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Information Age

Desired Learning Outcomes:

• Trace the development of Information Age

Learn how technology functions;

• and appreciate its influence as people's lives.

What is information age all about?

The Information Age is considered a historic period in

the 21st century. Characterized by the rapid shift from
traditional industry, it is also called computer age, digital
and the new media age. It is marked by a very fast
growth in communication and information technology.
History Development

 It began around the 1970s and still going on today. As in the field of
literature, the renaissance influenced this age by creating the idea
inventions that led to modern ones. Information Age also referred to
people,information and societies that chronicle the birth and growth of
electronic information from ancient times to Samuel Morse's invention
of the telegraph in the 1890s through the development of the telephone,
radio, television and computers.
There are four periods of the Information Age, namely:

1. Pre-Mechanical - 3,000 BC 1450 A.D

 Early alphabets were developed such as the
Phoenician alphabet

2. Mechanical - 1450-1840
 The mechanical age is when we first start to see
connections between our current technology and its
ancestors. A lot of new technologies are developed in this
era as there is a large explosion in interest with this area.
Charles Babbage developed the difference engine which
tabulated polynomial equations using the method of finite
3. Electro-Mechanical - 1840-1940 .
 These are the beginnings of telecommunication. The
telegraph was created in the early 1800s. Morse code was
created by Samuel Morse in 1835. The telephone (one of
the most popular forms of communication ever) was
created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The first radio
developed by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. All of these were
extremely crucial emerging technologies that led to big Harvard Mark 1
advances in the information technology field.
4. Electronic/Information-1940-present
 The ENIAC was the first high-speed, digital computer capable of being
reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems. This
computer was designed to be used by the U.S. Army for artillery firing
tables. This machine was even bigger than the Mark 1 taking up 680
square feet and weighing 30 tons - HUGE. It mainly used vacuum tubes to
do its calculations.
Mechanical Age
Electro-Mechanical - 1840-1940 .
Some pioneers who belonged to these periods were Blaise
Pascal, Alexander Graham Bell, Steven Wozniak, Steven
Jobs, Bill Gates. Personal computers had become
widespread by the end of the 1980s. They can be
connected to local or national networks.

 Claude Shannon is regarded as the Father of the

Information Age.
Living in the Information Age

Technology is increasingly playing a crucial role in the success of
organization: particularly in school in this Information Age. It has
become a part of our everyday lives. It is composed of computer,
networks, mobile and wireless devices, satellite communications,
robotics, videotext, cable television, electronic ma (e-mail), electronic
gadget and automated office equipment.
Some of the advantages of Information
Technology are:
1. Globalization-It has brought the world closer together, led to sharing
information more quickly and efficiently and enabled countries to share idea and
information with each other.
2. Communication- It has made communication cheaper, quicker and more
3. Cost effectiveness- it has led to computerization of business processes and
increased productivity that gave more profits, better pay and working conditions.
4.Creation of new jobs-It has led to the opening up of opportunity for
compute programmers, system analysts, hardware and software developers and well
The Information Age has introduced changes in the different
aspects of people's lives, because of the following:

1.Emergence of online companies.

2.Creation of economically and stimulating
3.More mature and educated people
4.Reshaping governments with new technologies.
The Information Age The Information Age also known as the
Computer Age, Digital Age or New Media Age is a historic period
in the 21st century. The idea it upholds is that access to and the
control of information is the defining characteristic of this
current era in human civilization. The driving force behind
changes and new options given to us is an innovation called the
Write a reflection about you living
in this information age.

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