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DTI Project Title : Weather Pattern Forecasting

Using Machine Learning

Student’s Name Roll Number Branch

Rishabh Dagar 1/22/FET/BCS/174 B-Tech CSE

Sonu Verma 1/22/FET/BCS/193 B-Tech CSE

Dev Narayan Bhardwaj 1/22/FET/BCS/169 B-Tech CSE

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Charu
1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Objectives
4. Proposed Methodology
5. Results
6. Expected Solution / Outcomes
7. References
Proposed Problem Statement:
Objectives & Scope

Weather conditions around the world change rapidly and continuously. Correct forecasts are essential in today’s daily life. From agriculture to
industry, from traveling to daily commuting, we are dependent on weather forecasts heavily. As the entire world is suffering from the
continuous climate change and its side effects, it is very important to predict the weather without any error to ensure easy and seamless
mobility, as well as safe day to day operations.

The current weather prediction models heavily depend on complex physical models and need to be run on large computer systems involving
hundreds of HPC nodes. The computational power of these large systems is required to solve the models that describe the atmosphere.
Despite using these costly and complex devices, there are often inaccurate forecasts because of incorrect initial measurements of the
conditions or an incomplete understanding of atmospheric processes. Moreover, it generally takes a long time to solve complex models like

As weather systems can travel a long way over time in all directions, the weather of one place depends on that of others considerably . In this
work, we propose a method to utilize surrounding city’s historical weather data along with a particular city’s data to predict its weather
condition. We combine these data and use it to train simple machine learning models, which in turn, can predict correct weather conditions
for the next few days. These simple models can be run on low cost and less resource-intensive computing systems, yet can provide quick and
accurate enough forecasts to be used in our day-to-day life.

1. Data Collection:
• Collect historical weather data from multiple sources, including government agencies, weather stations, and satellite observations.
• Gather additional data like geographical features, topography, and oceanic conditions.

2. Data Preprocessing:
• Clean and preprocess the collected data, handling missing values and outliers.
• Normalize and standardize the data to ensure consistency.

3. Feature Engineering:
• Extract relevant features from the data, such as seasonal patterns, climate indices, and geographic information.
• Use domain knowledge to select the most informative features.

4. Model Selection:
• Explore a range of machine learning algorithms, including regression, time series forecasting, and deep learning techniques.
• Evaluate and compare the performance of different models using appropriate metrics.

5. Training and Validation:

• Split the dataset into training and validation sets to train and fine-tune the chosen model.
• Utilize cross-validation techniques to ensure robustness and prevent overfitting.

6. Prediction:
• Implement the trained model to make real-time weather predictions.
• Continuously update the model with new data for improved accuracy.

7. Model Evaluation:
• Calculate metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) to measure accuracy.
• Assess the model's performance by comparing its predictions against ground-truth weather data.

8. Visualization:
• Develop user-friendly interfaces and visualizations to present weather forecasts to the public and relevant

• Expected Outcomes:
• Improved weather prediction accuracy, especially for short-term forecasts.
• Enhanced understanding of the impact of machine learning in meteorology.
• More reliable and timely weather information for various applications.

• Conclusion:
Weather prediction using machine learning holds the potential to revolutionize the accuracy and
reliability of weather forecasts. By leveraging advanced algorithms and extensive data sources, this
project aims to contribute to more informed decision-making, ultimately benefiting society in various
ways, from agriculture and disaster preparedness to everyday planning.
Thank You

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