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By: jana
school of Ms.: Orass
Abu Dhabi
? What will come

What is globalization.1
What is the causes of the globalization.2
What is the effects of globalization.3
.What are strengths, weaknesses, of globalization.4
5. is globalization important
What are the improvement of globalization.6
What will happen if there is no globalization .7
What is globalization
Globalization is the development of trading and
communicating and it is the process of moving goods
from place to another
Ways of trading
What is the causes of the globalization



What is the effects of globalization
Negative effects Positive effects

Workers work for hours for little money Lower prices for goods

Unequal economic growth Jobs

Lack of new jobs Devolving the country

Cheap labors of another country's Higher quality

What are strengths of globalization

Accesses to a new country and culture and •

new tradition and to a new talent, higher
quality products for less price.
Globalization improves communication
What are weaknesses of globalization

Unequal economic growth, Globalization •

would negatively impact the
environment, Globalization changes how
.humans would identify themselves
Is globalization important

Globalization has a big impact on the world it is

the improvement, globalization changed the
way nation, businesses and people interact,
and it is the way of getting less costs of
What will happen if there is no globalization

If globalization had not appeared, the world •

would not have arrived as it is now, in terms
of technology, communication, and others.
Globalization has a great impact on our daily
What will happen if there is no globalization

It is hard to imagine a world without

globalization. There would be no imports, no
exports, no international travel, no
immigration, no working abroad and no
.investing in other countries

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