pitching assisted by heaving as the whole ship is lifted
in a seaway may subject the forepart to severe impact from the sea.
The greatest effect is experienced in the lightship condition. To
compensate for this, the bottom over 30% forward is additionally
strengthened in ships exceeding 65m in length and in which the
minimum draught forward is less than 0.045L in any operating
Pounding and slamming
This is a stress, which occurs at the ends of a vessel due to
variations in water pressure on the shell plating as the vessel
pitches in a seaway. The effect is accentuated at the bow when
making headway.
Panting beams – athwartships members in the forepart
introduced to reduce the in & out tendency of the shell plating,
caused by varying water pressure on the bow.
Panting stringers – internal horizontal plates secured to the
shell plating and braced athwartships by the panting beams.

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