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All about the privilege

Trans Rights: The good, the bad and

the ugly.
Why are these rights needed?
The looks our society gives them:
,,Male privilege?''
And what about ,,Pretty privilage?''
The stories that were told:
Thr good

Thr bad

The ugly
Transgender Rights: the basics

The goal is to stop violence

and discrimination against
transgender people in all
spheres of their lives.

Transgender rights is a part

of the broader LGBTQ+
rights movements.
Transgender rights: major goal

A major goal of transgender

activism is the ability to
update identification
documents to reflect a
person's current gender
Transgender rights: Levi's story
Why are these rights important?
functioning members of society
and shouldnt be excluded from
having basic human rights, for the
sole reason of being transgender
Thr looks


must face
Attitudes towards gender are at a curious

Most people are in favor

of policies that protect
people who identify as
transgender from
Trans Rights
But a growing majority believes that whether a
person is a man or woman is determined by the
sex they were assigned at birth, according to the
latest survey.
Results of a May 2022 survey

A full 60% do not believe that a

person’s gender can be different
from their sex assigned at birth,
according to the May 2022 poll of
over 11 thousand U.S. adults.
Results of a May 2022 survey

Adults aged 65 and older are the

most likely to say that views on
these issues are changing too
quickly,” says Brown, “while those
younger than 30 are the most
willing to say they’re actually not
changing quickly enough.”
Be respectful:

It is important to use respectful

terminology, and treat
transgender people as you
would treat any other person.
Male privilege!
What is
,,Male Privilege''?

It is the system of advantages or rights that

are available to men solely based on their
sex. A man's access to these benefits may
vary depending on how closely they match
their society's ideal masculine norm.
What is ,,Male Privilege''?

Special privileges and status are granted to males in patriarchal societies. These are societies defined by male supremacy, in which
males hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of the property
·Trans masculine individuals have unique

Male Privilege and Trans

experiences and perceptions of male
privilege due to their initial socialization in
female bodies.

People ·Some trans masculine individuals reported

that male privilege made them feel safer,
elicited assumptions of competence, freed
them from traditional female gender role
expectations, and garnered acceptance as
“one of the boys.”
··Male privilege also seemingly positioned

Male Privilege and Trans

them as “outsiders” to women’s
communities and queer communities that
were important to them.

People ·Some trans masculine participants reported

they do not experience male privilege
because of their other marginalized
identities and a few White participants said
that male privilege does not exist.
The loss of male "Male privilege" is the concept that men
have certain advantages within society for
no other reason than the fact they are men.

Tech entrepreneur Dr Vivienne Ming, who is
transgender, discovered this in her thirties
when she transitioned. In her role as chief
scientist at a tech industry recruitment firm
she has also calculated the value of this
Pretty privilege!
What is ,,Pretty Privilege''?

Pretty privilege works on the principle that

people who are deemed more attractive—
based on accepted societal beauty standards
—have an upper hand in the world and are
afforded many opportunities that us
Various scholarly studies and surveys have ''regular'' folks don't have.
proven that our appearance does in fact have a "it's not often that we are willing to admit it
direct correlation with how well we are —or even talk about it—especially if we're
received by others, in both social and on the receiving end of its benefits."
professional settings.
Who benefits from P.P.?
In the western culture , the beauty standard leans towards these ideals : -White -Thin -Young -Cisgender -Able- bodied

Is Pretty Privilege real?

While pretty privilege is not as threatening as race or gender hierarchies, it still has a massive
impact on the real-world consequences.
How can we overcome •

• Media

P.P.? • Speaking for yourself

Stories of them:
"Though my birth certificate said female, I have always felt like a boy. I kept it inside for many
years, spending countless sleepless nights being terrified of what my family and friends would
think and worrying about being rejected at school. I finally transitioned to the man I am today
when I was 20 years old. Though I have faced discrimination by many people since then, I have
also received invaluable support. That is what keeps me going." - Alex

"I'm a transgender woman. That means my birth certificate said 'male,' but I always knew I was a
girl. I was so relieved when I told my mom about how I felt – and instead of being mad, she was
supportive." - Grace
Thank you for your attention!
Sources used:
Even though we used our time for scientific research this presentation contains some of our personal experinces
Public Opinions on Trans Rights and Gender Identity Differ | Time
Understanding the Transgender Community - Human Rights Campaign (
Transgender rights movement - Wikipedia.

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