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The The Myre Briggs Type The Big Five

Enneagram Indicator Model

PQB7002 Management of Educational Organizations

Prepared By: Munawwarah Husain 2023127
Lecturer: Dr. Kazi Enamul Hoque
Personality : Definitions

The Enneagram : Definitions, Type of Personality, Advantages & Disadvantages, Summary

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator : Definitions, Type of Personality, Advantages &

Disadvantages, Summary

The Big Five Model : Definitions, Type of Dimension, Advantages & Disadvantages,
What is Personality?.

An individual characteristic style of thoughts, behaviors and feeling that

make an individual unique.

A pattern of unique characteristic and relatively permanent traits that

contribute to a individual behaviour. (Feist et al., 2009)

Why they are the way they are?.

Determinants of Personality

Physiological Determinants Environment

Physical differences, IQ, Norms of family, friends & social group,
Potential, Temperament In class vs. at party
culture, other influence
The Enneagram of Personality

The enneagram is a system that categorises

individual into nine different kinds.

The enneagram derived from the Greek words

ennea (nine) and grammos (a written symbol),
collectively means nine points or types.

Its main goal is to explain and understand

behaviour, and it's a useful tool for self-
awareness and personal development.
9 Personality types

The The
Challenger Perfectionist

The The
Enthusiast Helper

The The
Loyalist Achiever

The The
Observer Individualist
TYPE 1 : The Perfectionist TYPE 2 : The Helper TYPE 3 : The Achiever

Positive: Idealistic, conscientious, Positive: Helpful, empathetic, caring, Positive: Energetic, optimist,


responsible and productive. and nurturing. passion, drive, and flexible.
Negative: Impatience, judgmental, Negative: Not being straightforward, Negative: Overly competitive, lack of
controlling and inflexible. interfering and possessive. self awareness and impatience.

As a teacher, manage a student by: As a teacher, manage a student by: As a teacher, manage a student by:

Help student more patient in learning Motivate student with approval or awards. Let student be a role model to others by
process. encourage student with motivational skills
and team building.

I do what I must do. I am free to serve you. I am what I do.

TYPE 4 : The Individualist TYPE 5 : The Observer TYPE 6 : The Loyalist

Positive: Creative, passionate, Positive: Wisdom, gentle, polite, and Positive: Practicality, compassion,


emotionally change and sensitive. self motivated. loyalty and accountability
Negative: Tendency to show moody Negative: Uncommunicative, and Negative: Resistance to change, and
felling. intellectually arrogant. lack of self-confidence.

As a teacher, manage a student by: As a teacher, manage a student by: As a teacher, manage a student by:

Help student with their personal choice or Respect student that need privacy and let Provide student with a guideline, written
judgment to ensure their best student work alone in their learning routine, procedure and rules in learning
performance. process with minimum supervision. process.

I am different. I am know I am smart. I have to do it myself.

TYPE 7 : The Enthusiast TYPE 8 : The Challenger TYPE 9 : The Peacemaker

Positive: Confident, energetic, Positive: Feel strong, protect, lead, Positive: Patient, easy-going,


inspired others and radiate fun. and confident. tolerant and balance.
Negative: Manic and undisciplined Negative: Aggressive, dictators, Negative: Disengaged, anger, and
impulsive. insensitive, and dominant. detached from others.

As a teacher, manage a student by: As a teacher, manage a student by: As a teacher, manage a student by:

Assist student in identifying some good Do not keep the student waiting. Support Attempt student with motivation; student
objectives, the the student may become the student in being more able to tolerate cooperation and value comfort. Give what
productive and successful. in support student in listening. student wants and bear in mind they does
not what they wants.

I am happy. Let’s party. I am competence. I am powerful. I am comfortable.

Three Category of The Enneagram

(8,9,1) Body Centers

Kinesthetic approach to life and a
more tactile experience of existence.

(2,3,4) Heart Centers

Connect with people by
(5,6,7) Head Centers tapping into their highly
For safety, and to achieve it, perceptive emotional
they must establish a refuge states. They yearn to be
in their minds. fully noticed.
The benefits and drawbacks to individual or group

The Benefits The Drawbacks

• To get a better understanding of their own • A person might be wrongly characterized.

and each other's viewpoints. As a result, (Hsu, 2004)
understanding the larger picture may make
people more empathetic, allowing them to get • Have continuous and dependable knowledge
along, work, and learn in a harmonic manner. There is no proof that there are only nine
(Kotelnikov, 2004) varieties or that the proper nine have been
identified. (Dagan, 2004)
• Have continuous and dependable knowledge
about a worker, recruit, or student. (New • There are no restrictions governing the use
Zealand Herald, 2004) of these tests at the state or federal level.
(Kotelnikov, 2004)
• It can help us understand why we do what
we do by predicting and understanding
behaviour and guiding individual change.
(Hsu, 2004)
Summary of The Enneagram

The enneagram involve the behavior that related to relationship between essence with
character fixation 1 until 9.

In term of learning process, the enneagram help an educator to understand the type of student
and help educator to be train and to empower student to achieve the learning goals.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator of Personality
A personality test that contains four set of
dimensions to assign people to one of 16 possible
personality types.

Individuals have various approaches to the world,

information acquisition, information processing, and
decision-making. - Carl Jung’s

Four set of Dimensions A Meyers-Briggs score

can be useful for self-
awareness and career
Introvert vs. Extrovert (I or E)
Thinking vs. Feeling (T or F)
Sensing vs. Intuiting (S or I) BUT
it should not be utilised as
Judging vs. Perceiving (J or P) a hiring tool because it
A score is composed of all four elements. (e.g., ENTJ) has not been linked to
work performance.
Orientation to the world : Extraversion or Introversion

• What do you like to concentrate your attention on?

• What makes you feel energetic?

• Do you get energized by doing things, talking to people, and interacting with them, or by doing nothing at all?

• Do you like calmness to think and consider before acting or speaking?

Preference: Extraversion vs. Introversion

• What do you like to concentrate your attention on?

• What makes you feel energetic?

Extraversion Introversion

Action and interaction over reflection Reflection over action

Talking things over with others to gain Thinking things through to gain
understanding understanding
Oral communication Written communication rather than oral

Taking the initiative in social and work settings Working alone or with one or two others

Getting involved in social activities to ‘re-

Spending time alone in order to re-energize
To Take in Information: Sensing or Intuition

• What type of information do you like to focus on?

• What method do you use to obtain your data?

• Do you like particular data and facts based on real-world circumstances, or do you prefer big-picture concepts
based on insights and patterns that allow for a variety of alternative outcomes?
Preference: Sensing vs. Intuition

Sensing Intuition

Gathering facts and details Looking for patterns and relationships

Focussing on information from the five senses Focussing on what lies beyond the surface

An orientation to the present rather than the An orientation towards the future rather than
Preference future the here and now

Being patient with routine tasks but less patient Being patient with complexity but less
with complexity patient with routine

Concentration on specific details of a task or Concentrating on the big picture rather than
the details
problem rather than the big picture
Processing Information : Thinking or Feeling

• What method do you like to use to make decisions?

• Do you prefer objective, rational analysis based on cause and effect reasoning, or do you want
greater engagement and consideration of those who are impacted?
Preference: Thinking vs. Feeling

Thinker Feeler

Logic and cause-and-effect reasoning, rather

Rather than rational analysis, judgments are
than personal values and beliefs, are used to
made based on personal values and beliefs.
make judgments.

Preference Being analytical Being sympathetic rather than analytical

Being perceived as reasonable by others Being perceived as compassionate

Wanting things to be fair even at the expense of Wanting a harmonious outcome even at the
harmony expense of equity and fairness
Decision Making: Judging or Perceiving

• How do you go about getting things done?

• Which 'way of life' do you prefer?

• Do you want things to be ordered, scheduled, controlled, and decided, or do you prefer to go with
the flow in a spontaneous and flexible manner, free of plans and structures?
Preference: Perceiving vs. Judging

Perceiving Judging

Taking In All Available Information Before

Making Decisions And Obtaining Closure

Being Systematic And Keeping To A Schedule Being Spontaneous And Casual

Preference Completing One Project Before Starting Working On Multiple Projects

Another Simultaneously

Committing To Plans Or Decisions Swiftly Being Flexible, Keeping Options Open

Finishing Tasks Before Deadlines

Finishing Tasks At Deadline
Summary of The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

• Four-dimensional measurement presenting 16 different cognitive types (e.g. INTP, ESFJ etc.)

• Assist in enhancing the effectiveness of work teams

• Remember that no single personality type is ideal or superior.

• Even persons with the same 'type' differ in numerous ways; there are many other aspects to a
person's personality.

• The MBTI assesses just preferences, not skills or aptitudes.

• It all comes down to how we view things: Taking in information through perceiving & in the
same way that information is organised, judging is done.
The Big Five Model of Personality
Dimension of The Big Five Model
Intellect/openness to Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Emotional Adjustment
Art, emotion, adventure, Planned behaviour is Positive emotions, Compassionate, The tendency to
uncommon ideas, preferred over assertiveness, cooperative and helpful experience unpleasant
curiosity, and a wide spontaneous. friendliness, and nature. emotions easily, such
range of experiences talkativeness are all as anger, anxiety,
are all valued. characteristics depression, and
associated with energy. vulnerability.
1. I have a rich 1. I am always 1. I am the life of the 1. I am interested in 1. I am easily
vocabulary. prepared. party. people. disturbed.
2. I have a vivid 2. I pay attention to 2. I don't mind being 2. I sympathize with 2. I change my mood
imagination. details. the centre of others' feelings. a lot.
3. I have excellent 3. I get chores done attention. 3. I have a soft heart. 3. I get irritated easily.
ideas. right away. 3. I feel comfortable 4. I take time out for 4. I get stressed out
4. I am quick to 4. I like order. around people. others. easily.
understand things. 4. I start
Summary of The Big Five Model

• For all occupational groups, conscientiousness predicts performance.

• For managers and sales representatives, extroversion predicts success.

• Extroverts and a willingness to try new things indicate training success.


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