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Конфиденциально Создано для компании [Название компании] Версия 1.

Future Simple
Bahytjankyzy Aiana
Конфиденциально Создано для компании [Название компании] Версия 1.0

Future Simple - simple future

The Future Simple tense refers to
an action that will take place in
the uncertain or distant future.
In order to put a verb into the Future
Simple tense, you need to use its
initial form and the auxiliary verb will.
In spoken language, will is most often
shortened to the form ‘ll, which can
be used in all persons.
Previously, when using the
future tense for the first
person (I, we), it was
customary to use the
However, in modern auxiliary verb shall
English, especially in
spoken language, will has
come to be used for all
persons: The verb shall is now used
quite rarely as a modal verb in
a sentence to do or help
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