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Role of Financial Advisors in

Project Finance

Roll No Group No 6 -Members

Role of Financial Advisors
 Helping governments achieve investment
targets for infrastructure by identifying
opportunities to attract private sector
 Structuring transactions to achieve efficient
risk transfer and helping governments procure
and monitor effective private sector partners

 Help investors -
 identify opportunities,
 develop winning tenders,
 arrange finance and
 mitigate commercial and financial risks on
infrastructure transactions

 Maximization of client value

 Commercial Guidance
 Financial advice
Why sponsor engage financial advisors

 Market Knowledge

 Specialist Knowledge and Expertise

 Resourcing

 Independent Insight

 Investor Confidence

 Knowledge Share
Role of Financial Advisors
1.Feasibility Analysis:
1. Conduct financial feasibility studies to assess the viability of the project.
2. Evaluate the project's expected cash flows, costs, and potential risks.
3. Analyze market conditions, economic factors, and regulatory considerations.
2.Structuring the Financing:
1. Advise on the appropriate capital structure, including debt and equity ratios.
2. Assist in designing financing packages that align with the project's cash flow generation.
3. Recommend suitable debt instruments and financing sources.
3.Financial Modeling:
1. Develop comprehensive financial models that project cash flows over the project's lifecycle.
2. Sensitivity analysis and scenario planning to assess potential risks and outcomes.
3. Help determine key financial metrics such as return on investment (ROI), internal rate of
return (IRR), and payback periods.
4.Identifying Funding Sources:
1. Identify potential lenders, investors, and financing institutions.
2. Assist in preparing funding proposals and documentation for lenders and investors.
3. Negotiate financing terms and conditions on behalf of the project sponsor.
Feasibility Stage

Public Sector/ Procurer side Private Sector/ Contractor Side

• Assist in clarifying objectives • Identify and evaluate potential
• Assist in scoping options to meet objectives, incl. opportunities
commercial structures • Conduct market soundings to test
• Financial analysis/modelling of options appraisal funder appetite
• Identification, costing and allocation of risk
• Review financial data available for completeness
• Indicative value for money analysis
• Market sounding to test appetite INCREASED BY
• Affordability assessment
• Inform timetable 65%
• Initial view on accounting treatment
• Draft relevant sections of outline business cases

2013-2014 2017-2018
Financing Stage or Finance closure

Public Sector/ Procurer side Private Sector/ Contractor Side

• Oversee funding competition (if used) and/or • Write information memorandum for
management of chosen funders on behalf of client potential funders
• Conduct remaining financial negotiations • Analyse different financing structures
• Input on financial detail of contracts • Inform strategy for funder management
• Review and approve financial model • Conduct funding competition
• Oversee financial close • Detailed negotiation with funders
• Final value for money analysis Assist with financial negotiations with
• Draft relevant parts of final business case procuring authority
• Inform hedging arrangements
• Write financial close protocol
• Manage financial close process

2013-2014 2017-2018
Role of Financial Advisors
1.Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
1. Analyze and quantify project risks, including market, construction, operational, and financial risks.
2. Develop risk mitigation strategies and financial hedges.
3. Structure financial covenants and guarantees to protect the interests of lenders and investors.
2.Due Diligence:
1. Coordinate due diligence activities, including legal, technical, and financial due diligence.
2. Ensure that all relevant information is disclosed to potential lenders and investors.
3.Regulatory Compliance:
1. Keep abreast of relevant laws, regulations, and tax implications related to the project.
2. Ensure that the project's financing structure complies with all legal requirements.
4.Negotiation and Documentation:
1. Assist in negotiations between project sponsors, lenders, and investors.
2. Prepare and review financing agreements, loan documents, and contracts.
3. Ensure that all financial arrangements are clearly documented and legally binding.
5.Monitoring and Reporting:
1. Monitor the project's financial performance and adherence to financial covenants.
2. Recommend adjustments or corrective actions as necessary.
6.Exit Strategies:
1. Develop exit strategies for investors, such as refinancing or selling the project.
2. Optimize the financial returns for all stakeholders upon project completion
Tender Stage
Public Sector/ Procurer side Private Sector/ Contractor Side
• Inform tendering strategy/structure • Inform bid strategy
• Assist in building market appetite • Assist in building funder appetite
• Design payment mechanism • Analyse and evaluate different funding
• Determine evaluation criteria structures
• Draft relevant parts of tender documents • Assist on financial discussions/ negotiations
• Conduct financial discussions/negotiations with bidders, with procuring authority incl. on payment
• Assist in drafting financial elements within contract mechanism
• Build shadow financial model for use in analysis • Build financial model
• Establish accounting treatment • Provide financial analysis/results on cost
• Analysis of potential funding options profiles
• Further analysis and determination of risk allocation • Run sensitivities to analyse risk profiles (i.e.

Detailed risk-adjusted value for money analysis
Conduct financial evaluation of bids, including review of
how project performance is affected by cost
overruns/changes in economic assumptions)
financial models and calculating any required risk • Interact with accounting/tax advisors to
adjustments determine correct treatment
• Draft financial sections of bid documents

2013-2014 2017-2018
Contract Mgmt./ Performance
Public Sector/ Procurer side Private Sector/ Contractor Side
• Assist with contract monitoring • Analyse financial performance of
• Evaluation of contract performance, and potential projects
changes to the project • Build operating financial model to
• Analyse areas of potential cost savings monitor project
• Conduct financial negotiation for any contract • Test potential refinancing opportunities
variations • Conduct refinancing, including
• Oversee any refinancing on behalf of client analysing potential structures,
• Benchmarking and market testing as part of contract conducting funding competition,
provisions updating financial model
• Analysing and negotiating on any 65%on financial negotiations for any
• Assist
disagreements/disputes with contractor and assisting contract variations
on contract terminations • Analysing and assisting negotiations on
any disagreements/disputes and
assisting on contract terminations

2013-2014 2017-2018
Types of Advisors

Investment provide lending facilities and derivatives Lack of independence both in terms of judging
alongside financial advice different funding sources and on securing most
Bank competitive financing price due to position as
potential lender as well as advisor.

Professional offer financial advice which is Not able to directly provide lending and/or
independent of the source of finance, derivatives alongside advice.
Services free of any inherent or perceived
conflicts of interest. They also provide
access to integrated specialist tax and
accountancy advice, etc

Boutique provide specialist advice and market Can be reliant on small number of employees. Do
knowledge, often advising on unusual not have as strong a brand as other players
projects in niche areas of the market
Thank You
What is the primary role of a financial advisor in project finance?
• a) Project execution
• b) Risk management
• c) Construction supervision
• d) Environmental impact assessment
In project finance, a financial advisor helps in:
a) Raising funds and structuring the financing
b) Designing the project's architecture
c) Managing day-to-day operations
d) Conducting market research
What key aspect of project finance does a financial advisor focus on?
a) Technical specifications
b) Legal compliance
c) Financial feasibility
d) Human resources management
A financial advisor assists in assessing and mitigating financial risks in
project finance. Which of the following is NOT a financial risk?
a) Market risk
b) Political risk
c) Engineering risk
d) Credit risk
In project finance, a financial advisor helps in evaluating the financial
viability of a project by:
a) Providing architectural designs
b) Conducting market surveys
c) Preparing a business plan and financial models
d) Negotiating with suppliers
What is the main objective of a financial advisor when securing project
a) Minimizing project risks
b) Maximizing shareholder profits
c) Enhancing project aesthetics
d) Recruiting project staff
When assessing the creditworthiness of a project, a financial advisor
a) The project's color scheme
b) The project manager's personal interests
c) The project's expected cash flows and collateral
d) The project's construction timeline
When structuring project financing, the financial advisor helps in
a) The color scheme of the project
b) The project's mission statement
c) The optimal mix of debt and equity
d) The project's location

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