ITP3902 DMS Lec 4 Matrix Arithmetic

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Lecture 4
Matrix Arithmetic

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Introduction to Matrix Arithmetic

A matrix is a set of real or complex numbers (or

elements) arranged in rows and columns to form a
rectangular array.
A matrix having m rows and n columns is an m x n
(read ‘m by n’ or ‘m cross n’) matrix and is referred to
as having order m x n.
A matrix can be represented explicitly by enclosing
the array within large square brackets.

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Example 1 is a 2 x 3 matrix,
where 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, 9 are the elements of the
Example 2 is a 4 x 3 matrix.
Example 3 (5 2 7 1) is a 1 x 4 matrix ( a row vector)

Example 4 is a 2 x 1 matrix ( a column vector)

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Short Questions

So matrix is of order ___________ 2 x 3

and matrix is of order __________ .


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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

What is Matrix?
• in the i-th row and the j-th column of a matrix A is
called an element or an entry.
• Any digital image can be represented by a matrix
1 1 1 1 1
sampling  
 0 1 0 1 0
 0 1 0 1 0
 
• All image processing techniques involve matrix operations
• When using Photoshop, your computer is working with
matrices! LCD monitor shows images to you in the form of
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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Matrix Notation
Each element in a matrix has its own particular
‘address’ or location which can be defined by a system
of double suffixes: the first indicates the row, and the
second indicates the column.
Example 5

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Short Questions

The locations of the elements 66, –89 and 71 can be

stated as respectively.
The elements on the locations 31, 42 and 23 are
22, 12, 43

12, 32, 88

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Further, a whole matrix can be denoted by a single

general element enclosed in square brackets, or by a
single letter printed in bold type.
Example 6

can be denoted by or by A.
Similarly, can be denoted by or by X.

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Equal Matrices

Two matrices are said to be equal if all the

corresponding elements are equal. Therefore, the two
matrices must also be of the same order.

Example 7
 1 3  8 3
Let A    and B    , then A  B.
 3 8  3 8

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Addition and Subtraction of Matrices

Only matrices of the same order can be added or
subtracted. The result from the sum or difference is
then determined by adding or subtracting the
corresponding elements.
Example 8

 7 9 5   42 34 21  49 43 26 
       
 3 6 3   13 16 18   16 22 21 

 5 0   2 3   3  3
       
  2 1    6 6   4  5
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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

 3 1  1  2 6 1
Let A    and B   . Calculate
0  2 4  10  3 6 
A + B and A – B.

5 7 0
 
10  5 10 
 1  5  2
 
  10 1  2 

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Multiplication of Matrices

Scalar multiplication
Example 9

 7 9 5   28 36 20 
4  
 3 6 3   12 24 12 
i.e. k[aij] = [kaij]
This also means that we can take a common factor out
of every element.

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Multiplication of Two Matrices

Two matrices can be multiplied together only when the

number of columns in the matrix on the left equals the
number of rows in the matrix on the right.
e.g A is a m x n matrix and B is a n x p matrix then

A B  C
(m  n) (n  p)  (m  p)

where C is a new matrix of size m x p

cij  ai1b1 j  ai 2b2 j    ainbnj   aik bkj
k 1
for all i=1,2,…,m ; j=1,2,…,p
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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Multiplication of Two Matrices

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Multiplication of Two Matrices

Example 10
A is a 2 x 3 matrix and B is a 3 x 3 matrix,
therefore, C = A X B where C is a 2 x 3 matrix .
Find C, elements by elements.
 1 0  2
 1 2 3    c11 c12 c13 
A    B   0 2 1  C  AB   
 3 2 1  1 3 2   c21 c22 c23 
 
c11= a11 b11 + a12 b21 + a13 b31
= 1 x 1 + 2 x 0 + 3 x (–1)
= –2
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Example 10 (Cont’d.)

 1 0  2
 1 2 3    c11 c12 c13 
A    B   0 2 1  C  AB   
 3 2 1  1 3 2   c21 c22 c23 
 

c12= a11 b12 + a12 b22 + a13 b32 = 1x0 + 2x2 + 3x3
= 13
 1 0  2
 1 2 3    c11 c12 c13 
A    B   0 2 1  C  AB   
 c21 c22 c23 
 3 2 1  1 3 2 
 
c13= a11 b13 + a12 b23 + a13 b33 = 1x(-2) + 2x1 + 3x2

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Example 10 (Cont’d.)

 1 0  2
 1 2 3    c11 c12 c13 
A    B   0 2 1  C  AB   
 3 2 1  1 3 2   c21 c22 c23 
 
c21= a21 b11 + a22 b21 + a23 b31 = 3x1 + 2x0 + 1x(-1)
 1 0  2
 1 2 3    c11 c12 c13 
A    B   0 2 1  C  AB   
 c21 c22 c23 
 3 2 1  1 3 2 
 
c22= a21 b12 + a22 b22 + a23 b32 = 3x0 + 2x2 + 1x3

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Example 10 (Cont’d.)

 1 0  2
 1 2 3    c11 c12 c13 
A    B   0 2 1  C  AB   
 3 2 1  1 3 2   c21 c22 c23 
 
c = a b + a b + a b = 3x(-2) + 2x1 + 1x2
23 21 13 22 23 23 33

= -2

Plug in the computed elements back to C, we have

  2 13 6 
C  AB   
 2 7  2
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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic


 1 5
   8 4 3
 2 7    
 3 4   2 5 8 This step
  can be
 1 8  5  2 1 4  5  5 1 3  5  8  omitted.
 
  2  8  7  2 2  4  7  5 2  3  7  8
 3 8  4  2 3 4  4  5 3 3  4  8
 
 18 29 43 
 
  30 43 62 
 32 32 41
 
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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

3 1  2 6 
If A    and B    then
0  2 10  3 

A + B =  5 7 
10  5 
 

AB =  16 15 
 
  20 6 

3A = 9 3 
 
 0  6

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Matrix Multiplication is not Commutative

Example 11
If and then

then and
Therefore AB ≠ BA .
In general CD ≠ DC for any matrices C and D

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Transpose ( 轉置 ) of a Matrix

If M is a matrix, its transpose is denoted by MT.

Example 12

If .

i.e. the 1st row becomes the 1st column,

the 2nd row becomes the 2nd column, etc.

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Square Matrix
A square matrix is one in which
no. of rows = no. of columns
Example 13

 1 0  9 2 4
A    B 
 2 4   2 3 6

Square matrix Not a square matrix

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Symmetric Matrix

A square matrix M is symmetric if M = MT

Example 14
If then

Therefore, M is a symmetric matrix.

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Diagonal Matrix

A diagonal matrix M is a square matrix such that all of

the off-diagonal elements are equal to 0.
Example 15


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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Unit Matrix (Identity Matrix)

A unit matrix I is a square matrix with all elements in

the diagonal equal to 1 and all off-diagonal elements
equal to 0.
Example 16

Unit matrix behaves like the unit factor in ordinary

algebra where IM = MI = M

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Lecture 4 Matrix Arithmetic

Null Matrix (Zero Matrix)

A null matrix N is a matrix with all its elements equal

to 0.

Example 17

Null matrix behaves like the zero in ordinary algebra

where NM = MN = N

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