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Individuals’ Roles,

Responsibilities and Rights in

areas of Family Life and Work
Date: October , 2022
• By definition, the family is a fundamental
social group in society typically consisting of
individuals who are legally bound through
marriages, adoptions, and guardianships.
• Although the Bible was written thousands of
years ago, there are many similarities between
the situations of Bible characters and those of
people today.
• This is due to the fact that although times may
change, human issues remain the same.
Family Cont’d
• Therefore, Christians can look to the Bible and use
it as a guide for how to live now.
• For example, family life in biblical times faced
many similar issues that contemporary families
face – arguments, favouritism, deep love, etc.
• The account of Joseph and his brothers in
Genesis 42 shows how an arguing family can be
• The Bible stresses the importance of family and relationships being ones
characterised by love, respect and “positive vibes”.
• The Christian church teaches that marriage is a
gift from God and that marriage should be for life,
until one person dies.
• Direction is also given in the Bible for how a
husband a wife should treat each other and the
role that each person should take within a
marriage (Ephesians 5:21-33)
• Can you identify these roles?
Marriage Cont’d
• Some passages (1 Peter 3: 1-7) tend to cause much
debate as to their meaning, as initial reading seems to
suggest that the wife is less important than the
• It is important to remember that relationships and
society in general was very male-dominated in biblical
times and these passages were written in that
• Generally, Christian marriages are monogamous and
should be based on mutual love and respect for each
• The Bible also has advice with regards to a parent-child relationship.
• Children should honour their parents (Eph 6:1-2; Col 3:20) and
parents should not irritate their children but bring them up showing a
good example (Eph 6:4; Col 3:21).
• In all areas of family life, each person has the responsibility to love
and respect those within the family.
• In what ways can children honour
their parents?
• Reflect on the following thought and tell me what is your understanding
of same…
• “It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us
into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.”
• In work situations, the Bible expects us to demonstrate a positive work
attitude (Deuteronomy 5:13).
• The Bible views work as a necessity to living (1 Thess 3:10).
• Jesus has set an example for working hard (John 5:17).
• There are also expectations about how a mater treats his slave and vice-
Work Cont’d
• Employees should work with all their heart, all of the time and not
just when they think they are being watched (Col 3:22-23).
• The Bible also calls upon employers to ensure that they pay their
employees (1 Tim 5:18).
Activity/Extended Work
• What are the implications of biblical teachings of love in the following
areas of human relationship?
• 1. Popular culture
• 2. Religion
• 3. Sexuality
• 4. Race
• 5. Social status

• -End-

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