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K. J.

Somaiya Institute of Technology

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Flying High: The Boeing 777 and the Power of Concurrent Engineering

Arman Singh (42)

Divyank Trivedi (43)
Avanish Yadav (46)
Prof. Vaishali Patil
Outline Presentation
 Introduction

 What is Concurrent Engineering?

 Pillars of Concurrent Engineering

 Boeing 777 Aircraft Development

 Concurrent Engineering in Boeing 777 Development

 Benefits of Concurrent Engineering

 Conclusion

Concurrent Engineering is all about collaboration and communication. It involves bringing

together experts from different fields to work on a project simultaneously, rather than
sequentially. By doing this, the team can identify potential issues earlier, leading to faster
problem-solving and ultimately a more successful outcome. In today's fast-paced world,
where time-to-market is critical, Concurrent Engineering is becoming increasingly
What is Concurrent Engineering?

• Concurrent engineering is a systematic product design approach.

• Involves all relevant disciplines and stakeholders throughout product
• Emphasizes collaboration and communication among team
• Focus on optimizing product aspects: performance, cost, and
• Aims to reduce time-to-market for products.
• Maintains or enhances product quality.
• Early involvement of stakeholders to identify and address potential
• Enhances flexibility to adapt to changing customer needs or market
Pillars of Concurrent Engineering

• Concurrent engineering involves multiple teams working together.

• Pillars of concurrent engineering for success:
• Communication:
• Ensures team alignment and shared goals.
• Collaboration:
• Seamless teamwork to meet project milestones.
• Integration:
• Comprehensive inclusion of design, manufacturing, and testing.
• Facilitates efficient workflows and issue resolution.
• Flexibility:
• Adaptability to changing circumstances.
• Allows teams to adjust approaches for project success in dynamic environments.
Boeing 777 Aircraft Development

• Boeing 777 aircraft development project:

• Ambitious and extensive undertaking.
• Years of planning, design, and testing.
• Goal: Create a cutting-edge commercial airliner.
• Aimed to set new benchmarks for efficiency, safety, and
passenger comfort.
• Faced challenges:
• Complex engineering problems.
• Tight project deadlines.
• Budget constraints.
• Despite obstacles:
• Team persevered.
• Achieved one of the most successful aircraft in history.
• Boeing 777 recognized with awards for innovative design
and outstanding performance.
• Remains a popular choice among global airlines.
Concurrent Engineering in Boeing 777 Development
•Boeing 777 development team utilized concurrent engineering principles.

•Traditional departmental barriers were broken down to encourage collaboration.

•Departments worked simultaneously on their project components.

•Design and manufacturing teams worked concurrently (e.g., exterior and interior).

•Reduced project completion time.

•Ensured seamless integration of all components.

•Diagrams visualized project stages and intersections.

•Early identification of potential issues.

Benefits of Concurrent Engineering
• Concurrent engineering benefits aircraft manufacturers by:
• Reducing time-to-market
• Cutting costs
• Improving product quality

• Involves all stakeholders from the beginning of the design process.

• Early identification and resolution of potential issues.

• Encourages collaboration, innovation, and creativity.

• Real-world example: Boeing 777 development.

• Reduced time-to-market by 30%.
• Achieved significant cost savings.
• Improved aircraft quality.
• Enhanced safety and reliability.
• Positive feedback from pilots and passengers.
Challenges of Concurrent Engineering
• Challenges of implementing concurrent engineering in product development:
• Communication issues
• Multiple teams working simultaneously
• Ensuring effective information sharing
• Risk of misunderstandings, delays, and errors

• Coordination problems
• Teams working on different project aspects concurrently
• Need for careful planning and management
• Ensuring seamless integration of components

• Requirement for specialized tools

• Specialized software and tools needed
• Potential for high cost
• Training required for proper usage, increasing project complexity
Lessons Learned from the Boeing 777 Project
• Challenges of implementing concurrent engineering in product development:Communication
• Multiple teams working simultaneously
• Difficulty in ensuring everyone is aligned
• Information sharing effectiveness
• Risk of misunderstandings, delays, and errors
• Coordination problems:
• Teams working on different project aspects concurrently
• Challenging to synchronize efforts
• Need for meticulous planning and management
• Ensuring seamless integration of project components
• Specialized tools requirement:
• Concurrent engineering often necessitates specialized software and tools
• Potential for high cost
• Significant training required for proper utilization
• Adds to overall project complexity

Concurrent engineering is a crucial strategy for complex engineering endeavors, delivering

quicker time-to-market, cost savings, and enhanced quality. Involving all stakeholders from
project inception enables the early identification and resolution of potential issues, streamlining
the development process. The Boeing 777 aircraft development project exemplifies the
successful application of concurrent engineering principles, where collaboration and iteration
enabled on-time and on-budget delivery despite challenges. Looking ahead, concurrent
engineering will continue to grow in significance, fostering innovation and efficiency in
engineering projects, propelling us toward greater progress and achievement in the future.

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