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The following is just an outline.

PLEASE take notes as we review the slides so you know EXACTLY what to expect on your test.

Unit 1 Test
What to expect

What will your first test cover?

Native American Creation Myths La Relacion Of Plymouth Plantation A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson The Crisis, No. 1 Speech to the Second Virginia Convention The Declaration of Independence Literary Devices

What will the test look like?


choice The test WILL measure your ability to recall the readings; however, it will largely focus on critical thinking. You will also need to know various literary devices!

True/false Short




First up? Native American Creation Myths

Why are stories important to culture? (hint: there are three reasons) In Native American mythology, are humans more important than animals, or are humans equal? What types of natural phenomena are explained in the Native American myths? What reasons are given for natural phenomena?

La Relacion
The narrator refers to himself and his men as Christians. Do they act according to Christian principles? Explain.

Who was Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca?

Do you remember the three reasons for exploration?

What might have motivated Cabeza de Vaca to continue in his journey despite overwhelming difficulties?

Of Plymouth Plantation
What hardships did the Pilgrims face aboard the Mayflower and in Plymouth?
Who were Samoset and Squanto ?

Who was William Bradford? What was the difference between separatists and puritans?
In what ways does Bradfords narrative have meaning for people today? Explain.

Briefly explain the steps the separatists took before finally reaching America?

Mary Rowlandson
How does Rowlandson help her captors? How do they help her?

Does Rowlandson portray her captors fairly? Use details in your explanation.

What events lead to the captivity of Mary Rowlandson?

Why were narratives like this popular in England? What effects did this literature have on attitudes toward Native Americans?


is bias? How are primary accounts in history biased? More specifically, how are the accounts of Cabeza de Vaca and Mary Rowlandson biased? Use at least 1 example from each.

The Crisis, No. 1

What was the crisis? Who was Thomas Paine?
What emotions does Paine appeal to when describing the king?

What did Paine mean by summer soldier and sunshine patriot?

How does Pain use hyperbole in this piece? Give at least two examples and explain why it makes the writing more powerful.

To whom does Paine compare the English king?

Speech to the Second Virginia Convention

Who was Patrick Henry? To what 2 choices facing the colonists does Henry refer in his opening lines? To whom does Henry compare the colonists? Is this comparison reasonable?

Why does Henry give SO many reasons for his need to speak out?

What is the purpose of this speech?

What are the two choices Henry recognizes for himself as he concludes his speech? Why is he so extreme in his choices?

Declaration of Independence
How is the declaration organized?

Who is Thomas Jefferson? What was his purpose in writing the document?

What rights are unalienable?

What are some accusations against the British king?

What do the signers of the declaration pledge in the final paragraph? What does this show us about their commitment?

What steps were taken before writing this declaration?

Literary Devices to Know

Simile Metaphor





Essay options: Choose 2


do these early American often allude to in their writings? Why? Be able to give at least 3 specific examples from 2 different pieces. Identify at least three elements in the Declaration that, in your opinion, give it strength. Explain how each contributes to the power of the whole.

Essay options: Choose 2


do Paine, Henry, and Jefferson use literary devices to make their writing powerful and persuasive? Using at least 3 different literary devices, explore the strength of each mans writing. The pen is mightier than the sword. Explore the truth in this common saying. Refer to at least THREE of the pieces in this unit in your essay.

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