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Maulana Mukhtar Ahmed Nadvi

Technical Campus, Malegaon

Presentation on

"Applications and Challenges of Artificial

Intelligence in Power System"
Presented by : Desale Prafull Sanjay

Principal Subject Teacher

Dr. Shah Aqueel Ahmed HOD & Prof. : Dr. Fahad Iqbal

1. Introduction
2. What is Power System?
3. What is Artificial Intelligence?
4. Applications of AI in Power System
5. Demand Response
6. Energy Forecasting

• Today, we will explore the exciting world of AI and its applications in the power sector. From demand
response to energy forecasting, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we generate, distribute, and
consume electricity. Artificial Intelligence in Power System, where machines and algorithms work
together to make our energy systems more efficient and reliable.

• By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, we can optimize energy usage, reduce costs, and
improve system reliability. But with great power comes great responsibility. As we embrace these new
technologies, we must also consider the ethical implications and potential risks involved.
What is Power System?

• An electric power system is a network of electric

components used to supply, transmit and use electric

• Power System engineering is a subdivision of

electrical engineering that deals with the generation,
transmission, distribution and utilization of electric
power and the electrical devices connected to such
systems like generators, motors and transformers.
What is Artificial Intelligence?

• Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a branch of

computer science that focuses on creating
machines that can perform tasks that typically
require human intelligence. This includes things
like learning, problem-solving, and decision-

• Or AI is known to be the intelligence exhibited

by machine and software, for example, robots
and computer programs.

• There are many applications of AI in power

systems. For example, AI can be used to
manage demand response, forecast energy
demand and supply, and optimize power grid
operations. By using AI in these areas, utilities
can reduce energy consumption, improve grid
reliability, and plan for future energy needs
more effectively.
Applications of AI in Power Systems

• Artificial Intelligence has a wide range of applications in power systems, including demand response,
energy forecasting, and grid optimization. By using AI, utilities can predict energy demand more accurately,
reduce energy waste, and improve grid reliability.

• Demand response is one area where AI can have a significant impact. By analyzing data from smart meters
and other sources, AI algorithms can predict when energy demand will be highest and automatically adjust
energy usage to reduce consumption during peak hours. This not only helps utilities save money but also
reduces the risk of blackouts and brownouts.
Demand Response

• Demand response is a critical function in power systems, as it

helps utilities manage peak demand periods and avoid blackouts.
AI can play a significant role in optimizing demand response by
analyzing historical data and predicting future energy needs. For
example, AI algorithms can analyze weather patterns, energy
consumption trends, and other factors to predict when peak
demand periods are likely to occur. Based on these predictions,
utilities can adjust energy production and distribution to reduce
energy consumption during peak hours.

• AI can also help utilities manage demand response by

automatically adjusting energy usage in real-time. For instance,
smart thermostats can use AI algorithms to adjust temperature
settings based on occupancy patterns and weather conditions. This
can help reduce energy consumption during peak periods without
sacrificing comfort or convenience. Overall, AI has the potential to
revolutionize demand response in power systems and help utilities
meet the energy needs of their customers more efficiently and
Energy Forecasting

• Energy forecasting is a critical component of power system. Accurate forecasting can help utilities
plan for future energy needs, reduce costs, and improve grid reliability. However, traditional
forecasting methods are often limited by the complexity and variability of energy systems.

• AI can be used to overcome these limitations by analyzing large amounts of data from various
sources, such as weather patterns, consumer behavior, and energy prices. By using machine learning
algorithms, AI can identify patterns and trends in energy demand and supply, allowing utilities to
make more accurate predictions and optimize their operations.

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