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National Parks in the UK

Form 9
New Vocabulary
1. beautiful nature – прекрасна природа
2. the majestic beauty – велична краса
3. a picturesque view – мальовничий вид
4. a marvellous/ breathtaking landscape –
дивовижний / захоплюючий пейзаж
5. enchanting waterfalls – чарівні водоспади
6. the stunning countryside – приголомшлива
7. an amazing scenery – дивовижний краєвид
8. towering mountains – високі гори
9. woody hillsides – вкриті лісами схили гір
New Vocabulary
1. to admire – захоплюватись, милуватись
2. to discover – відкривати, знаходити
3. to wander through – мандрувати (десь)
4. to feel the warmth of smth – відчувати
тепло чогось
5. to enjoy – насолоджуватись
6. to stroll through gardens – прогулюватись
в садках
7. to take a journey– відправитись у подорож
8. to inspire – надихати
in the UK
Name of the park: SNOWDONIA
The date of establishment: 1951
The territory occupied: 2,132 sq km (823 sq m)
The location: Wales
Includes: the highest peak Snowdon (1,085 m),
more than a hundred mountains and lakes,
beautiful rivers, waterfalls, woods and valleys,
23 miles of coastline and beaches
Wildlife: 17 National Nature Reserves with
plants and animals of international and
national importance (e.g. Snowdon Lily,
Rainbow Beetle)
Activities to do: walking, climbing, hiking,
cycling, horse riding, wildlife watching,
swimming, boating, yachting
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