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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences (IAST),
Ferhat Abbas University, Setif (Algeria)
Centre of Research in Astronomy, Astrophysics, and
Geophysics (CRAAG)
3ème Colloque international sur la Géologie de la chaîne des Maghrébides et des
régions voisines, 3-6 décembre 2022, Sétif, Algérie. CIGCM 2022

A multi-method investigation of the slope movements:

case study of the Oran Cliff (NW of Algeria).
Z.Roukh 1, A.Nadji1
(1) Laboratoire Géoressources, Environnements et Risques Naturels, Université d’Oran 2 Mohamed BENAHMED, Faculté des Sciences de la
Terre et de l’univers.B.P1 1524 El-M’Naouar. Oran31000.Algérie
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Slope movements are varied and complex to monitor because of

theirs failure mechanisms and spatial coverage. The active slope
movements of Oran Cliff, located in the north part of the Oran city
(NW of Algeria), manifest in several types: Landslides, rockfall,
debris flow, flow and toppling (Roukh, 2020). A multi-method
investigation based in the integration of geotechnical and geological
data, LiDAR, high resolution aerial photograph, optical satellite
images coupled with the filed surveys. The engaged investigation in
several site and the correlation of the different results led to better
understanding of: type, failure mechanisms, velocity, trajectory as
well as the affected materiel. This study can be considered as basic Fig2: High resolution topographic data (1m
tools for the slope movements’ hazard zoning in this area. LiDAR DEM)

Keys words: Slope Movements - Oran Cliff – Algeria.

Study area

Fig7: Geological interpretation, a) Geotechnical section, b) interpretative sections of the internal


Fig4: Landslide identifications, a) areal photos, b) satellite image, c)

field survey, d) rockfall, e) toppling.


Fig5: Geotechnical data Fig8: Rockfall Hazard Map

Fig1 : Methodology flow chart of the process work

Fig9: Geomorphological Map (Slope movement susceptibility map)
Fig6: Inclinometer results
A multi method investigation is used for the identifications of the slope movements affected the Oran cliff (NW of Algeria), the integrations of several advanced method such as LiDAR, high resolution Optical satellite images,
areal photos, geotechnical techniques and extensive field survey led to identified seven SM type (Complexes landslide, debris flow, flow, rockfall, rotational landslide, translational landslide and topples), the geological and the
geotechnical data allowed us identified the failure mechanisms of the inventoried SM. The Rockfall hazard map and the SM susceptibility map indicate the Oran cliff indicated that several zone of the study area are
considered as fragile environments. This study can be considered as basic tools for the decisions maker especially for the future planning .
Roukh, Z. 2020. Cartographie algébrique d'aléa multirisque du littoral Oranie, Nord Ouest de l'Algérie, (risque sismique, glissement de terrain, inondation). Thèse de doctorat, Université d'Oran 2, 289p.

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