Unit 2: Cloud Computing Architecture

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Cloud Computing Architecture

Cloud Computing Architecture
• Cloud Computing is the process of providing computing
services like networks, storage, database, etc. to users
from anywhere and any time only with the help of the

• Users can pay for what they use.

• The cloud architecture is divided into 2 parts i.e.
1. Front End
2. Back End
1. Frontend :
• refers to the client side of cloud computing system.
• it contains all the user interfaces and applications which
are used by the client to access the cloud computing

• For example, web browsers

2. Backend :
• Backend refers to the cloud itself which is used by the
service provider.
• it includes huge storage, virtual applications, virtual
machines, traffic control mechanisms, deployment
models, etc..
Service Models
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• also known as Hardware as a Service (HaaS).
• Provides fundamental resources to physical machines,
storage, virtual machines, and other resources.
• Customers access these resources on the Internet using
a pay-as-per use model.

• E.g.- Amazon web services, GoGrid

IaaS provider provides the following services -
• OS
• Compute: Computing as a Service includes virtual central
processing units and virtual main memory for the Vms
that is provisioned to the end- users.
• Storage: IaaS provider provides back-end storage for
storing files.
• Network: Network as a Service (NaaS) provides
networking components such as routers, switches, and
bridges for the Vms.
• Load balancers: It provides load balancing capability at
the infrastructure layer.
• IP addresses
Advantages of IaaS

1. Shared infrastructure

2. Web access to the resources

3. Pay-as-per-use model

4. Focus on the core business

5. On-demand scalability
Disadvantages of IaaS

1. Security

2. Maintenance & Upgrade

3. Interoperability issues
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• It allows programmers to easily create, test, run, and deploy
web applications.

• Example: Google App Engine, Force.com, Joyent, Azure.

• User Interface

• Runtime environment

• Offers development and deployment tools

• Developers use it

• No need to purchase expensive hardware / software

PaaS providers provide

• Programming languages

• Application frameworks

• Databases

• Other tools
Advantages of PaaS

1) Simplified Development

2) Lower risk

3) Instant community

4) Scalability
1) Vendor lock-in

2) Data Privacy

3) Integration with the rest of the systems applications

Software as a Service (SaaS)
• On-Demand Software
• End users
• services are hosted by a cloud service provider.
• Business Services-ERP , CRM
• Social Networks
• Mail Services
Advantages of SaaS

1. easy to buy

2. One to Many

3. Less hardware required

4. Low maintenance required

5. No special software or hardware versions required

Disadvantages of SaaS

1. Security

2. Total Dependency on Internet

3. Switching between SaaS vendors is difficult

Types of cloud / Deployment models
Public cloud
• A service provider makes resources such as applications ,
storage , available to general public over internet.
• Easy and inexpensive setup
• No wasted resources
• E.g.- Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure,
Alibaba, and IBM
Advantages of using a Public cloud

• High Scalability

• Cost Reduction

• Location independent

• Reliability and flexibility

• Disaster Recovery
Disadvantages of using a Public cloud

• Loss of control over data

• Data security and privacy

• Limited Visibility

• Unpredictable cost
Private cloud
• exclusively dedicated to a single group, entity, or user set
behind the customer's firewall.

• Gives companies direct control over their data.

• It is used by organizations to build

and manage their own data centres
internally or by the third party.

• Private cloud providers are HP Data

Centres, Ubuntu, Elastic-Private cloud, Microsoft, etc.
Advantages of using a private cloud

• High security

• Data privacy

• More customizable
Disadvantages of using a private cloud

• The restricted area of operations

• Expertise requires

• High cost
Hybrid Cloud
• Hybrid Cloud = Public Cloud + Private Cloud

• Critical activities – private cloud

• Non Critical activities – public cloud
Advantages of using a hybrid cloud

• security

• Scalabilty, flexibility

• Low cost
Disadvantages of using a hybrid cloud

• Managing is difficult

• security feature is not as good as the private cloud.

Community Cloud
• allows systems and services to be accessible by a group
of several organizations to share the information between
the organization and a specific community.
• It is owned, managed, and operated by one or more
organizations in the community,
• Cost effective

• scalable
• Not all business should choose community cloud

• Challenging to share duties

Economics of Cloud
• Economics of Cloud Computing is based on the PAY AS
YOU GO method.

• is the study of cloud computing’s costs and benefits and

the economic principles.

• it explores key questions for businesses:

1. Return On Investment (ROI)
2. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
• There are three different Pricing Strategies that are introduced by Cloud

1. . Tiered Pricing: Cloud Services are offered in the various tiers. Each
tier offers to fix service agreements at a specific cost. Amazon EC2 uses
this kind of pricing.

2. Per-unit Pricing: The model is based upon the unit-specific service

concept. Data transfer and memory allocation include in this model for
specific units. GoGrid uses this kind of pricing in terms of RAM/hour.

3. Subscription-based Pricing: In this model, users are paying periodic

subscription fees for the usage of the software.

• When exploring cloud economics for their company, IT and finance
managers can follow a basic process to determine cloud computing

• The process should include these three elements:

1. Benchmarking: Calculate the cost of operating your current data

center, including capital costs over the equipment lifespan, labor
costs and any other maintenance and operational costs, from
licenses and software to spare parts.
2. Cloud costs: Estimate the costs of the cloud infrastructure you’re
considering (public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, etc.). You’ll
need a quote from your vendor, but look beyond this basic pricing
structure to consider ongoing fees, labor and training costs, ongoing
integration and testing of apps, as well as security and compliance.
3. Migration costs: Determine the cost to migrate IT operations to the
cloud or to switch cloud providers. These costs should include labor
and expenses to integrate and test apps.
Benefits Of Cloud Economics

• Cost Savings

• Increased Efficiency

• Flexibility
Open challenges

• Cost

• Service Provider Reliability

• Downtime

• Password Security

• Data Privacy

• Vendor Lock - In
Cloud Interoperability & Standards
• is the extent to which different systems and components
in the cloud ecosystem can work in coordination with each
• The ability to share or exchange information between two
or more systems or programs is called interoperability.
Types of Cloud Computing Interoperability
1. Application Interoperability
• allows interoperability among application components.
• The primary design approach for application interoperability aims
at improving data visibility and transparency.
• also focus on addressing the requirements for managing ‘system
of record’ sources.

2. Platform Interoperability
• Platform interoperability denotes the interoperability among
platform components.
• It needs standard protocols for facilitating service discovery
alongside information exchange.
• also platform interoperability is an essential requirement for
facilitating application interoperability.
3. Management Interoperability
• focuses on interoperability among cloud services and
important programs which focus on implementing on-
demand self-service applications.

4. Publication and Acquisition Interoperability

• Generally, cloud service providers utilize marketplaces for
publishing their cloud services and associated
• With the availability of standard interfaces to these
marketplaces, interoperability could ensure lower costs of
cloud computing.
Use Cases of Interoperability and Portability

• Cloud service customers want to switch between two

providers for accessing a cloud service.
• essential for use cases where the customer wants to
leverage cloud services by multiple providers.
• situations where customers want to link a cloud service to
another cloud platform.
• for linking in-house capabilities with different cloud
• the migration of customer capabilities to cloud services.
Standards of Cloud Computing
Interoperability and Portability
• OVF, or Open Virtualization Format, is a packaging
standard for addressing concerns regarding virtual
machine portability and deployment.
• Cloud Data Management Interface or CDMI is a standard
for defining the functional interface for applications that
would help in creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting
data elements.
• Open Cloud Computing Interface or OCCI standards for
interoperability and portability in cloud computing feature
a set of open standards. OCCI standards support the
definition of protocol and API for different cloud computing
management processes.
• Cloud Application Management for Platforms or CAMP
standard helps in defining an interoperable protocol to
facilitate application packaging and deployment.

• Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud

Applications or TOSCA is a standard for interoperability in
cloud computing. It helps in defining interoperable
descriptions of infrastructure and application cloud
services and the operational behavior of services.
• The responses to “What is the goal of interoperability in
cloud environments?” would also draw attention to
ISO/IEC 19941 standard. It is another important standard
validated by ISO for facilitating cloud computing
interoperability and portability.
• US FIPS 140-2 is a notable interoperability, and portability
standard focused on security. The standard helps in
specifying the security requirements for cryptographic
modules within security systems for safeguarding
sensitive data.
• Cloud Auditing Data Federation, or CADF, is a popular
standard for defining open standards in cloud auditing.
Scalability & Fault Tolerance
• Scalability refers to the ability to increase or reduce IT
resources as required to meet evolving demands.

• two specific forms of scalability exist

o vertical and horizontal scaling.
• Fault tolerance refers to the ability of a system to continue
functioning even in the face of failures or errors.

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