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Breastmilk- Benefits

Breast Feeding Situation in Pakistan

Why Breast Feeding is Important

Infants who are not breastfed are 15 times more

likely to die from pneumonia and 11 times more
likely to die of diarrhoea than those who are
Benefits of Colostrum
 Contains all the nutrients that a new-born needs

 Provides enough fluid

 Immunizes the baby

 Contains a mild laxative to clear meconium and prevent

jaundice Slides #2.7
Advantages of the Composition of Breastmilk
Low protein
o Less stress on kidneys
o Easy to digest
o Less allergenic
o Higher ratio of whey: casein (better absorption)

High lactose
o Energy source for brain development Slide #2.8
Advantages of the Composition of Breastmilk

Fat composition
o Easily digested
o Hind milk has more fat

High water content

o Contains 87% Water
o No need to give water during first 6 months
Immune Factors in Breastmilk
Breastmilk prevents infection and shortens the duration of illness.
 Immune Factors:
o Secretory lgA – coats mucus membrane
o Macrophages – destroy bacteria
o Lactoferrin – binds iron
o Lysozyme – anti-infective enzyme
o Bifidus factor – lactobacillus bifidus (Probiotic)
o Anti-viral factors
Slide #2.10
Breastfeeding Prevents and Delays Allergies
 S.lgA blocks the entry of foreign proteins and other allergens

 Avoids early exposure to the proteins in animal milks that act

as allergens

 Reduces the chances of developing allergic conditions like

atopic dermatitis (eczema) and asthma even in children with a
family history of allergies
1.Maternal Benefits
The Holy Quran says:

 Mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years (that is)
for those who wish to perfect the suckling. (Surah Baqarah:233)
 Islam enhances a mother’s right threefold.
 Islam elevates status of breastfeeding women, even of wet nurses.

Slide #2.12
Maternal Benefits of Breastfeeding
 Stimulates expulsion of placenta
 Prevents postpartum haemorrhage
 Promotes uterine involution
 Lactational amenorrhoea:
o reduced iron loss (no menstrual bleeding)
o prevents conception for 4 to 6 months
 Decreases mother’s workload: breastmilk is available anytime, anywhere, clean,
sterilized and warm
 Helps mother return to her pre-pregnancy weight and figure
 Reduces risk of breast cancer
 Promotes attachment between baby and mother
 Gives pride, satisfaction and confidence Slide#2.13
2.Benefits to Babies
 Meets nutrient needs perfectly
o complete food
o easily digested
o enough water
 Promotes bonding with mother

 Always available, 24 hours a day at the right temperature

 Protects against disease

o hygienic
o immune factors Slide #2.14

3.Benefits to the Family
 Less expensive – almost free

 Less illness: less expenditure and less emotional stress

 Birth spacing, if desired

 Less work for family to feed the baby – breastmilk is

convenient and available.
4.Benefits to the Country
 Saves foreign exchange by not importing infant formula.

 Healthy babies – health nation.

 Less illness means less expenditure on curative health services.

 Child survival.

 Population control.
Optimum Breast Feeding Practices

Overview of Optimum Breastfeeding Practices
 Early initiation ( within ½ hour of birth)

 No prelacteal feeds (give colostrums)

 Exclusive breastfeeding until 4-6 months of age

 Feeding on demand (day and night)

 Frequent breastfeeding ( 8-10times per day)

 Feeding at both breasts

Slide #5.18
Exclusive Breastfeeding
 Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as total breastfeeding with:

 No prelacteal feeds

 No additional water, herb water, sherbat, and tea

 No supplementary fresh animal milk or formula feeds

 No semi-solid foods Slide #5.19

What is ‘Demand’ Feeding?
 Baby is fed whenever he cries or mother feels a need to food

 Babies feed irregularly at first; some very often, some less often.

 Within 2 weeks they settle into a routine.

 Frequently sucking at least 8-10 times day and night, ensures increased
milk production.

 Scheduled feeding may interfere with successful lactation.

 A sleepy baby should be awakened to have at least 8-10 feeds in 24 hours. Slide #5.20

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