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• Nationalism and Imperialism.

• Race for Armaments.
• Division of Europe into two hostile groups.
• Sarajevo Crisis (Immediate cause)
EVENTS during WW I
• War on the Western Front.
• Trench Warfare.
• War on the Eastern front.
• Policy of Blockade.
• War against Turkey.
• Entry of USA in the war.
• Exit of Russia.
• Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
• End of the War
Results of WAR
A. The Treaty of Versailles.(July 28, 1919)

The Victorious powers or the Allies met in a conference first in Versailles.

Excluded Russia and also the defeated central powers.
27 countries were present.
Woodrow Wilson President of US, Lloyd George PM of Britain and George Clemenceau
PM of France were the main decision makers in the terms of this Peace treaty.
As a result of the Paris session on June 28, 1919 The Treaty of Versailles was signed . It
ended the war.
It consisted of several negotiations with FOURTEEN POINTS to prevent Germany from
going on a war again.
Results of WAR
• Territorial Rearrangements
Austria and Hungary became two different states.
Czechslovakia and Yugoslavia emerged as Independent states.
• Formation of League of Nations
Important peace treaty the Covenant of Peace treaty.
Wilsons fourteen points included it.
International World Organisation of all independent states in 1920.
The League came to an end after Hitlers emergence in WW2.

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