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Pillars Acts of Salah:
 The essential parts of Salah.
Missing the pillar makes the prayer INVALID.
How many pillars are there? 14
 What happens if one misses it?
The Difference between the actions of
Pillars Obligatory Acts Sunnah Acts
1. It cannot be waived either if It can be waived if someone forgets it Doing it gains more reward and
someone leaves it deliberately or by mistake. leaving it still makes your prayer
forgets it by mistake. valid.

2. If not done the prayer becomes If not done, the prayer is still valid,
Invalid. however it has to be compensated. The prayer is still valid.

Leaving the obligatory act has to be

3. The missed pillar has to be compensated by performing Sujud As-
repeated and then should perform Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness) No compensation required.
Sujud As-Sahw (Prostration of
1. Standing if one has the ability to do so.

Stand Straight Set your eyes on the place

of prostration

Feet apart up to Toes pointing towards the

shoulder width Qiblah.
2. Opening Takbeer. (Takbeerat ul
You enter into the Salat
You raise your hands
Up to the shoulder level or up to the
Fingers not together or very much apart. Moderate.
Palms open facing the Qiblah
Touching the ears with your hands is not correct.
3. Reciting Surah Al-Fatiha.

There is no prayer for the one who does not recite Surat
Al – Fatiha.
‫ٱْلَح ْم ُد ِهَّلِل َر ِّب ٱْلَٰع َلِم يَن‬

‫ٱلَّرْح َٰم ِن ٱلَّر ِح يِم‬

‫َٰم ِلِك َيْو ِم ٱلِّد يِن‬

‫ِإَّياَك َنْع ُبُد َو ِإَّياَك َنْسَتِع يُن‬

‫ٱْهِد َنا ٱلِّص َٰر َط ٱْلُم ْسَتِقيَم‬

‫ِص َٰر َط ٱَّلِذ يَن َأْنَعْم َت َع َلْيِهْم َغْيِر ٱْلَم ْغ ُضوِب َع َلْيِهْم َو اَل ٱلَّض ٓاِّليَن‬
4. Bowing (Ruku’)

Back straight levelled up with the neck.

Spread your fingers and grab your knees.

5. Rising from Ruku’
6. Standing up straight
7. Prostrating (Sujood)

Prostrate on seven limbs.

Forehead and Nose
Two Palms
Two Knees
Two Feet
8. Rising from Prostration (Sujood)
9. Sitting between the two prostrations.
10. Being at ease in each of these
physical pillars.
11. The final tashahhud.
12. Sitting to recite the final Tashahhud.
13. Following the same order in doing
these steps.
14. The final two tasleems.
Obligatory Acts of Salah

Leaving it intentionally Leaving it out of forgetfulness

1. All the takbeers except the opening one.
2. Saying ‘Subhaana Rabby al –’Adheem when bowing
3. Saying ‘Sami’a Allahu Liman Hamidah’ when raising
from the Ruku’
4. Saying ‘Rabbana Wa Lakal-Hamd’ after standing upright
from Ruku’
5. Saying ‘Subhaana Rabby Al-A’laa’ when prostrating.
6. Saying ‘Rabbigfirlee’ while in between the two prostrations.
7. Sitting for the first tashahhud
8. The first Tashahhud
‫َفَخ َلَف ِم ۢن َبْع ِدِهْم َخ ْلٌف َأَض اُع و۟ا ٱلَّص َلٰو َة َو ٱَّتَبُعو۟ا ٱلَّش َهَٰو ِتۖ َفَس ْو َف‬
‫َيْلَقْو َن َغ ًّيا‬

But there came after them, successors [i.e. later

generations] who neglected prayer and pursued desires;
so they are going to meet evil –
Surat Maryam (19:59)
Importance of
following the
Sunnah acts of prayer

Sunnah of Utterance Sunnah of Action

Sunnah of Utterance

1. Opening Supplication
Sunnah of Utterance

2. Saying Isti’adah before reciting Surah Al-Fatihah

3. Saying Basmalah before reciting Surah Al-Fatihah

4. Saying Ameen after finishing Surat Al-Fatihah

5. Reciting a Surah after Surah Al-Fatihah

Sunnah of Utterance

6. Saying more than one glorification in Rukoo’ and


7. Saying ‘Rabbigfirlee’ more than once between the

two prostrations.

8. Adding to ‘Rabbana Walakal Hamd’.

9. Supplication after finishing the last tashahhud.

Sunnah of Actions

1. Raising the hands during Takbeer:

 Takbeerat al Ihram
 Before Ruku’
 After raising from Ruku’
 When getting up for the 3rd Raka’ from Sujood.
Sunnah of Actions

2. Putting right hand over the left hand on your

Sunnah of Actions

3. Looking at the place of prostration.

Sunnah of Actions

4. Keeping the forearms away from your sides during

the prostration.
Sunnah of Actions

5. ‘Iftiraash’ in all the sitting of the prayer except for

the last Tasahhud in a 3 or 4 Rak’at prayer
Sunnah of Actions
5. ‘Tawarruk’ in the last Tasahhud in a 3 or 4 Rak’at prayer
Permissible Acts in Salah

1. Walking in Salah due to some need which occurs

Permissible Acts in Salah

2. Carrying children during the Salah.

Permissible Acts in Salah

3. Killing a scorpion or a snake during the Salah.

Permissible Acts in Salah

4. Looking to the right or left for some need, while in Salah.

Permissible Acts in Salah

5. Crying in Salah .
Permissible Acts in Salah

6. Saying Subhan-Allah for men, and clapping for women.

Permissible Acts in Salah

7. Helping the imam who has forgotten the Ayah.

Permissible Acts in Salah
8. Pointing with the finger or hand to indicate that you are in
prayer to someone who enters and greets you. (Making ones
palm face down and the back of the hand face up.)
Permissible Acts in Salah

9.Using some sort of hand signal to indicate something to

someone due to there being a serious need for the one praying
to alert them to something.
Permissible Acts in Salah

10. Spitting to ones left.

Permissible Acts in Salah

11. Preventing a person from passing in front of you while you

are praying.
Acts in Salah
Disliked Acts in Salah

1- Entering the prayer while one is distracted; having their

thoughts elsewhere or being in a state which distracts himself or
his imam; like holding back urine, wind or defecation, being in a
state of hunger or thirst, when food which he wishes to eat is
present, or looking at that which distracts him from Salah.
Disliked Acts in Salah

2- Useless movements; Meaning doing that which is contrary to

being tranquil and concentrating in Salah.
Disliked Acts in Salah

3- Looking with ones face left or right without a need;

Disliked Acts in Salah

4. Covering ones mouth and nose in prayer.

Disliked Acts in Salah

5. Looking up at the sky.

Disliked Acts in Salah

6. Closing one’s eyes, except for a need.

Disliked Acts in Salah

7. Stretching ones arms flat on the ground when in prostration.

The Invalidators of As-Salah
The Invalidators of As-Salah

1- Performing something which breaks one of the conditions of

The Invalidators of As-Salah

2- Intentionally intending to leave an integral or obligatory aspect

of Salah .
The Invalidators of As-Salah

3- Moving a lot if the movements are not part of those of the

Salah, and there is no need for them; like unnecessary walking.
The Invalidators of As-Salah

4- Laughing out loud.

The Invalidators of As-Salah

5- Intentionally speaking.
The Invalidators of As-Salah

6- Intentionally eating or drinking.

The Invalidators of As-Salah

7- Intentionally adding a Rak’ah or integral.

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