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• Management Skill development is a

systematic process of Training & growth by
which individuals gain & apply knowledge,
skills, insights & attitudes to manage
Organization tasks effectively
On-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill
• Coaching – Coaching is part of the day-to-day
interaction between a Supervisor and an employee.
The Coach assists the employee to correct their
significant detractions from performance by
Guiding. Coaching offers the benefit of transferring
Theory learning to practice
• Understudy assignment or Attachment method – It
is development technique to prepare a Manager for
taking over the charge of his senior after his
retirement, transfer, promotions or death
On-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill

• Planned Progression – Planned Progression provides

them clear guidelines as to where they stand and
what aspects of their performance need to be
improved. This technique guides Managers in their
path of Development
• Job Rotation – This is particularly useful for Upper
Management levels as it is Helpful in the
development of diversified skills and to give the
Executives a broader outlook.
On-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill
• Creation of “Assistant-to” positions – This method
helps Trainees gain useful insight by working in
close co-ordination with experienced Superiors. To
assess the performance of Trainees, Managers
conduct various test and provide Feedback.
• Multiple management – In this method, the
Organization appoints a permanent Advisory
Committee of Managers. The Advisory Committee
investigate, solve Problems & make
Recommendations to the Top Management.
On-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill
• Syndicate method - Syndicate method
compose of Managers from different
Enterprises combined to undertake some
specific duty or Transactions or negotiations.
Off-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill
• Case study –
i). Case Studies reflect the Complex problems faced by
Managers, Staffs, HR, CEO, etc.
ii).The objective of Case study method is to get
Trainees to apply known concepts and ideologies and
ascertain new ones.
iii).The case study method emphasize on Approach to
see a particular problem rather than a solution.
iv).Their solutions are not as important as the
understanding of advantages and disadvantages.
Off-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill
• Role playing –
i).The Trainees assume Roles and act out
Situations in a Stage Play connected to the
Learning concepts.
ii).The role players have to quickly Respond to
the given situation.
iii). It is a method of Human interaction which
involves Realistic behaviour in a imaginary or
Hypothetical situation
Off-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill
• Incident method –
i). Incidents are prepared on the basis of Actual
situations which happened in different organizations
ii).Each employee in the Training group is asked to
make Decisions as if it is a real-life situation.
iii)Later on, the entire group discusses the Incident
once again and comes out with the best Decision
among the Group
iv).This technique improves one’s Intellectual Ability
Off-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill

Business Games –
i).Each Team has to make Discussion and
arrive at Decisions affecting Price level,
Production volume, Inventory levels, Research
expenditure etc.
ii).The Managers learn by Trial and error
Off-the-Job Techniques (Managerial Skill
Sensitivity Training
Also called as Laboratory Training as it is conducted in a
Experimental Laboratory situation in which new Group
of Employees are brought together and made to work
in an Unstructured environment
i). To help Individuals understand themselves better
ii). To create better understanding of others
iii). To identify New Individual Behaviours

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