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What is

What is Multiple Intellignce?

 The theory of multiple intelligences is Howard

Gardner's theory that proposes that people are not
born with all of the intelligence they will ever have.
 It says that Everyone is intelligent in at least nine
different ways and can develop each aspect of
intelligence to an average level of competency.
 Intelligence , as defined by Gardner, is the ability to
solve problems that are valuable in one or more
cultural settings.
What is this theory?

 Breaks down in different "intelligences" to categorize

talents and skills.

 Gardner: “ The kinds of intelligence would allow

different ways to teach, rather than one."
The Type of Multiple intelligences

 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
 Intrapersonal Intelligence.
 Interpersonal Intelligence
 Linguistic Intelligence.
 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence.
 Visual-Spatial Intelligence.
 Musical Intelligence.
 Naturalist Intelligence.
 Existential Intelligence
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

 Ability to explore patterns,

categories and relationships by
manipulating objects or symbols,
and to experiment in a controlled,
orderly way.
 Ability to reason either deductively
or inductively and to recognize and
manipulate abstract patterns and
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