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A dam is a hydraulic structure of fairly

impervious material built across a river
or a stream to retain the water.
It prevents the flow of water and
accumulates it in a deep storage
Power generation
Water supply
Flood control
Upstream Crest Down stream
MWL (Max. water level)

(inside dam)
NWL (Normal water level)

Free board

Sluice way

Heel Toe
 Heel: contact with the ground on the upstream side.
 Toe: contact on the downstream side.
 Abutment: Sides of the valley on which the structure of the
dam rest.
 Galleries: small rooms like structure left within the dam for
checking operations.
 Spillways: It is the arrangement near the top to release the
excess water of the reservoir to downstream side.
 Sluice way: An opening in the dam near the ground level,
which is used to clear the silt accumulation in the reservoir
Dams are classified according to several considerations as
indicated below.

1 • Based on dam function

2 • Based on material construction

3 • Based on hydraulic behavior

4 • Based on structural behavior

Storage dams: They are constructed to store water during the rainy
season when there is a large flow in the river. Water is stored for later
use in dry season.

Diversion dams: A diversion dam is constructed for the purpose of

diverting water of the river into an off-taking canal (or a conduit).

Detention dams: A detention dam retards the flow in the river on its
downstream during floods by storing some flood water.

Debris dams: A debris dam is constructed to retain debris such as

sand, gravel, and drift wood flowing in the river with water.

Coffer dams: A coffer dam is a temporary dam constructed to divert

water for facilitating construction.
Rigid Dam: It is constructed with rigid material such as
stone, masonry, concrete, steel, or timber. Steel dams and
timber dams are constructed only for small heights.

Non-rigid Dam: It is constructed with non-rigid material

such as earth, tailings, rockfill etc.
 Earthen dam – gravel, sand, silt, clay etc.
 Tailings dam – waste or refuse obtained from mines
 Rockfill dam – rock material supporting a water tight
material on the u/s face.
Overflow Dam: It is constructed with a crest to permit
overflow of surplus water that cannot be retained in the
reservoir. (e.g. Nolichucky Dam USA)

Non-Overflow Dam: It is constructed such that water

is not allowed to overflow over its crest.
(e.g. Kurobe Dam JAPAN)

 It is a non-rigid dam which resists
the forces acting on it by its shear
strength and upto some extent by its
own weight
 Earth dams are constructed where
the foundation or the underlying
material are weak to support the
masonry dam.
 They are trapezoidal in shape and
mainly built with clay, sand and
gravel, hence they are also known as
Earth fill dam or Rock fill dam.
 It is a masonry or concrete dam
which resists the forces acting on
it by its own weight.
 These dams are heavy and
massive wall-like structures of
concrete in which the whole
weight acts vertically downwards.
Its c/s is approximately triangular
in shape.
 As the entire load is transmitted
on the small area of foundation,
such dams are constructed where
rocks are competent and stable.
 It is a masonry or concrete dam
which resists the forces acting on
it by series of structural supports
called buttresses.
 Buttresses transmit force from
wall of dam to wider area of
ground. These buttresses are in
the form of triangular or multiple
arch masonry or reinforced
concrete walls.
 This type of structure can be
considered even if the foundation
rocks are little weaker.
 It is a curved masonry or concrete
dam, convex upstream, which
resists the forces acting on it by
arch action.
 Arch dams are built across narrow
and deep river, this shape helps to
transmit the major part of the
water load to the abutments. So
this shape requires strong
 Arch dams are cheaper dams,
because they give good strength
with less material required.
Gravity dams are rigid concrete dams which ensure
stability against all loads by virtue of their weight alone.
They transfer all the loads to the foundation and hence
are built when the foundation is strong rock. A typical
section of a gravity dam is shown.
Following are forces acting on Gravity Dam

1) Water Pressure
2) Weight of the Dam
3) Uplift Pressure
4) Silt Pressure
5) Wave Pressure
6) Ice Pressure
7) Earthquake Pressure
1) Water Pressure
 It is the major external force acting on a dam.
 The water pressure on the upstream face depends on
the water surface level in the reservoir and acts
horizontally. In case the dam has a batter in the
upstream side, the load of water over the batter is
also present and acts vertically.
1) Water Pressure
 The horizontal water pressure acts at a height of H/3
from base of the dam, and is given by
 The vertical water pressure acts on the length ‘b’ portion of
the base. This vertical pressure is given by
1) Water Pressure
Similarly, the water pressure on the downstream face is
due to the tail water and acts horizontally while the weight
of water on the downstream face acts vertically.
2) Weight of the Dam
 Weight of the dam is the major resisting force.
 Total weight of the dam acts at the center of gravity
of its section. Unit length of the dam is considered in
the calculation of weight.

W = W1 + W2 + W3
3) Uplift Pressure
 Uplift pressure is the
pressure exerted by water
as it seeps through the
body of the dam or its
 Seeping water exerts
pressure on the base of
the dam and it depends
upon water head.

 Uplift pressure is given by

4) Silt Pressure

 Sediment deposition in the reservoir results in a force

acting horizontally on the upstream face. This force is
assumed to have a hydrostatic distribution.
 Silt Pressure is given by acting at H/3
from base.
5) Wave Pressure
 Waves are generated on the surface of the reservoir by
the blowing winds, which exert a pressure on the
upstream side. Wave pressure depends upon wave
height, and is given by the equation
acting at above the reservoir surface.
6) Ice Pressure
 The ice which may be formed on the water surface of
the reservoir in cold countries may sometimes melt and
expand. The dam face is subjected to the thrust exerted
by the expanding ice.

7) Earthquake Pressure
 Earthquakes impart a horizontal as well as a vertical
acceleration to the dam and the stored water. This
results in additional forces, both in the horizontal and
vertical directions. Horizontal and vertical “seismic
coefficients” are used to appropriately modify these
forces to account for the effect of earthquakes.
1) Overturning
 If the moments of the destabilizing forces (such as water
pressure on the upstream face and uplift) about the toe
of the dam exceed those of the stabilizing forces (mainly
the weight of the dam), the dam can overturn.
 If the resultant force cuts the base within the body of
dam there will be no overturning.
 For safety against overturning.

F.O.S = ≥ 1.5
2) Sliding
 A gravity dam may fail in sliding at any
horizontal plane if the sum of the actuating
horizontal forces above that plane is less than
the resistive forces.
 For safety against sliding
F.O.S = µ × > 1
Where µ = coefficient of static earth pressure
= 0.65 to 0.75
3) Normal Stress
 In order to calculate the normal stress distribution at the
base, or at any section, let be the total horizontal force,
be the total vertical force and R be the resultant force
cutting the base at an eccentricity e from the center of
the base of width (b), which is equal to b/2 − x where x
is the distance of the resultant force R from the toe
given by
3) Normal Stress
The normal stress at any point on the base will be the sum
of the direct stress and the bending stress. hence the total
normal stress is given by
The positive sign will be used for calculating normal stress
at the toe, since the bending stress will be compressive
there, and negative sign will be used for calculating normal
stress at the heel.
Thus, the normal stress at the toe is
and the normal stress at the heel is
Normal Stress Distribution Under
The Base Of Dam
Principal stresses
 The principal stresses are given as
 At the toe of the dam is
σ = sec² β
 At the heel of the dam is
σ = sec² α – tan² α
= normal stress
= wh = intensity of water pressure
Shear stresses
 The shear stresses are given as
 At the toe of the dam
τ = tan β
 At the heel of the dam
τ = - (- ) tan α
= normal stress
= wh = intensity of water pressure
1) Consider unit length of the dam.

2) Calculate the vertical forces:

Weight of the dam,
Weight of water acting on inclined
Uplift force.

find sum of these vertical forces ()

3) Find out the sum of horizontal forces:
Horizontal component of the water pressure is
P = w h² / 2
Find water pressure on both U/S and D/S side

Find moment due to various forces at the toe

4) Calculate
Disturbing moments (taken as -ive)
Resisting moments (taken as +ive)

And also find their algebraic sum

5) Check safety against overturning
F.O.S = ≥ 1.5

6) Check safety against sliding

F.O.S = µ × > 1
7) Calculate the shear friction factor.
In large dams, shear strength of joint should
also be considered. Factor of safety in that
case is known as shear friction factor.
S.F.F =
b = width of the joint
q = shear strength of the joint (14 kg/cm³)
8) Find out the location (i.e. distance x) of
resultant force from the toe.

9) Find out eccentricity e of the resultant from

the center.
e = b/2 – x
where b = base width of the dam
10) Find the normal stress at the toe.

(compressive stress is taken as positive)

11) Find the normal stress at the heel.

(tensile stress is taken as negative)

12) Find out principal stress at the toe
σ = sec² β

13) Find out principal stress at the heel

σ = sec² α – tan² α
= normal stress
= wh = intensity of water pressure
14) Find out shear stress at toe.
τ = tan β

15) Find out shear stress at the heel

τ = - (- ) tan α
= normal stress
= wh = intensity of water pressure
Question # 01: A masonry dam 10m high is
trapezoidal section with a top width of 1m and
a bottom width of 8.25m. The face exposed to
the water has a batter of 1:10. Test the
stability of the dam. Find out the principal
stresses at the toe and heel of the dam.
Assume unit weight of masonry as 2240
Kg/m³, w for water = 1000 Kg/m³ and
permissible shear stress of joint = 14 Kg/cm³.
1) Consider unit lengthON
the dam i.e. 1m

2) Vertical forces:
a) self weight of the dam
WD = [(½ × 1 × 10) + (½×
6.25 × 10) + (1×
10)] ×1× 2240
= 103600 kg
b) weight of water in column
WW = (½×1×10) × 1 ×1000

= 5000 kg
c) Uplift pressure

= 41250 kg
= 103600+5000–41250
= 67350 kg
3) Horizontal water pressure
∑H = wh²/2 = 1000 × 100 / 2
= 50,000 kg
Moment due to various forces at the toe
a) Due to self weight of the
= {( ½ ×1×10×2240)
(1+6.25+1/3)} +
{( 1×10×2240)
(6.25+0.5)} +
{( ½×6.25×10×2240)
= 527800 kg-m (+ ive)
Moment due to various forces at the toe
b) Due to column of
water in AA’B
= (½×10×1×1000)
(8.25 – 1/3)
= 39583 kg-m (+ive)
c) Due to uplift force
= 226875 kg-m (-ive)
Moment due to various forces at the toe
d) Due to horizontal
water pressure
=1000 × 100/2 × 10/3

= 166,700 kg-m (-ive)

∑M = 527800 + 39583 – 226875 – 166700

= 567383 – 339575
= 227808 kg-m
5) Check safety against overturning
F.O.S = =
≥ 1.5 ………(O.K)

6) Check safety against sliding

F.O.S = µ ×
= 1.01 > 1 ………(O.K)
7) Shear friction factor
S.F.F = =
= 24.11
8) The resultant acts at a distance x from toe
= = 3.38
9) Eccentricity e from the center is
e = b/2 – x = 8.25/2 – 3.38 = 0.74
10) Compressive stress at the toe

= 67350/8.25 {1 + (6×0.74)/8.25}
= 12560 kg/m²

11) Compressive stress at the heel

= 67350/8.25 {1 - (6×0.74)/8.25}
= 3770 kg/m²
12) principle stress at the toe
σ = sec² β

sec β =1/(10/11.792)
σ = sec² β
= 12560×(1.39)
= 17460 kg/m²
13) principle stress at the heel
σ = sec² α – tan² α
Sec α = 1/(10/10.05)=1.005
tan α = 1 / 10 = 0.1

σ = sec² α – tan² α
= 3770×1.01
- (1000×1×10)×0.01
= 3707.7 kg/m²
14) shear stress at the toe
τ = tan β
tan β = 6.25 / 10 = 0.625
τ = tan β
= 12560 × 0.625
= 7850 kg/m²
15) shear stress at the heel
τ = - (- ) tan α
tan α = 1 / 10 = 0.1
τ = - (- ) tan α
= -(3770-1000×10)×0.1
= 623 kg/m²

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