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School of Graduate Studies


Section B
Prepared by: Group 3 Members
Submitted to: Muluadam Alemu (Ph.D)

November 2022, Addis Ababa

Drilling of water wells needs high investment cost
 purchasing drilling machine tools, construction materials and employing of high skill
man power.
 Groundwater investigation and identification of the resource is also a big task and
needs skilled man power and investment.
 For a successful completion of groundwater developments identifying the challenges
(Risks) and water well construction management is mandatory.
 The occurrence of drilling and well completion problems are a day to day
appearances. Causes of drilling problems vary from place to place depending on the
hydro-geological and structural factors and the drilling methods. This is to identify
the practical problems (Risks) in water well drilling in Burayu zone in order to
propose appropriate solution on the identified problems (Risks).
To identify the risks that may occur during water well drilling and to propose
solution for the risk before it occurs in order to minimize the common drilling
and well completion problems and improving the results of drilled wells
which would apparently maximize the amount of safe and clean potable
General Objectives
General objective is to identify the main the Risks that can be occur during water well
drilling and completion problem. In Burayu Zone.
Specific Objective
 Burayu Zone Water well drilling risks Identification
 Burayu Zone Water well drilling risks Analysis
 Risk Assessment
 Risk management Process, Tracking and Reporting
 Project Risk Response
Scope of the study
The study attempts to Identify the risks that occur during water well drilling, Analysis
the risks and Recommend possible solution based on the analysis for the risk
response for the Risk Management or Control.

 Gathering of data from previous publication research and literatures made
specifically in the drilling challenges and also review case studies
 General understanding from internet (Secondary data)
 Understanding from class study (Lecture Note)
 Literature Review (AbebeG.Hiwot in his case study submitted on 25th WEDC
conference for integrated development of water supply
Risk in a water drilling
 Water drilling is a process of extracting underground water to the purpose of
using it, this process involves so many risks.
 Project risk identification is useful to avoid unexpected events even it is
impossible to eliminate risks we can minimize the effects
 Water well drilling is a challenging and disruptive process. This is to addresses
major water well drilling challenges in Ethiopia mostly in Burayu Zone
Risk Identification
 Risk identification is identifying potential business risks and analyzing them to
learn about their effects on the business.
 Risk identification allows a business's leadership team to learn more about the
risks the company may face and create solutions to the challenges behind the risk.
 There are some techniques in risk identification and can aligned to our project
which is water well drilling
 Documentation Review(Brainstorming)
 DIdentifying Stakeholders
 rilling and natural Hazards
 Identifying Stakeholders
 Requirements review
 Project plans
Common risks that can be happen during water well drilling
 Geological risks
 Machinery broke
 Drill Pipe Stacking
 Loss of circulation
 Drill pipe broken /Failures
 Lack of skilled professionals
 Fire or accidents
 Cost fluctuation
 Marketing risks
 cost fluctuation
 political risks and others
Risks that given high prority of happenningin the case of water
well drilling of Burayu zone
 Geological risks
 Machinery broke
 Drill Pipe Stacking
 Loss of circulation
 Lack of skilled professionals
 political risks
 cost fluctuation and others
Project plans
 A project plan is a basic outline of the project and its needs. This includes things like
material and labor needs, the timeline for the project and any risks that come with it.
 A detailed project plan may help the team understand the nature of the project and
what it takes to reach the project's goal.
 The very first thing that needs to be determined is where the water is, and how we’re
going to get to it. That’s why we employ hydro-geologists who make use of a variety
of borehole drilling methods to assess the geophysical properties of the underlying
 This helps to understand and identify risks that can be happen at early time and to
propose solution for the risks.
Risk assessment
This process helps to find which risks to focus on developing a risk response plan and
invest in to from previously listed identified risks
A. Qualitative Risk Assessment table
Risks Probability Impact Overall
A -Lack of skilled professionals medium high MH
B -Fire or accidents low high M
C Geological risks high high H
D Machinery difficulties high high H
E Lack of needed material at market high high H
F Employee-management problem medium low ML
G Stealing of the budget or the drilling material and Low medium LM

H cost fluctuation high high H

I political risks medium high MH
J Stakeholder dissatisfaction or disagreements medium medium M

K loss of circulation low medium LM

L mud contamination medium low ML
M drilling pipe getting stuck into the borehole low high M

N casing failure/broken while installation low high M

O Marketing risk medium medium M
B. Risk Assessment matrix
Qualitative way of classifying risks based on impact and level of
occurrence, those in red color are expected to be high level and hence
watched closely.
Very high high medium Very low low

Very high 10 10 8 6 4

high 8 C,D,E,H
medium 6 I ,A B,M,N
Very low 4 J,O
low 2 F,L K,G
Risk Response
Risk response is the Leadership (management) response or action towards the
existence of a risk.
Different mothed (approach) used for risk response
 Avoidance - Eliminate the conditions that allow the risk to exist, risk avoidance is a
risk response strategy whereby the project team acts to eliminate the threat or
protect the project from its impact.
 Reduction/mitigation - Minimize the probability of the risk occurring. It implies a
reduction in the probability and/or impact of an adverse risk to be within
acceptable threshold limits.
 Sharing/ transfer- Shifting some or all of the threat to another.
 Acceptance - Risk acceptance is risk response strategy where the project team
decides to acknowledge the risk, accept the consequences & not take action unless
the risk occurs.
 Project risk response is the process of developing options and actions to enhance
opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives.
 It includes the identification and assignment of individuals or parties to take
responsibility for each agreed risk response.
 To do this we use as Input (what we collect and registered during risk identification), as
tools and techniques (different approach applied like strategies for negative risks or
treats, Advices from experts), as outputs (putting full information about the risks
happened at this phase and proposing possible solution for the next)
Tools & Technics Outputs
- Geological risks
- Strategy - Risk management plan
- Machinery broke
- Export judgment
- Drill Pipe Stacking
- Risk plan updated
- Loss of circulation
- Contingency
- Drill pipe broken /Failures
1. Geological risks
Response approach
Risk avoidance method- Doing extensive geological studies before drilling is a well-
known practice to avoid possible challenges.
Risk transfer method- It is better to acknowledge challenges that may come with the
geological formation of the borehole with the stakeholders.
2. Loss of circulation
Response approach
Risk mitigation methods- it is better to check from time to time technical parts,
checking the amount of mud coming out to the surface, checking if no mud is not
returning back to the surface and if the mud is dropping to any level down hole. The
onsite technical team have the responsibility of checking and testing for the mud
Generally, many water well drilling risks can be identified but in water well drilling at
Burayu Zone case we identified Geological risks, Machinery broke, Drill Pipe Stacking,
Loss of circulation, Drill pipe broken /Failures as the main risks that can challenge and
to be given priority and also different response mothers are used.

The Stakeholder Model for Water Resource Projects G C Maheshwari and B Ravi
Kumar Pillai
8 Risk Identification Methods to Discover Your Business Risks by Indeed Editorial Team
Published June 2, 2021

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