Presentation - Business Location

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Location Of Industry

Group 3
Our Location will
change how you
run your business
Location of Industry

Our Location of industry is in the areas where the

benefits is higher the disadvantages, and that
might boost your business by a lot. Care to know
how? We have prepared this presentation for you!
Your Previous Area
We Realize that in your previous location, you
suffered from
● A significant distance towards supplier
● A lack of customer interaction or
● An expensive travel cost
● an obstacle when obtaining power

We have realized that the problems you have

suffered for has caused great issues.
● Low profit margins
● High transport causes
● Lower potential profit
● High electricity bills
We Understand Your Problems…

Offering our Location

We Know What We’re Doing We’re offering our location to
help you with your current
We are a team of selected experts problems
within our fields and have
significant knowledge.
Furthermore, we are elected by
higher officials to do the job of
managing and persuading our
We’re Reliable
locations. We host a significant amount of
business within our area whom
agrees that our location is said to
be ‘an ideal one for many
Why Our Location?

Readily available land &

We are close to suppliers

Electricity here is
Sufficient and efficient
supportive - readily
transport route

great access to internet for

We are close to your target
lingering customers staying on
the store markets

Expensive Land No Government aid

Because it is high populated, Despite being in a largely
land have a high demand, populated location, our
therefore has its price above location is sadly does not
average - high - have sufficient aid from
But That Shouldn’t Matter

Business Built Without Government 2.1 km 46 min

Aid Land Is Ready
You don’t have to search for land anymore as it
For 15 years, your business has grown with
is already set up and available, therefore no
limited government aid, therefore this locations 10 km 42 min more negotiating with people who overprices
should not be a problem for you
their lands

74 km 2 h 18 min
Decrease cost Wider market
Our close proximity to power, supplier, and Within our location, your business will
customer reduces transportation costs and will 7 Km 58 min receive more brand awareness due to our
increase your profit margins which compensate high population and potentially welcome
for high initial costs new customers
Our Locations Serves You More
Your brand loyalty will
increase as more
customer visits your
As a result to the increase ‘high Quality cake shop’
Larger profit brand awareness, you Increases productivity as a result of the higher
have a much larger target population within our
audience location

Due to our location No more waiting for

cutting significant cuts of suppliers to come and no
costs of transport and we More Market more waiting for goods to Brand Loyalty
close to market, our be transported
location could help cut
costs while maintaining
What are you waiting for?
Our location is ready and
set up just for you

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