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Lugo, Ignacio
What was it?
• A sequence of four coordinated
terrorist attacks.
• These terrorists hijacked four U.S.
• The September 11 date was not chosen until
three weeks before.
September • The attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist
11 group was against the United States.
Where did the events occur?
• The first two events occurred into
the Twin Towers at the World Trade
Centre in New York City.
• Another plane destroyed part of the
Pentagon (the U.S. military
headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia.
• The fourth plane crashed in
Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Who was responsible for
the attack?
• The hijackers were 19 men and
15 of the 19 were citizens of
Saudi Arabia.
• Members of al-Qaeda.

• Airports and other places had extra tight security.

• The US started attacking Afghanistan 26 days after
9/11 and proceeded to continue attacks for a long
• 2.996 peole were killed in the attack.
• National September 11 • Pentagonan Memorial
Memorial & Museum

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