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Teknik Ekonomi Konstruksi

2022/2023 Elemental Cost

Analysis con'd
Elemental Cost Analysis
Preparation of elemental cost analysis
The following are required to prepare the analysis:
• Complete contract document (a successful tender which includes bills
of quantities, list of prime costs sums, etc.)
• Working drawings and the specification to calculate the quantity
factor and others.
• Tender report-to obtain information regarding the market, number of
tenders, etc.)
• Manual for preparing cost analysis
• Standard form for cost analysis
Forms produced by BCIC, RISM are:

Form 1 02 Form 2 03 Form 3 04

Form 1 (F/1)- Form 2 (F/2)-A Form 3 (F/3)-
Contains summary of the Specification
information on element costs brief
total project and
information on
the analysed
Elemental Cost Analysis
The basic principles in the preparation of cost analysis of a building as
stated in the manual are:
1. Buildings within a project shall be analysed separately. If there are three
buildings in a project, three separate cost analysis are required.
2. Information shall be provided to facilitate the preparation of
estimates based on abbreviated measurements-Information such
as drawings and specifications must be provided.
3. Analysis shall be in stages with each stage giving progressively more
details; the total detailed costs in each stage shall equal the costs of the
relevant group.
4. Preliminaries shall be dealt with as a separate item (not apportioned
amongst elements)
Elemental Cost Analysis
Principles of analysis:
5. Lump sum adjustments shall be spread pro-rata amongst all
elements of the building and external work, excluding Prime cost
sums(PC) and Provisional sums (PS) contained within the elements.
6. Professional fees shall not form part of the analysis
7. Contingency sum to cover unforeseen expenditure shall not
beincluded in the analysis, but shown separately.
8. The principal cost unit of all elements shall be expressed in RM to two
decimal places per square metre of GFA.
9. A function unit cost shall be given.
10.The definition of terms shall be as given in the manual.
11.The list and contents of the elements shall be as given in the manual.
Elemental Cost Analysis
Contents of elemental cost analysis
Form 1-Information on total project and analysed building
• This form is divided into two sections; the first section provides
overall information on the project including location, the client, type
of contract, etc. The second section provides information and
analysis of a single building. Each separate building in the project has
a different analysis.
• The main purpose for the information in F/1 is to inform user the
background of the project and the condition of its price level. This will
enable the user to make necessary adjustments to cater for differences
in location, market condition, type of contract, size of contract and
specifications of the project.
Elemental Cost Analysis
Project Information
1. Building type and code
-there are 10 classifications on types of building:
0: Land, Planning, Landscape
1: Civil Engineering Work
2: Transport, Industrial Buildings
3: Administrative Buildings
4: Health and Welfare Buildings
5: Refreshment, Recreation Buildings
6: Religious Buildings
7: Educational, Cultural, Scientific Buildings 8: Residential Buildings
9: Buildings, spaces in general
e.g. office building shall be classed under category as:
Elemental Cost Analysis
Project Information
2 Construction classes
-Construction classes are divided into:
A: Reinforced concrete framed construction
B: Steel framed construction
C: Timber framed construction
D: Light framed steel or reinforced concrete construction
e.g. a 14-storey reinforced concrete framed construction with GFA of 34000m2 is
expressed as follows:
Elemental Cost Analysis
Project Information
3. Job title
-describe the name of the project
4. Location
-Location in terms of town and state
e.g. Shah Alam, Selangor.
Elemental Cost Analysis
Project Information
5. Client
-State the type of client whether :government, private or semi government
6. Tender date
-Date fixed for closing of tender, e.g. 14 January 2016
7. Project details and site condition
-Explanation shall include the following:
•Project description
•Accessibility to site
•Proximity of other buildings
•Site topographical and geological conditions
•Any omission or exclusion from project
E.g. Construction of an office building and related infrastructure works, site easily
accessible with tarred road, no restriction to working space, flat land.
Elemental Cost Analysis
Project Information
8. Contract
-Type of contract used. E.g. Standard Form PAM 2006 (With Quantities)
9. Market condition
-Brief report on market condition shall be provided with regard to availability of materials and
labour, keenness and competition. E.g. Market condition is competitive and price of labour and
materials are stable.
10. Type of contract
-As item 8
11. Basis of tender
-Tick the relevant basis of tender:

Bills of Quantities

Bills of Approximate Quantities

Schedule of Rates/Specification & Drawings

Elemental Cost Analysis
Contract period stipulated by client
Project Information
- State the period . Refer to contract document.
Contract period stipulated by contractor
-State the period. Refer to contract document.
Numbers of tender issued.
-State the numbers issued. Refer to tender report.
Numbers of tenders received.
-State the numbers received. Refer to tender report.
Cost fluctuation
-State whether (Yes) or (No)
Provisional sum
-State the value. Refer to contract document.
Prime cost sum
-State the value. Refer to contract document
Elemental Cost Analysis
Project Information
-State the value. Refer to contract document
-State the value. Refer to contract document
21.Contract sum
-State the value. Refer to contract document.
22.Tender list
-List of tenders received as item 15, or if the number is too many, state at least the
lowest , arranged in descending order. The highest tender value is listed last in the
-Indicate whether tenders were from local builders (L), by international builders
(INT), or by joint venture between the two (JV).
Refer to tender report.
Elemental Cost Analysis
Project Information
23.Accommodation and design features
• Menunjukkan jenis / bentuk bangunan yang dianalisis
• Menunjukkan distribusi ruang / penggunaan ruang untuk akomodasi.
• Jika sebuah bangunan menampung lebih dari satu fungsi, GFA masing-
masing harus ditampilkan secara terpisah.
• Jika gambar tidak disediakan, sketsanya harus diberikan. Sketsa
menunjukkan dimensi keseluruhan dan jumlah lantai ketinggian setiap
bagian bangunan.
Misalnya. Bangunan berbentuk L yang menampung perkantoran, café,
mushola, ruang pameran dan area pendukung lainnya dengan basement 3
lantai sebagai tempat parkir.
Elemental Cost Analysis-Form 1
24. Lower ground floor-all lower ground floor area
25. Ground floor-Floor area nearest to the level outside ground
26. Upper floors-Apart from items 24 & 25.
27. Gross floor areas
Method of measurement:
• Total of all enclosed spaces fulfilling the functional requirements
of a building measured to the internal face of enclosing walls (or
column, door and the like)
• Enclosed spaces are defined as all spaces that have a floor and a
ceiling and enclosing walls on all sides at full or partial height.
Open balustrades, louvres, screens, columns and the like shall
be deemed enclosing walls. In the cases where one or two sides
of the building is enclosed for the full width by doors and the
like other than walls and have a floor and ceiling, these spaces
shall also deemed as enclosing spaces.
• The gross floor area is measured gross without omission to
areas occupied by columns, internal structures or party walls,
Elemental cost analysis-Form 1
• Areas of lift rooms, tank rooms, engine rooms and the like above main
roof are also calculated in GFA.
• Sloping surfaces such as staircases, galleries, tiered terraces and the
like shall be measured flat on plan.
• Spaces that fulfil the functional requirements of building which are not
enclosed spaces shall be shown separately under unenclosed spaces.
28. Usable area-Total area of all enclosing spaces fulfilling the main functional
requirements of the building. E.g. Working area in an office, prayer area
in a mosque.
29. Circulation area-Total area of all enclosing spaces forming entrance halls,
corridors, staircases, lift wells and the like.
30. Ancillary area-Total area of all enclosed spaces for lavatories, kitchens,
utility rooms, lift motor room, water tank rooms, etc. supplementary to
main function of building.
31. Internal divisions-The areas occupied by partitions, columns, internal
structures or party walls.
32. Gross floor area-Measured as item 27. the sum of 28, 29, 30, 31 shall
Elemental cost analysis-Form 1
33. Floor spaces not enclosed-Spaces that fulfil
the functional requirements of building
which are not enclosed spaces shall be shown
separately. Area shall not be too large.
34. Roof area
Method of measurement
• Measure gross across the eaves or the inner face
of parapet walls.
• Includes area covered by roof lights.
• Sloped and pitched roofs shall be measured on
plan area.
Elemental cost analysis-Form 1
36. Ratio of external wall and GFA-This ratio depends on the area of the
enclosing walls and GFA. The area of all enclosing walls is measured on
the outer face to the full storey height for each floor over all window,
doors, beams, columns, etc.
This ratio is calculated by dividing the enclosing walls area to the GFA
to three decimal places.
E.g. Ratio= Enclosing wall area
37. Storey height
•Storey height is measured from floor finish to floor finish.
•For single-storey buildings and top floor of multi-storied
buildings, the storey height shall be measured from floor finish to
underside of ceiling finish.
38. Percentage of GFA
• State the percentage of building area in relation to GFA (in
whole number)
• State the numbers of storey and its percentage. Isolate
percentage of basement area and other areas.
Elemental cost analysis-form 1
39. Contract sum-as item 21
40. Provisional sum-as item 17
41. Prime cost sum-as item 18
42.Preliminaries-as item 19. State the percentage as compared to
contract sum less preliminaries.
% Preliminaries = Preliminaries x 100%
(Contract sum – Preliminaries)
43. Contingencies-as item 20. State the percentage as compared
contract sum less preliminaries and contingencies.
% contingencies= Contingencies x 100% (Contract sum
– preliminaries – Contingencies)
44.Functional Unit Cost-is calculated by dividing the total cost of all
elements (incl. Preliminaries cost but excl. External works cost) by the
total number of functional units. (refer to item 35).
Elemental Cost Analysis-Form 1

5 (+1X) (+5)
(-3) 15

(+) Ground floor and upper floors (-)

Basement floor

X adalah angka pada NPM terakhir anda

ditanya :
Berapa % Basement area?
berapa % pada 5-storey construction?
Berapa % 1X-Storey construction?
dan % GFA ?


5 (+1X) (+5)
(-3) 15


• Buatlah penjelasan mengenai Form 2 dan Form 3 ECA, menurut
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• kerjakan di kertas double folio (tulis tangan) dan dikirimkan ke Google
classroom dalam format PDF
• dilarang keras copy paste tugas teman, karena setiap anda mempunyai
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