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“Message Encode Decode in Python ”


Department of Computer Science & Engineering

School of Computer Science & Engineering
Manipal University Jaipur, India
March 2023

Submitted By
Ranu Drolia
Project Guide (209301549 )
Ms. Vibha Jain Subham Shree

❖ Abstract
❖ Introduction
❖ Project Prerequisites
❖ Methodology
❖ Steps
❖ Summary

 The purpose of this project is to implement AES encryption and

decryption using Java. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a
widely-used symmetric encryption algorithm, which means the
same key is used for both encryption and decryption. In this
project, we will create a Java program that takes user input and
encrypts or decrypts it using AES.

 Encryption is the process of transforming

information in such a way that only authorized
parties can read it. Decryption is the process of
transforming encrypted information back into
its original form. AES is a symmetric
encryption algorithm that is widely used in
various applications such as secure messaging,
file encryption, and data storage. The goal of
this project is to implement AES encryption and
decryption in Java.
Project Prerequisites

To complete this project, you will need a basic

understanding of Java programming language,
including concepts such as classes, objects, and file
handling. You will also need to have the Java
Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer.
Dataset details: Credit card transaction dataset

 Setting up the development environment: Install the required software and tools,
including the JDK and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse
or IntelliJ.
 Creating the AES encryption and decryption classes: Create classes that implement
the AES encryption and decryption algorithms.
 Designing the user interface: Design a simple user interface using Java Swing that
allows users to enter text to be encrypted or decrypted.
 Implementing file handling: Add the ability to read and write encrypted data to and
from a file.
 Testing and debugging: Test the program and debug any issues that arise.
1. Import the necessary packages: Import the javax.crypto and packages.
2. Create a key: Generate a key using the KeyGenerator class.
3. Create a Cipher: Create a Cipher object and initialize it with the key.
4. Encrypt the data: Convert the data to be encrypted into bytes, and pass it to the Cipher object's
encrypt method. The encrypted data will be returned as a byte array.
5. Decrypt the data: Pass the encrypted byte array to the Cipher object's decrypt method to get the
original data back.
6. Add file handling: Use the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes to read and write
encrypted data to and from a file.
7. Design the user interface: Create a simple Swing interface that allows users to enter text to be
encrypted or decrypted, and display the results.
8. Test the program: Test the program with various inputs and ensure that it works as expected.
Debug any issues that arise.

 In this project, we implemented AES encryption

and decryption using Java. We used the
javax.crypto and packages to
generate a key, create a Cipher object, and
encrypt and decrypt data. We also added file
handling to read and write encrypted data to and
from a file. Finally, we designed a simple user
interface using Java Swing to allow users to
enter text to be encrypted or decrypted.

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