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Ms. Ta Thi Thanh Hien,

Lecturer: Ta Thi Thanh Hien
Facebook: Tạ Thị Thanh Hiền
Course Objectives and Outcome

• Show the students how to describe graphs/charts with trends and

comparative charts.
• Improve the students’ knowledge and use of grammar,
vocabulary, coherence and cohesion needed to describe the
information shown in the graphs/charts.
• Set the foundation for the next writing course in Term 2 and 3 when
the students are required to design graphs/charts displaying the data
obtained from the surveys conducted by themselves and describe
the data shown for their research papers.
• Build up the students’ writing habits, which will be the key factor
for their later success.
● 10% attendance
● 30% mid-term test (charts with trends)
● 60% final test (charts with no trends)
Multiple line graph Single line graph
with trends with no trends
Vertical bar chart with
 Horizontal bar charts with no trends
 Pie charts
with trends

Pie charts
Pie charts
with no trends
Table with trend
Table with trend
01 02

- Graphs/charts with trends - Comparative charts

(charts with no trends)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below shows the number of tourists from five

countries to Australia in different years from 1991 to
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Overall, the number of visitors from all these countries increased
significantly over the decade. It is also noticeable that the biggest number
of visitors came from the United Kingdom.
The biggest increase was in the number of visitors from other countries in
Europe, which more than doubled over the period, from 172,000 to
389,000. The largest number of visitors came from the United Kingdom,
which rose from 258,000 to 509,000. The number of visitors from the
United States also increased over the decade. There were considerably
fewer visitors from Canada although the figure rose over the same period
from 51,000 to 75,000, with most of the increase occurring in the second
half of the decade.
There were almost as many visitors from the United Kingdom as from all of
the other European countries, including Germany. However, by 1999 there
were nearly as many tourists from the other European countries as from
the United States.
noticeable that many more people immigrated for formal study than those
who emigrated for the same purpose.
Having a definite job accounted for 30% of immigration to the UK, and this
figure was very similar for emigration, at 29%. A large number of people,
22%, also emigrated because they were looking for a job, though the
proportion of people entering the UK for this purpose was noticeably
lower at less than a fifth.
Another major factor influencing a move to the UK was for formal study,
with over a quarter of people immigrating for this reason. However,
interestingly, only a small minority, 4%, emigrated for this.
The proportion of those moving to join a family member was quite similar for
immigration and emigration, at 15% and 13% respectively. Although a
significant number of people (32%) gave ‘other’ reasons or did not give a
reason why they emigrated, this accounted for only 17% with regards to

- An opening statement
- An overview paragraph
- Body paragraphs
kind of the graph + verb + what + where + when
- The table illustrates the number of visitors to Australia from a
number of other countries worldwide over the 1990s.
- The pie charts illustrate the primary reasons why people came to
and left the UK in 2007.
1. A short summary of the main/ most important feature(s) seen in a
graph or chart, illustrating overall/ general changes/trends
It can be clearly seen that the number of visitors to Australia from all these
countries increased significantly over the decade.
Overall, the main factor influencing this decision was employment.
2. SECOND, an additional comment on a special feature, an overall
summary of the main ideas or future implications
It is also noticeable that the biggest number of visitors came from the United
It is also noticeable that many more people immigrated for formal study than
those who emigrated for the same purpose.
The number of paragraphs in the body varies based on the data
shown in the graph/chart. The way the information is grouped
in body paragraphs will be presented in detail in the following
Note: Another way of arranging the information is as follows.
- Opening = an opening statement + overall trends/features
- Body paragraphs
- Closing statement: special feature(s)
Exercise 1
Paraphrase the following sentences.
1. The table below shows the percentage of cars
owned in a European country from 1990 to 2010.
The table illustrates the proportion of automobiles
owned in a European country between 1990 and
2. The first bar graph shows the results of a
questionnaire which asked 500 people what type of
destination they usually chose to go on vacation. The
second bar graph shows the amount of time usually
spent travelling.
The provided bar graphs give information about the
answers of 500 people in a questionnaire about what
type of places they frequently enjoy going on vacation
and the amount of time they spent while travelling.
3. The bar graph below compares the amount of time
people of different ages spent watching television and
being online in 2000 and 2010.
The given bar graph describes how long people of different
ages spent watching television and using the internet in a
10-year period from 2000 to 2010.
4. The following diagram shows the process of how a
popular snack is manufactured and transported to retail
The given diagram illustrates the production of a
popular snack and its transportation to retail stores.
5. The two pie charts compare levels of education
reached by men and women in the USA in the years
1960 and 2010.
The provided pie charts give information about
educational levels achieved by male and female
citizens in the USA from 1960 to 2010.
Review lesson 1
Read lesson 2

Copy the sample on a

03 notebook.

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