Grammar Tenses

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Language Problem


Present Perfect, Present

Simple and Past Simple
Match the pictures with the sentences

b) He's worked
d) Mary had a
for the
baby in 1998.
homeless all
his life.

c) Mary has had a) He worked

a baby for the
homeless all
his life
2 Which of the sentences (1 and 2) mean

1 Pam has been in prison a) Pam's sentence started

for two years. two years ago.
b) Pam is in prison now.

2 Pam was in prison for c) Pam isn't in prison

two years. anymore.
d) Pam's sentence lasted
two years.
3 Put the verbs into the Present Perfect or
the Past Simple.

1 The cat looks hungry. _____ (you feed) him

2 Maria Slodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie
_____ (work) together for most of their lives.
3. My father__________ (work) for the same
company since he left university.
4. Mozart _____ (write) a lot of interesting music.
5. _______(you see) my dictionary anywhere? I
need it for my homework.
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Simple or the Present Perfect.
1. I ______ (know) Peter very well; we are in the same
2. We _____ (have) very bad luck this year - our car
was stolen just before Easter and our flat was robbed
a week ago.
3. Mark is my best friend; we ______ (know) each other
for ages.
4. My friend is ill - she _____ (be) in hospital since
5. I _____ (be) very lucky. I often win competitions.
6. I feel terrible today. I think I _____ (have) flu.
6 Match the sentences (1-3 and 4-6)
with the people (a-c and e-f).

1 'I work very hard. a) a retired millionaire

2 ‘I’ve worked very hard b) a young businessman
all my life. c) a person who is about to
3 'I worked very hard.' retire

4 ‘I’ve lived in London for d) a Londoner

a long time. e) a person who lives in
5 'I lived in London for a Paris
long time. f) a person who is moving
6 'I live in London.' from London to Glasgow
7 Read the sentences and answer the

1 Peter has always enjoyed opera. Does

Peter like opera?
2 I've had a big lunch. Is the person hungry?
3 I've dreamt about a cup of tea since this
morning. Would the person like a cup of
tea now?
4 I've lost the car key. Can we open the car
8 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Perfect, the Past Simple or the Present Simple.

Karen Cookson 1) has always been interested in the sea and the
creatures in it. When she was ten her mother 2) bought her an
aquarium and she 3) has had collections of tropical fish ever since
then. For the last twenty years, she 4) has lived in a big house in
Auckland where she has an aquarium. Last year she 5) opened the
aquarium to the public. Thousands of people 6) have already
visited her collection.
Her collection includes several sharks which 7) swim around
looking dangerous. 'People 8) do not understand sharks,' she says.
'I 9) have never had any problems with my sharks because I 10)
know how to behave. Sharks only 11) attack humans in certain
situations. Once, a great white shark 12) tried to attack me but I
13) hit it on the nose with my camera!'

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